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About Luke

  • Birthday 09/14/1973

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  • Interests
    Computing, Gaming, Music, Movies, Vaping...

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Glad you enjoyed them! Thank you for your support! Luke
  2. Thank you for the kind words, I am glad you were happy with our service. Thank you for supporting vaporgalaxy! Luke
  3. "Dislike" oh wait thats facebook.. on a serious note, this is bs and just keeps on lingering... Luke
  4. Yes it should prove to be an interesting exp. for vapors. Testing will begin soon, keep a watch on this thread for more info! Luke
  5. I think Chris that giving credit to whom credit is due is in order :P Luke
  6. Thank you all, I try my best! I'm glad everyone has been happy with what I'm trying to do so far! Keep an eye open VG juice line arrives this weekend! See ya in chat! Luke
  7. I agree, and as you know I am a supplier. I have 510 only listed on my site as of now, because I currently have spme SLB parts left over still in stock on the 510 line (maybe 20% of the 510 line as I try to sell the stock off). I refuse to put "Genuine Joye" in referance to my 510 line until all of the SLB stuff is replaced in my inventory. As I phase out the rest of the SLB stuff. Id say 80% of my 510 line is all Genuine Joye now, but I still refuse to put up "Genuine Joye" till I sell of the rest of my SLB stock. Can be a real pain in the butt to put up all the extra products, just to list them one by one as they get phased out. But as a consumer I totally understand where you are coming from. When people ask me if my stuff is Genuine Joye or not, I tell them which attys, batteries ect have been changed over to them. I find it better that I do not hide anything, but people that know me around the forum know that about me. If a customer comes to me and asks "hey is this genuine joye?" I will tell them what colors have been replaced by genuine joye and these havent because I havent sold out of them yet. Hope that clears it up a little bit. May not adress why other suppliers don't do it (probably cause they don't sell Joye and don't care if you know or not), but at least I can atest to why I do.
  8. Hodge, yup thats a pimer liquid which is basically unflavored PG. Only takes a blowing out of the atty or a few drip cycles to get the primer tast out. They do that to keep the wicking moist during shipment and all. Hope you love the LR attys! (minus the first little bit of primer puffs) lol Luke
  9. The eGo uses the 510 atomizers yes, the eGo battery (standard size will last you 8+ hours per charge. The MEGA eGo batteries closer to 12+ hours. Cut it down a bit if you use low resistance atomizer. (i do i do!) Luke
  10. Thanks nick, and @ Fusion ROFL
  11. thank you all, for your comments. even fusion I think. lol Luke
  12. Excellent man! Good Luck! and Congrats!
  13. If thats not a "Pro Birth Control" Ad.. Then I've never seen many better! HAHA
  14. Yup the google thing was cool today i played for a minute or 2. A fun and cool thing for google to do for the P-Man. Luke
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