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Everything posted by Loucous

  1. Actually, I believe this was the problem. But with the tank rather than the battery. I wasnt able to raise the battery connector but I was able to lower the tank's connector by taking it apart and removing the atty and then inserting a very small screw driver in there and pushing down, the tank connecter came about 1/8 of and inch out and now is making contact with the battery and back working again. Thanks for the reply, vape on.
  2. So I ordered a Vivi Nova 3.5ml tank online. When I received it I took the caps off and examined it just to see what was what and then filled her up and vaped away. I probably vaped about 1-1.5 mil of juice yesterday and it was working great giving great flavor and tons of tape. And then all the sudden this morning it did not fire. So I figured the battery was dead and put the bat on the charger and hooked the Vivi Nova up to a second eGoT bat and still nothing. I tried another tank on the same bat. and it worked fine so now I know the problem is in the tank. So I syringed out the juice and removed the atty and replaced it with a fresh one, refilled the tank and still nothing. I don't really know what else to do, so right now I have a one day old useless tank. Anyone else had an issue like this before?
  3. Here is a pretty good deal on an eGo-T kit. I don't think you can go wrong for $39 bucks and you probably won't want an upgrade for a while. http://www.goodejuice.com/store/value-egot-1100mah-electronic-cigarette-kit-p-411.html
  4. I've only just begun but here is my Vision 1100 eGo battery joined to a Vapeonly BCC-Mega bottom wicked RBD tank along side my Volcano Magnum battery sporting a V-nano clearamizer.
  5. OMG, he worked for me for about 6 months last year before deciding to pursue other options. He was a good employee and a great person, everyone liked him. My sincerest condolences to his family.
  6. Hi all. I just got my first kit and started vaping yesterday. i choose a Magma kit from Volcano because I liked the idea of refilling the little tanks myself and the product seemed to fit my lifestyle. My initial observations would be that I tend to take fewer drags, (2-3), off my e-cig per use compared to maybe 10 drags from my old Winston Lights. I also notice that I am using the e-cig more frequently though, maybe 20 times per day compared to before smoking about 1/2 a pack per day. Just wondering if others have had a similar experience as I have no frame of reference.
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