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Everything posted by Uma

  1. It's kind of confusing to type this stuff out. I meant to say: Tobacco flavors generally prefer an LR (low resistance) atty/carto on a 3.7v pv or a higher Volt pv with an HR (high resistance) atty, say 6v with a 3.0 HR) The Vanilla would probably prefer a SR (standard resistance) atty/carto on a 3.7v pv or a higher 6v volt pv with an HR atty/cart at 3.5 or higher The Vanilla would probably also do very well with an LR atty/carto on a 3.7v pv or an eGo. Too low of resistance or too high of Volt might burn some flavors. Vanilla might be one of those flavors. The beauty of various Resistance attys/cartos is being able to try them out and discover the one that works for your flavor. I should leave this to the guys, they're better at explaining and don't usually have to come back and edit.
  2. Here's a comparison video by a regular person. He only has these 3, but the gist is the same whether it be BP, SB or ? He covers a lot of important decision making basics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV5hjCiDzn0&feature=related
  3. I don't know where to begin.... I need a clue. Is it from a book? Is it from a Movie? Is it from a Painting? Is it really always yelling at me? lol Any guesses on it's origin?
  4. Add me to the 3 per day list, in 3 various pv's. I love how easy it is to change flavor just by which pv I pick up atm.
  5. Congrats and welcome to VT!!!
  6. BUMP 12,000 smokers die every day because they have been denied the knowledge of safer alternatives to smoking. Don't let this happen to you or to someone you love. Sign the Petition and save 12,000 lives a day. https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions/%21/petition/recognize-electronic-cigarettes-effective-alternative-smoking-and-support-job-creation-new-industry/57vtB0QK?utm_source=wh.gov&utm_medium=shorturl&utm_campaign=shorturl
  7. It's all personal opinion, personal taste. Typically, VG likes a higher Volt than PG. Pg has more flavor to begin with though, which is one reason we prefer it when we prefer it. The eGo with the cone or cone shaped atty, produces great flavor with almost any flavor, or mix. I like to keep my eGo on a nice pg or an 80pg/20vg mix. Your Vanilla should rock on an eGo. If it's a thick VG juice, then try direct dripping.
  8. I agree about adding VG if your nic is the correct amount for you. Personally, I like to keep on hand a VG tobacco and a PG tobacco and mix as needed for the day. I'm finicky at times. But by adding the same flavors together, I am assured of not wrecking the flavor, whether it be tobacco, fruit, beverage or desert. I mix it in a new empty bottle, of course. When a carto takes 20 drops, I'll start with 16 drops of pg and 4 vg, shake, and drip on an atty to test before filling a carto. Some juices require the opposite before I'm done lol, such as 4 pg and 16 vg, and this I'll usually just direct drip due to it's thickness. Overall, It usually only takes a few drops to settle a TH for me and I haven't diluted the flavor. If you can't find a vg in your flavor, then use the food grade vg to mix. There are a lot of vendors who specialize in VG flavors and it shouldn't be too hard to stock up on your main types of flavors.
  9. Welcome to VT, ER!! Your bike sounds so fun as well as one clean machine. It goes well with vaping, cool match. I hope you enjoy your stay here, it's a great forum with wonderful posters. Glad you dropped in.
  10. Congrats on your decision to switch over to vaping! I so agree about the eGo. The eGo will still be in your arsenal even later in life when you move on to fancy modified styles. It's extremely popular for good reasons. Here's another place that sells a good starter kit. SmartVapes has an affordable eGo PT (pass through that you can vape while it's charging and you can unplug and vape as well). http://www.smartvapes.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_21&products_id=55 Welcome to VT
  11. Yes, the flavors vary from v to v. Almost all tobacco flavors love the higher volts. Many of the beverages and deserts prefer the lower volts. It depends also on your pg/vg mixes. Thankfully there are many volts out there that we can ry on our various juices before tossing the juice.
  12. Dang, you are presented with a difficult decision, to choose just one. Both the Silver Bullet and the Buzz Pro rock. The Omega is like the Silver Bullet but without wiring, it's mechanical and will last even longer than the trusty SB. I love my SB and gladly recommend it anytime anyplace. Stick a syringe tank with a feed hole on it and you're good to go even with a modified LR atty or the modified carto. On the other hand, that Buzz Pro is really top dog. The Provari and the Darwin are perhaps one rung higher on the ladder, but BP makes them work for it. There is more things that can go wrong with a Vv due to more wiring, but the Buzz Pro people are top notch and will fix it without hassle. Some never have a problem, and some will. Its the nature of electronics as you know. Buzz and Reo have hooked up and are soon presenting the first ever Vv Reo in the weeks ahead. First the woodvilles, then the mini's and Grands.. Exciting times!!! If you get the SB, you have 3.7v and 6v and even 5v ... but you don't get the in betweens, like 4.8v which is a super sweet spot for a lot of juices. The Buzz Pro will give you the 3.7 and all the in betweens clear up to 6 or 7 or whatever. For heaven's sakes, get them all!!! I can't stand this decision making.
  13. Backwoodsbrew RY4 if you can get it. (get on their "notify me" list) Nitelite vapor Bounty Hunter and Harvest Gold (another "notify me" one) Avejuice (alienVision) Boba's Bounty, Gorilla Juice, Hype PinkSpotVapors Outlaw, Black Mamba, Tahiti Breeze, Washington Red Apple, .... they don't have a bad one yet, so try all at leisure. They are award winning bartenders and come up with cool recipes all the time. Write and ask about their Vanilla present or future) MsTsBakery SnickerDoodle Cookie is cinnamonninny but with vanilla cookie base. Pretty good. Mostly VG. She has all kinds of recipes, worth checking her site out or even writing and inquiring. TastyVapor has tons of recipes and surely a vanilla one or two worth savoring. Write and inquire, he also builds to suit. FSusa (but sometimes we get a bottle without any flavor.... just saying. But when it's good it's great, especially at the price and they're always having sales. They have a long list of recipes). RY4 has vanilla in it. BWB RY4 mentioned above has the best vanilla bean in town. That's why they're always sold out. They have other flavors too, and possibly a straight vanilla. Worth checking on. I would go with BWB ftw
  14. Indispensable for dispensables . Thanks for sharing
  15. Welcome to VT, Dee! Here's an article you can send to the powers that be. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/sep/14/smokeless-nicotine-cigarettes-government Eventually they'll listen up ...... maybe.
  16. Goodprophets has a thin vg line that works in most cartos and or tubes. Write them a note and ask which one would be goo for your type of carto.
  17. I agree, I like mine ready to vape. Dulcis is always ready to vape for instance. Youtube has several "steeping" videos. Some say "steeping mellows the flavor into a nice robust vape". Others say "steeping enhances the mild non-existent flavor you're experiencing now". My own experience? If it needs steeping, forget it. It doesn't improve. The only thing that changes is ME and MY TASTEBUDS. I can love a flavor this week and hate it next then love it 2 months down the road again. Steeping and testing our steeped juices just gives our tastebuds the chance to hit the russian roulette of likes and like nots. IMHO Be careful with Vanilla and Cinnamon and Clove... they have a natural oil. I would use sparingly.
  18. Check this genius out! http://www.youtube.com/user/mwa1024#p/u/0/tze-R5oWoGA combine that stroke of wonderfulness with any tank, even the diy tank:
  19. There are so many good vendors, juices out there. Right now, my favorite is pinkspotvapors. Especially their Outlaw, a 555 type of flavor. For anyone who has troubles tasting flavor I highly recommend their Tahiti Breeze and Mambo Juice. (and just about all their flavors. Red Washington Apple, watermelon, Jamaican Me Crazy and so on)
  20. Welcome to VaporTalk, Stryker!! A huge congrats for doing your research and switching over to vaping from smoking. Looking forward to hearing more about your personal set-ups and experiences as you dive through the months ahead.
  21. I finally ordered my first batches of Gorilla Juice, Boba's Bounty and Hype. Been wanting to order and try these for forever! So, I finally do, and then dang if I didn't catch an awful flu before I could test them. They are the cutest bottles though, so at least I get to enjoy looking at them lol. Go away Flu.
  22. Welcome to VaporTalk, Bob! That flow sheet sounds like a winner, will have to come back and take a look see soon.
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