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  1. Like
    Uma got a reaction from leadpipe58 in How Long Should I Vape?   
    Nana! You go girl!! I'm right there with ya.

    I was floored when Russ of ClickBang discovered that his chain vaping amounted to a whole 15 minutes worth of vaping per day. Mamu made him a new mod with the new Russian Nivel chip installed in it, and the new chip has the ability to keep track of every second vaped. If the same counter were on a ciggy, the amount of time spent smoking would be astronomical due to the smoke that is constantly burning on the end of the one of those awful things. There is no vapor burning in between puffs, like there is with ciggys. The vapor also dissipates from the air quite quickly, unlike the lingering smoke from a ciggy.

    Fifteen minutes is nothing.
  2. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Sweet!! I've been so tempted to buy both the Innokin monsters, love the looks of their mods. (134 & vtr). If the VTR had the MVP charging power and pt, I wouldn't hesitate another second to pick one up. I wonder if it's in the planning stages? Haha, it would probably add weight though. Oh man, They're so innovative, hard to resist! Congrats on yours!
  3. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Great choice for the MS!!!
  4. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    They're worth every penny, but good luck finding one. Those who lucked out in getting one, don't part with them. (Minus a Flipper here or there, which is rare, cuz when anybody's caught flipping one, they are banned from all future lists, & the best, of course, is yet to be).
  5. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Yes, they are limited. He's also made a nice RDA called the Gota, & is in the process of making a surprise one. I don't know if he will go unlimited, he is not a manufacturer, just a super creative, talented, OCD about craftsmanship, backyard hobbyist. If I had riches, I'd set him up with a shop & not bat an eye.
    That's a good buy on those tanks!
  6. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Better yet, how about a video by Stalker, a thorough reviewer. http://youtu.be/BsLyP-zCioU
  7. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    They are 50/50.
    Here's an interview on them. http://content.spinfuel.com/vapor-craze-talks-spinfuel/

    The atty is the Nahual 16mm RBA by urquedez here in the states. The drip tip is Teflon from 310 vapers http://www.310vapers.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Teflon#page=1

    The atty is different from most, unique chamber, as well as no negative post. The negative post is incorporated into the center positive post. The super reduced chamber produces fantastic flavor.

    I also have the 16" top cap for the Nemesis and Nahual to look more streamlined together, but I haven't taken the time to set it up with it yet. I like it as is on the normal size cap.
  8. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    I received Flavors from Vapor Craze that are crazy good. I won them on Mike the Hill Giant show, & they sent me like 120 mls to try. I love them all, love the labels, & highly recommend giving them a try. When/if I pull myself away from my obsession with vapolitics, I'll do a write up on them. http://www.vaporcraze.net
  9. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Oh yes, straight from Greece. I wish the camera did it justice, it's difficult to catch the beautiful brushed/satin finish.
  10. Like
    Uma got a reaction from HawaiiVapestah in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    My lovely Nemesis
  11. Like
    Uma got a reaction from texassmokes in Diy-How To Basics   
    How do you save this to your toolbar? Are you using FireFox?

    Essential Depot has the VG and the PG by the gallon, on sale right now, if anyone's interested. The prices will go up 20% with their next batches. http://www.essentialdepot.com/servlet/the-Propylene-Glycol/Categories
  12. Like
    Uma got a reaction from texassmokes in Diy-How To Basics   
    Wow wow wow~!! Thanks so much for this!! My kit's came with diy instructions consisting of: use X amount of X to achieve X... say what? lol Your help is very very much appreciated! Thanks!!
  13. Like
    Uma got a reaction from jonnoh in If I could.....   
    I dream of being nic free, habit free, and becoming a "social" smoker only. (Social Vaper in my case) . I always wished to see what that felt like lol. Then i will decide whether or not my body did better with or witout nicotine. I know it helps calm & focus me... like an Olympic Athlete, it gives me a cheating edge lol, (can you believe they actually want to ban nic from athletes for that reason lol) .
  14. Like
    Uma got a reaction from Tam in Post size dilemma   
    None. 24 gauge is best suited for single coil. If you want dual coils, I suggest picking up some nice 28-32. Sometimes 26 is great, but I'd stick with the 28 until you are way more experienced.
  15. Like
    Uma got a reaction from Tam in Tutorial channel   
    You're welcome! Hey, thanks, I've missed you all too, just been busy with distractions. It's good to see your smiling font. I hope to visit more often this summer.
  16. Like
    Uma got a reaction from Mtdobies in Post size dilemma   
    None. 24 gauge is best suited for single coil. If you want dual coils, I suggest picking up some nice 28-32. Sometimes 26 is great, but I'd stick with the 28 until you are way more experienced.
  17. Like
    Uma reacted to CASEACE79 in Sub Ohming has gotten ridiculous.   
    People freak out about subohming. Yes you should be smart about how low you go and know your batteries but blowing up and venting are two different things. When a battery vents it DOES NOT blow up. It's when there isn't adequate vent holes in a mod that there becomes a problem. And even before battery failure there is a pretty good chance that the mod would get so damn hot you drop it. Here is a video of a battery being purposefully vented in a mod. I warn you it's pretty anticlimactic. http://youtu.be/ZQocKa-Rh-s
  18. Like
    Uma reacted to Myvaporsavior in Sub Ohming has gotten ridiculous.   
    Cloud Chasers are scaring me more and more these days. I get sub ohms vaping, I like it as well which is why I normally vape my Kayfun at around 0.7 and my RDA at 0.5. I get that it would be prudent not to sub ohm entirely if I want to be cautious.
    Lately however, i'm seeing more and more pictures of people building quad and octacoils on their RDA's that go below 0.1 ohms and that's absolutely bonkers to me. Yes, in almost all cases, the build out resistance are below the amp cap on the battery they are using, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous.
    When we are talking about Lithium Ion batteries, we are talking about something very, very dangerous when used improperly, only an inch away from your face and eyes. The new generation of vapers have a lot more knowledge at their fingertips than the tenured vapers had, and that's great. That's one of the reasons why we see someone who has only vaped 2-3 months evolve into building their own coils on a mech mod so quickly, that knowledge they can find via the internet is at their disposal.
    Heres the issue though, vapers are seeing the amp cap on the specs of their batteries and thinking "Okay, well it's a 30 amp maximum, if i stay just below that or at that amp it should work just fine" and that's ludicrous. My car's speedometer on my sentra says 130MPH, Scientific evidence shows you can likely survive in the desert without food for up to 7 days as long as you are hydrated with enough water. Does that mean I should drive 130 in my compact car? does that mean you should walk around without eating for 7 days?
    You are pushing those batteries too hard, too consistently. Yes, the amp cap is 30 or 35. But they were never meant to go that high for that long of a period of time. Nor was my car meant to drive that fast, nor was your body meant to be put through that much torture.
    Batteries are going to fail, it happens in any device you use whether it's your laptop battery or your smartphone batteries, they fail some times. The difference in this circumstance however is you are seeing this new type of vaper push these batteries so hard consistently for as long as they will keep on charging at these ridiculously low ohms, and for what? so you can post another 10 second clip on Facebook or YouTube making a cloud?
    I like blowing clouds every now and again as well, but when you get down beyond 0.1, you've lost your marbles if you think there isn't a chance you are going to force that battery to vent, especially with these long *** drags i'm seeing these cloud chasers take.

    Before you make a sub ohm coil, always ask yourself if the clouds you are about to try and make with it are worth the mod you could destroy if that battery goes thermal, or worse your safety and health. Is that 0.08 coil worth needing possible skin grafts in the future?
    Let me know what you think about these ridiculously low sub ohms we're seeing in the comment section below.
  19. Like
    Uma got a reaction from Mtdobies in Tutorial channel   
    You're welcome! Hey, thanks, I've missed you all too, just been busy with distractions. It's good to see your smiling font. I hope to visit more often this summer.
  20. Like
    Uma reacted to Tam in Tutorial channel   
    Nice to see you again, Uma! You've been missed. Thanks for the vids, they're very easy to understand and informative.
  21. Like
    Uma reacted to Mtdobies in Tutorial channel   
    Very! Really lays it out nicely thanks for posting.
  22. Like
    Uma got a reaction from Mtdobies in Tutorial channel   
    RBA & mods

    There's more over there, and I'm sure more yet to come, so be sure to bookmark. I haven't watched them all, but so far they seem quite useful.
  23. Like
    Uma reacted to Mtdobies in Tutorial channel   
    I second that, simple and helpful.
  24. Like
    Uma reacted to mvince201 in Tutorial channel   
    Nice find!
  25. Like
    Uma got a reaction from Mtdobies in Tutorial channel   
    This you tubers channel might be of interest. My apologies if it's already been posted.
    Here's a tutorial about resistance, watts, amps, volts

    Dual coils

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