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Everything posted by Uma

  1. Uma

    Under Seige

    I stop and rest here. Please, continue on for us. I don't know when I'll have a chance to continue this.
  2. Uma

    Under Seige

    Letter signed by 37 State AGs urges FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to quickly propose e-cig regulations September 24, 2013 Letter signed by 37 State AGs urges FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to quickly propose e-cig regulations, falsely claims e-cigs are unsafe and as addictive as cigarettes, falsely accuses companies of marketing to youth, fails to reveal that the “deeming” regulation would threaten the lives of vapers and smokers by banning all e-cigs and that other proposed regulations would ban 99% of e-cig products and give the e-cig industry to Big Tobacco. http://www.naag.org/assets/files/pdf...r%20(5)(1).pdf http://www.naag.org/assets/files/pdf/E%20Cigarette%20Final%20Letter%20(5)(1).pdf
  3. Uma

    Under Seige

    Article written, JULY 22, 2013 Ecig Bill (asking states to set age restriction) is called a Trojan Horse http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2013/07/22/e-cigarette-bill-called-trojan-horse.html "Anti-smoking advocates say that below the surface of House Bill 144 is a tobacco-industry-crafted Trojan horse designed to ensure that the emerging electronic-cigarette market and other alternative nicotine products remain taxed at a lower rate than traditional cigarettes and stay outside the states indoor smoking ban". Follow the tax money. :$ First, dear attorney generals, eCigs are NOT smokes. Second, they pose no health threats to non-vapers. Third, ex-smokers should not have to breathe in smoke or be tempted by smoke or smell like smoke or be treated like smokers. Fourth, I could go on all day, but will spare you.
  4. Uma

    Under Seige

    Dr. Farsalinos of Onassis Research Center has dedicated his research time and efforts to the pros and cons of the eCig. http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/research The results of the study showed that e-cigarette vapor was by far less cytotoxic than tobacco cigarette smoke, with most of the samples showing absolutely no adverse effects on the cells. http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/research/135-evaluation-of-the-cytotoxic Acknowledging the significant potential of electronic cigarettes as smoking alternatives and based on the scientific evidence which clearly indicated that they are much safer, it is important that health authorities will regulate these products in a way that will promote rather than restrict their availability and use by smokers who are unable to quit with currently approved medical methods. http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/research/127-no-adverse-effects However, a significant message from this study is that the daily use of electronic cigarettes does not hinder the beneficial effects of smoking cessation. Chronic idiopathic neutrophilia, relieved after smoking cessation with the use of electronic cigarette http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/research/94-chronic-idiopathic-neutrophilia-relieved-after-smoking-cessation-with-the-use-of-electronic-cigarette http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/research/100-clearstream-life-accepted-for-publication Dr. Farsalinos is studying Flavors at the moment, and hopes to study various wires, (kanthal vs Nichocrome(sp), etc.. He is dedicated to investigating every aspect to vaping there is. Bookmark his site, sign up for the news releases. He also has a segment which debunks unprofessional studies, he exposes lies, and more. Worth clicking on every subject link.
  5. Uma

    Under Seige

    CDC belatedly reveals that while vaping rose, youth smoking dropped to a record low. http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/20/cdc-belatedly-reveals-that-smoking-by-te Yet, stanton Glantz and the CDC still promote the lies they told during the partial release of the Lancet study.
  6. Uma

    Under Seige

    Lancet Study http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(13)61842-5/abstract Shows that they are an EXIT from smoking, not a gateway into smoking. Dr, Polosa and Capennetto of the Lancet study write a letter to CDC to correct the CDC's "mistakes" the CDC blatantly published to all the media and health groups. (Lies). http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(13)70495-9/fulltext
  7. Uma

    Under Seige

    Clear Stream Air Study. http://www.utahvapers.com/clearstream.html Passes clean air tests. Conclusion is that it is safer to be in a room with a Vaper than to breathe the typical city air while walking down the street. http://www.utahvapers.com/clearstream.html IVAQs http://www.ivaqs.com. Clean air study http://www.onlineprnews.com/news/268327-1349236060-new-ecigarette-study-shows-no-risk-from-environmental-vapor-exposure.html Shows Zero risk from environmental vapor exposure
  8. Uma

    Under Seige

    Drexel Study. http://publichealth.drexel.edu/~/media/Files/publichealth/ms08.pdf Concludes they are safer than tradional cigarettes, by far, and are safe for bypassers as well. I tried to copy/paste, but iPad won't let me. Maybe someone else can. This study puts the FDA, stanton Glantz, CDC fear mongering to shame.
  9. The towns, cities, states, and countries are under seige. There's too many at a time to post about here. Please visit ECF legislature sub forum to keep abreast, and also please join CASAA.org for info. Even CASAA has their hands full trying to keep abreast. ECF http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/legislation-news/ e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/legislation-news/ A few of the many facing threats: Washington Spain Canada Europe NYC Chicago Beverly Hills Your town USA & not so USA Watch your local towns, cities, city council agenda announcements. They are sneaking in meetings with just a few days notice, called "emergency" meetings. Why are they doing this? Namely 3 main reasons, all of them centered around money. 1. TSET (tobacco settlement endowment trust like http://www.ok.gov/tset/Grants/) whose smoke money is dwindling extremely fast as more and more smokers switch to vaping. Their programs are under threat of becoming extinct. Their pockets are drying up. The TSET divvies the money up amongst various "health" groups, such as ACA, ALA, ETC, towards tobacco control programs. 2. Smoke tax money is dwindling for the states. The states rely on smoke taxes, gas taxes, carbon taxes, etc, but the money coming in from smoke tax has extremely reduced because of the eCigs popularity. The Attorney Generals of each greedy state are trying desperately to ban the eCig, if they can't be taxed like smokes, which is why they demonize them, to prep for excessive taxes. Until they can tax them the same, they want them completely banned, to force smokers to smoke and keep the tax money rolling in. It's their cash cow, and the cow is drying up. 3. Big Pharma is also showing losses on their smoking cessation products, along with the products associated with smoking. (Allergy pills, cough Meds, etc). Companies, such as the Chantix company, are even going so far as to promote Nicotine Free world instead of smoke free world. Why? Because they promote quitting nicotine without using nicotine. Chantix is owned by Pfizer, pfizer is owned by Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson is owned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The RWF is a foundation which gives grants to towns, cities, universities, etc, towards a nicotine free world. 4. Many of these greedy politicians, cities, are vying for grants and bonuses, smoke tax, from all of the above. TSET, for example, has been rumored to promote 3 levels of grants, and if a city also bans eCigs, they will receive all 3 levels of grant money. (Bronze, silver, gold). All these towns are reaching for quick financial rewards, that will dry up quickly, instead of taking their power back. They could easily fix their broken bank accounts by rolling back regulations, taxes, and more. Giving power back to individual business owners, giving spending money back to the working man by not taxing him to death, and so much more. Reason.com recently released a powerful article, explaining just this. http://reason.com/archives/2013/12/03/fixing-california-freer-markets-and-fewe Please, jump in, visit the Legislature sub forum daily, write your congressman, city councils, sign petitions, join the Twitter bombs, ... There is a LOT each of us can do to save our right to vape. Many of us have been doing outstanding jobs of fighting the fight, and a huge cyber hug isn't big enough to show us all the appreciation felt by every Vaper out there. Others don't realize there is a dire fight going on. Hence the reason for this thread. There is zero time to waste. Let's fill this thread with the studies that prove eCigs are safer than smokes, minors are not becoming addicted to nicotine like the professional fear mongers say they do (this one is so dam laughable. Hookah pens, popular amongst curious minors, are ZERO NIC, so please, tell us again how vaping zero nic addicts people to nic). Refutes and debunks, all needed here. A library of truths, a quick reference. Let's get 'er done.
  10. A blurb from a blog about an outline of what lies ahead... http://offsettingbehaviour.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/slippery-slopes-gareth-morgan-edition.html Take special note of this quote: "Sausage sizzles and selling chocolate bars for a school trip, even free treats in airline lounges will all one day be shown up for they are cheap and nasty ways to feed an addiction." It's just one of many blogs, many blurbs, from many sources. The tax man cometh in many shades of grey.
  11. Fixing Calif: Freer Markets and Fewer Contraptions http://reason.com/archives/2013/12/03/fixing-california-freer-markets-and-fewe Exactly!!! If only the politicians would wake up. The only people doing great with the "Green" movement are Al Gore and Maurice Strong. (Talk about corruption!) I'm not political, but I know that Calif needs fixing.. As in roll back the clock type of fixing. Put the money back into the working mans pocket, the power back into the business owners rights, and stop banning the taxpayers from shopping. (Vapers, smokers, soda freaks, Oreo freaks, tattoo freaks, coffee freaks, and so on & so on. Just because they haven't banned YOU yet, don't mean they ain't leading up to it).
  12. Another urgent petition. The powers that be are getting sneaker all the time. Help stop the insanity! https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/New_York_Mayor_Bloomberg_Save_Electronic_Cigarettes_from_being_banned_in_New_YorkNew_Jersey/?fbss&mobile=1
  13. Every country can sign it. It's a new petition place, all signatures needed and appreciated. .
  14. Everyone can sign this petition to help EU. Spread the word!! https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/The_European_Parliament_Save_electronic_cigarettes_from_excessive_EU_regulation/?dmhGqgb&mobile=
  15. That's nice to hear you're neutral. That's a refreshing stance. Today's headlines from the DR.'s who did the study that the CDC and stanglan twisted up to fear monger to justify treating (taxing) them like smokes. Polosa/Caponetta expose and refute lies about e-cigs by CDC and others in Lancet Oncology Polosa and Caponnetto have exposed CDC's manipulation and misrepresentation of 2011/2012 NYTS data on e-cig use by youth in a peer reviewed medical journal. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470204513704959 ".....careful reading of the CDC report shows that there are no real data to support the notion that young people are using e-cigarettes and then transitioning to smoking conventional cigarettes. The report did not suggest that regular daily use had spiked in teens, but rather that the number who had ever tried one puff in the past month—which is essentially a measure of experimentation—had increased. Experimentation with a novel product like e-cigarettes is not unusual, particularly in children. The CDC report provided no evidence that young people are actually taking up this behaviour and becoming regular users of e-cigarettes. Of note, of those who experimented with e-cigarettes in 2012, 90.6% were already tobacco smokers.3 The fact that experimentation was mainly occurring in young people who already smoke cigarettes is not necessarily a bad thing, if it can reduce the chance of young people becoming lifelong cigarette smokers. The proportion of non-smoking young people who experimented with e-cigarettes in the past month was small, at 0.5%, and thus does not prove transition to cigarette smoking. No cases of non-smoking young people beginning to use e-cigarettes, becoming addicted to nicotine, and then becoming a regular cigarette smoker, were documented. Furthermore, data from a new study confirms the conclusion of the CDC report that experimentation of e-cigarettes in non-smoking high schoool students is very low, at about 0.4%, and that none of the students adopted e-cigarettes as a regular behavior, and then went on to become a regular cigarette smoker.3 Overall, the data show that use of e-cigarettes is not popular among non-smoking young people. Another unsupported statement is that “e-cigarettes also pose a serious danger of renormalizing smoking”. No study has supported concerns that the use of e-cigarettes in smoke-free areas might undermine smoke-free laws. Most people have no difficulty differentiating vapour from smoke. All testing of vapour so far has shown no evidence that use of e-cigarettes results in exposure to inhalable chemicals that would warrant health concerns by common safety standards.4 Therefore, there is no justification for extending existing “clean air” regulations to include e-cigarettes. Furthermore, use of e-cigarettes where smoking is prohibited might encourage smokers to make the switch to a product that could save their lives, thereby helping to denormalise (rather than renormalise) smoking by reducing the overall number of smokers. Use of e-cigarettes is a gateway out of smoking." There's morre to read, more fact twisting they refuted. To read it all, talk to Bill Godshall
  16. Uma

    EU emergency

    Here's a petition everybody from everywhere can sign. https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/No_ban_on_electronic_smoking/?aafzpgb https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/No_ban_on_electronic_smoking/?fbss&mobile=1
  17. Uma

    EU emergency

    I couldn't agree more. Taxes and big Pharma both. Research Maurice Strong, and his sway for global taxing, new world order, etc.. (Jesse Ventura is an entertaining watch, which opens the mind to researching deeper). He is hiding in China, but is still shelling out tons of incentive money ... Also big Pharma, wants eCIigs, their strongest competition, to fall off the face of the earth. I have always been amuzed by tinfoil hat people, and now I are one. The CDC, the global taxations, new world order, control freaks, loss of civil rights, ... Shoot, they don't even say the pledge of allegiance in school anymore, or study the Declaration of Independence, or Bill of rights, and more. Something evil er than evil is taking over.... When they fight safer alternative anything, even with the thorough evidence of the safer shown, ... Ya gots to wake up and at least yawn.
  18. They're called eCigs, to attract smokers. If they're called E-anything else, smokers won't give a second listen. The powers that be, the ANTZ, would try to ban them if they were called miracles. They want money, smoke tax money, grants from BP, probably money from Maurice Strong, etc... They want global taxing, people get rich off global taxing. Those who can't she'll out anymore will no doubt be herded off to FEMA camps ... Oops, that's a bit tinfoil hatted, but, sheesh... Anyway, back on track. The ANTZ want global control, they don't care about health...
  19. No problem!! As long as the cinnamon used is water based (as most of us are aware) and not oil based with cinnamondehyde(sp) we should be good to continue rotating. Signs that a flavor might not be right for you personally: 1. Sore, dry throat even when well hydrated 2. Coughing when other Flavors don't trigger a cough. (Newbies, still need to learn the proper way for them to draw, expel, inhale, exhale, even with non flavored, so not talking about newbie cough). 3. Mouth ulcers (might be sensitivity to a flavor) 4. ? Listen to your body, like with all things we do.
  20. Uma

    EU emergency

    I just received reply to my question asking if we USA folks can sign it too. Reply: Save E-Cigs wrote: "UK this time please - but watch this space - as we are aware that this is a global issue and that in the USA you are facing similar" Be sure to spread the word to all EU folk you know!
  21. Uma

    EU emergency

    Plea to Vapers everywhere http://youtu.be/qLNNwHd75xo
  22. Huh? The opposing "experts" certainly!! Which consists of expert Spin Doctors, amateur lab scientists, bought & paid for media, alphabet soup organizations from WHO to TFK to ALA to ACA and more who exist because of smoke tax money, senators/town councils/universities who gather grants from TSET and Big Pharma... Oh yes, BP, such as pfizer (Robert wood foundation aka Johnson & Johnson aka Pfizer) who promotes smoking bans and now vaping bans via grants and propaganda, while pushing Chantix, etc... The FDA says chantix ok, but eCigs bad. Say what??? CDC lies about study results, to help ban attempts. Say what? Please note: the fight used to be against a SMOKING. mysteriously it turned to tobacco. Next it turned to NICOTINE. Next it turned to Safer Alternatives. CHANTIX ADVERTISES "fighting NICOTINE without NICOTINE". They provide propaganda for insurance companies, towns, states, universities to ban NICOTINE, not smoking. Chantix has a reported over 500 deaths, over 2000 attempted (reported), etc, and the FDA/CDC/ blab labels backs them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  23. You're welcome! It's a difficult read here and there, but filled with gems to quote.
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