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    Uma reacted to BarbieVapor in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I like that it's a better quality of smoke.

    I enjoy smoking. I never really looked into quitting. I mean, I've dabbled with the patch and the gum and mused myself on how addicted I really was until I'd do a 10-fold relapse and would be back to analogs.

    When my friend was smoking from his e-cig I saw it and it smelled nice and he was a bigger smoker than I was, so... what the hell? Something else to smoke, right? I wasn't planning on quitting cigarette, cigars, hookah, ect. I was planning to still smoke it up. But, I haven't picked up a cigarette, hookah, or cigar since my e-cig.

    My favorite cigar flavor is one I made for my e-cig with my liquids, I have a couple of tanks that produce larger clouds than my hookah ever did, and there's really NO mess (unless you spill some liquid). Ash being everywhere is something I do not miss. There's even a local vapor lounge for social smoking that friends and I venture to hang out and try the new flavors.

    I considered quitting when I started, but it was only because that was basically the concept behind the e-cigs.
    Didn't think I'd ACTUALLY quit.
    Used to smoke a little over half a pack a day, hookah three times a day, and have a nice cigar once a week, give or take, and now I haven't touched a cigarette for a little over a year. That IS a good feeling, even if I didn't want to quit.
  2. Like
    Uma reacted to KimK in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I am all for disposable e-cigarettes ....the best way to smoke and toss after a night of dancing/clubbing!

  3. Like
    Uma reacted to capitanovapor in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I did it for health reason but all the above are strong at least for me.
  4. Like
    Uma reacted to Compenstine in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    All of the above and more LOL. How many analogs could make it through the Grand Rapids ride at MI Adventure and take a puff as you get off the ride. True Story... You should have seen the look on the guys face that saw my drag on my E-Cig after hitting every water fall on the ride. He was in the same car as us and saw me get soaked to the bone.

    Me) *Pull out my old trusty 510 take a long drag...exhale...
    Me) *Yeap Still works!"
    Guy) "You Had That Lit The Whole Time?"

  5. Like
    Uma reacted to tzymroz2013 in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    it taste better, and healthier too.
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    Uma reacted to VapingPrincess in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    For my health!
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    Uma reacted to MystyrE in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I started just to save money, but have come to love everything else about vaping too.
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    Uma reacted to ninjabatgirl in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I like the fact that it helped me quit analogs, period.

  9. Like
    Uma reacted to EthanJameson in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I have chosen E-cigarette because it is Eco-friendly, produces less smoke, contains almost zero nicotine, comes in different shapes, flavors and you can measure the nicotine level.....
  10. Like
    Uma reacted to Mikel1037 in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I quit analogs and started Vaping for health reasons, as well as cost. If you read my post under new members, you know I am a lung Cancer survivor. I did quit after surgery, but a weak moment led to a cig it was down hill after that. I was at a Tobacco shop where I bought supplies to roll my own, when the owner talked me into trying Vapor. I decided to give it a try. It has been about 6 weeks and I have only had 5 or 6 analogs. The last 2 weeks I have had zero stinkers. I have heard that your body starts healing as soon as you quit, I am breathing easier and sleeping better. I had given up quiting but thanks to Vaper I know I can do it. I know I can!
  11. Like
    Uma reacted to Lyrical in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    To stop smoking cigarettes to stop harming myself and my family, the flavors and the convenience. So far, it has cost me more than twice the amount my banner says I've saved on cigarettes, but I'm sure that'll work itself out once I get settled in the equipment I use and the flavors I like the most.
  12. Like
    Uma reacted to gunaryclamdip in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I chose all of the above cause every choice had something that appealed to me.
    One option was that it is tobacco free and doesn't cause as much damage as a traditional cigarette, which even though hasn't yet been proven, but I definitely feel the differences already.
    Also, the smell (or lack thereof), and another good benefit is the food that I eat actually tastes good.
  13. Like
    Uma reacted to Sam232 in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I watched my father die of emphysema because of smoking (Suffocated to death over 2 years.) I also felt that cigs were killing me (tightness in chest, etc...). I had to quit but conventional methods didn't work for me. Then I found e-cigs! Hooray! I have been happier and healthier ever since!

    Oh yea, I love the flavors also!
  14. Like
    Uma reacted to AlexVctm in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    1st thing i was looking for - cancer sticks replacement, but of course its costs much less.
  15. Like
    Uma reacted to Via in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    Oh, and. "I don't stink of cigarettes" and "I don't burn holes in my clothes". And "I don't have to smoke in the ice and snow and rain" and "I'm not a pariah anymore" and "I can smell things better now" and .....
  16. Like
    Uma reacted to seaspine in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    All the above
  17. Like
    Uma reacted to Vapornoob in Vote For A Reason You Choose E-Cig   
    I had to choose all the reasons! What reason is there to stay with analogs in comparison? I feel bad for the people who won't make the switch.
    First of all, and the main reason I'm vaping, its healthier. My health is something important to me, being that I'm still pretty young, and don't wanna screw my whole life up with lung cancer. Yes, vaping is more affordable. I live in Washington, most cigarettes are at least 6.50$+ for a pack of smokes. However, there's an Indian reservation here (Puyallup), and I would get these smokes called 305's, 30$ a carton, but they got busted by the feds (tax evasion) and now only sell King Mountains, 40$ a carton. I typically won't smoke those things through an entire carton, too harsh, so I had to switch to Newport Reds which are 8$ a pack. That's a lot of money even though I only smoked about a half a pack a day. I'm in love with the flavors of eLiquid so there's another reason. You know why else I prefer vaping? I found you guys because of it
    I know, it's cheesy
  18. Like
    Uma reacted to HelloMiakoda in Just a thought on the whole FDA possibility thing   
    I wish the government would shut up and let me be happy.
    Oooh... there's an idea! If we could all find a way to benefit directly from paying taxes AND enjoy it, maybe they'll ban taxes! eh? eh?
    Or find a way to make paying taxes "look like smoking"!

    Don't mind me, I'm sarcastic.
  19. Like
    Uma reacted to 3Rutez in Looking hard at a K100 Mech mod. Any reason not to buy it?   
    I would offer up a link to this $30 kit. I highly doubt it is an authentic Kamry at that price, but the K100 clones of clones are usually only sold individually, not offered in a kit. Either way, I would buy everything separate. You can find great deals on the K100 all over the place. Get yourself some good batteries and a good charger, as they are the most important aspect for any mechanical mod. Don't ever skimp on the batteries.

    All that aside, the K100 is a solid beginner mechanical. I would definitely recommend it to someone looking to enter the world of mech mods.

    As for SlowTech, expect delays with any orders containing batteries. It's not FastTech's fault about the holdups, its HK customs. Some get lucky and receive their order within 2 weeks, but they are few and far. Others end up waiting months for their order.
  20. Like
    Uma reacted to Jeffb in What is a mechanical?   
    Except the constant cleaning of contacts
  21. Like
    Uma reacted to HelloMiakoda in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    I hate this statement. What about a toddler drinking my bleach, my 409, eating my bottle of prescription medication, the fatally poisonous chemicals I use with my electronics, eating my batteries, The list goes on!
    What about caffeine? I've ODed on caffeine! (I didn't know you could, at the time. What a trip, don't ever do it)
    What about alcohol? You can OD on that too.
    The world is full of things that if used, abused, or carelessly let fall in to the hands of small children, will cause death.
    I have no children, so I don't do much to "child proof" anything. (Actually, given my love of experimenting with electricity, my home would be a child's death trap. Shock hazards, chocking hazards, poisoning hazards... don't bring your kids here)
    If I did have kids, e-liquids would be secured with my alcohol.
    The FDA loves to "over protect" and ruin good things.
  22. Like
    Uma reacted to Nanna in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    I can tell you that my Nurse Practitioner, who is my primary care provider, is a big fan of them, since she has seen me stop smoking with them. I am in the masters program now to get my NP, and a lot of my instructors have discussed it with me, know people who have used e-cigs, and are all in favor.

    As a nurse, I tell people all the time about e-cigs, and I direct them here, so they can get all the information, including reference to the FDA's concerns.
  23. Like
    Uma reacted to ryeis1 in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    I just tried my first e cig a few days ago and I shouted from the rooftops! My exact thought was that I can quit smoking without quitting smoking!!! What's wrong with that? It's a win win situation all around. My stance is that the United States Postal service is in grave trouble now because they should have invented email. Likewise, big tobacco should have invented e cigs. I hope e cigs catch on to the point where cigarettes are considered quaint and big tobacco ceases to exist! If there is truly a risk of prohibition, we need to get the petitions going and demand comprehensive unbiased toxicology and research by an independent firm with no ties to either side and put the issue to rest once and for all.
  24. Like
    Uma reacted to DerStadtschutz in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    I didn't read thru even the entire first post in this thread, simply because I had to stop and look in shock and awe at one particular comment. You said you think that the FDA cares about us and is in this fight for the health of the people... This is complete BS. I'm not calling you out, suggesting that you're dumb or anything at all like that. But they certainly do not care about us. If they did, there is no conceivable reason for them to do what they've been doing(seizing shipments, spreading all kinds of lies and BS about e-cigs being dangerous or potentially dangerous). We KNOW for a fact that cigarettes are TERRIBLE for us, yet the FDA allows them to be sold. Meanwhile, here comes a much safer alternative, and what do they do? They say that because they haven't been proven completely safe(wtf is 100% safe anyway?), that they should be pulled from the market until they can be proven completely safe, despite the fact that cigarettes, in contrast, have been proven 100% NOT safe, yet they're allowed to be there. This is all about money and complaints from either the tobacco industry, the pharmaceutical industry, doctors who get kickbacks, or a combination of all three.

    These are NOT marketed to kids. These are NOT nicotine-cessation devices. Despite the common belief that apparently adults don't like or deserve candy, THEY DO. These are also not drug delivery devices. What about 0 nic juice? And even WITH nicotine in the juice, if this is a drug delivery device, then so are cigarettes. So is a coffee mug. So is an aluminum can. We can be ridiculous about this and start calling everything that aids you in the ingestion, inhalation, or absorption of ANYTHING a drug delivery device, or we can just end the madness and give smokers a much healthier alternative to smoking that still allows them to get the nicotine they crave. It also allows them the option to actually quit because it addresses the hand-to-mouth action, it addresses the "smoke" aspect, and it provides lower levels of nicotine and even 0 nicotine juices. There are cigarettes with lower nicotine(or at least that's what I THINK "lights," which we can't call them anymore are), but there aren't any with ZERO nicotine. And now thanks to new legislature, if one were to try smoking lower nicotine cigarettes, it's much more confusing because we can't call them lights or mediums or whatever anymore. Gums, patches, and pills have a horrible success rate. Only the e-cigarette has a success rate higher than 20%(which is probably being incredibly generous to other methods of quitting), and it wasn't even intended as an aid for quitting. That's saying something. That's powerful. THAT is why all this crap is going on, because it is so great. The FDA sees this. The FDA knows this. Doctors know this. The pharmaceutical industry knows this, and so does big tobacco. The government wants e-cigs gone because they're losing tax money. The Pharmaceutical industry wants e-cigs gone because they're competition to the gums, patches, and pills that don't work. Big tobacco wants e-cigs gone because they're competition to cigarettes, and (some)doctors want e-cigs gone because it prevents them from getting as many dr. visits, prescribing as many drugs, and in turn, getting as many kickbacks. Basically, for every person that wants e-cigs gone, they have a financial interest in their removal from the market. It's THAT simple.

    And every single thing I ever hear about the FDA points to the fact that they absolutely ARE NOT for our benefit. They don't want us to be healthy. Keeping us unhealthy is what keeps their wallets full. Same goes for doctors and pharmaceutical and insurance companies.
  25. Like
    Uma reacted to StOmPeR in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    As soon as I read this, I stopped reading:

    I certainly don't want my kids or grand kids using tobacco either. But does that mean we as a free society should legislate tobacco out of legality like other leafs? like marijuana?
    The FDA is a unconstitutional agency to begin with. Nowhere does the constitution permit the federal government authority to create such a monstrous and tyrannical arm.
    The FDA is a legal version of the MOB, that's all. And for anyone to say different shows they are obviously oblivious to the history of the FDA's actions.
    The current actions that the FDA was intended to perform, should, and of right out to be, given to the states to deal with. If the FDA was abolished how much taxes and debt would that save our country? hundreds of billions a year? A state operated version of the FDA would be less expensive and far less tyrannical!
    The FDA is motivated by one thing, money, not the safety and health of our population. If anyone should be determined to do whatever it takes to stop the deadly spread of tobacco use, or any other substance, it should be left in the hands of friends and family. NOT A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION! I can not stress that enough!

    PLANTS of ANY kind should never be outlawed or regulated in a free society! That is NOT FREEDOM.
    Alcohol kills more people in America than all other illegal drugs COMBINED, but yet alcohol is legal. Ever ask yourself why? TAXES and social acceptance.

    For decades the FDA has proven that they will do whatever it takes to protect big pharma and taxes. There is far more money involved in TREATING diseases versus CURING them. the FDA's actions over the past several decades proves that!
    So get off your high horse as a nurse, and realize, that if the FDA didn't exist, but state level equivalent's did in every state, we'd have less diseased people in America, and less people in your hospital to deal with.
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