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Everything posted by Uma

  1. I have, and absolutely love, the genuine DID20, genuine Mini DID, and the Gemini, all by MMVapors.com I hope to acquire the Temon and the new ones coming out soon too. (from MMV). The genesis, for me, delivers the most consistently out of any delivery system out there. (MMVapors and the AC9 have the largest wick holes, and the best layouts, imho). I never have wicking issues, or popped coils. They're really easy to adjust the ohms. The MMVapors line/series is built to last, and are built with compatibility in mind. Soon, very very soon, all DID owners will be able to turn their DIDs into HYBRID''s, and then shortly after that, there will be a new HYBRID line without the knurling. Clones: If you go with clones, the AGA- is a good line. AGA-T, AGA-S, AGA-W, AGA-T+..... They work nice, and are great for learning the ropes. But, they'll never be the genuine article.
  2. I got mine at AltSmoke at a decent price. In the early 20's ballpark. haha, Tams, I couldn't agree more. Come to think of it, I still have my first ever purple eGo from electronicstix. IT's about a year old, and has never been used. I can't bear to watch it get mucked up. I spent a year waiting and praying for purple to come out, and it finally did. It's in my treasure chest lol. I vape my purple Twist every day though. Purple is now a namestay. Thank God!
  3. That's good, that most of the flavor is washed out now. Too bad a little bit is left. That should dissipate soon too. I use Irish Cream from Altcig and love it. I haven't tried other stores yet... maybe that's a good thing lol. If you need more mesh for more wicks, the Mesh Company has some nice material, even the 600, for your experimenting pleasures. Overall, 400 and 500 are the most popular so far. Here's a link: http://themeshcompany.com/acatalog/25-micron-super-fine-mesh.html When you need more wire, a good place is from King Orchid on ebay. Kanthal A1 anywhere from 28 to 32 gauge is popular. http://www.ebay.com/sch/kingorchid/m.html?item=261051663448&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc7e44458&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 There are other places too, of course.
  4. Uma


    Great to hear you're doing so well with your new adventure!
  5. Oh there's love! Just don't know what to say yet. Time is good.
  6. Nice review Ron!! I have the chrome one in the small size, and like, Tam, I wasn't happy with the button shelf thingie at first, but now I'm used to it. I hope to go back for a large purple one this month.
  7. I'm happy to hear that your Vamo was returned and replaced. BIG Bummers about the finish coming off. That sux. Those graphic wraps are nice. Or, you can brush it out and seal it and have a cool looking brass mod. They should refund your 10 bucks extra that finish costs.
  8. It will up the power, that's a given. Just be sure to keep your batteries in sets... mark them well and don't mix the batches up. Personally, I stick with the one battery, and just vary my ohms to suit. Double batts still scare me.
  9. +10 At the ecig place, I could have bought 20 bottles for 45 bucks, with free shipping. At the Specialty bottles place, I did buy 45 bottles for 20 bucks, and another 18 for shipping. Twice the bottles for the same amount of money. And like Tam said, very nice packaging and shipping. UPS (fast) I don't know if they have a coupon or not, but like Tam said, they probably will if inquired. (then you can let us know what it is for our next trip lol).
  10. The propaganda worked well... alienate, crucify, degrade the smoker. Then they made it a "moral" issue instead of a "health" issue. They attack the vaper for "looking like a smoker"... Wait until it's time to ban caffein. Anyone caught drinking out of a coffee cup of any shape or form, will be crucified. Squeeky wheels and all y'know.
  11. Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, "The Tourist". It was a cute spy show. It's on my to buy list. Too bad they portrayed the ecig with a psycho in this film... but at least it's Dennis Quaid, who we love, psycho'd or not.
  12. When you're ready for an all Mechanical type Mod, go to MMVapors for the Poldiac. (and all the fun things he's invented/inventing to make it hy and extra gorgeous). It's going to be a household legend in no time at all, mark my word!
  13. I so agree, Dekang is king of the RY4. Especially the one that Jantyworld carried.
  14. A POLDIAC from MMVapors! Can't wait to see it let alone use it! Beautiful mod!!! There are so many beautiful options to choose from, it was difficult cementing a decision. But I finally settled on the Polished SS body with Polished Brass Clothes, Slotted shirt. Should be gorgeous!!
  15. That's a smart move, buying the samples!! There are also neat places for buying the little amber or cobalt glass bottles to store your juice in too. Some of the ecig shops have them, but if you decide to DIY your own juice at a later date when you're comfortable the bottle specialty shop is a neat place. (I just purchased 45 various sized bottles for the same price of 20 bottles with free shipping, so don't let the shipping price scare you!). http://www.specialtybottle.com/cobaltblueeuroglassbottle15mlwdroppercapblk.aspx
  16. The bottles are a different kind of plastic, the soft rubbery kind of plastic, and those will leak and crack with those juices if they're stored for any length of time. (personally, I've had them leak after 6 months, and some leaked after a few weeks). That kind of plastic doesn't hold up well with heat, so it's not used for tanks. You'd have to research to learn all the details. There are places that sell the pyrex type tanks, such as IBTanked http://www.ibtanked.com/ They have tanks for the Carto Tanks, the RBA tanks, and all the tanked gadgets. Feel free to ask them any questions, they're a nice team there.
  17. I actually meant to say Pyrex glass or Fused Quartz Crystal glass, but shorthanded to just glass in the post. Sorry about that!
  18. Everyone loves the eGo Twists, which are a VV type. I have one (two) and love it. Until you get a vv, you can purchase your carto's, atty's in varying OHM's to suit. (1.5-3.0 let's say). Juice flavors vary with temperature as well as with vendors or vendors batches of the day. It's nice to be able to adjust our atty's to suit. Clove? You will want Glass or all Stainless Steel type of juice holder for Clove, Citrus, or Cinnamon type flavors. Look for the SS cartomisers, or tanks. (the typical plastic tanks crack with these juices). There are a lot of good Cloves out there. Try Vaping Dudes, Aroma E-Juice, Pink Spot Vapors, ...and be sure to check out Heather's Heavenly Vapes and Ahlusion. Just to name a few. Best of luck to you.
  19. One million beer bottles!! Heaven. Pure heaven. (didn't see that stated before my last post argh) Seaspine, the link goes to a search page.
  20. Wow, Mark, you're really dreamin' there aren't ya. Oh wait! The wall is made out of Hinekin beer bottles! Go Mark!!
  21. The big NRT meeting is on the 17th, and Casaa.org has a page with an outline of what to comment with if needed. http://blog.casaa.org/2012/12/call-to-awareness-fda-public-hearing-on.html
  22. Wow guys, all of you, I must say, really know how to dream! I'm still stuck on log homes after all these years lol. But ya gots to admit, a window cobbed together with Mark's beer bottles is pretty darn dreamy.
  23. Happy Annivapesary Snubbers!! Three great wonderful years of vaping and VT. Whoda ever thought quitting analogs could be so fun eh. Congrats!!!
  24. Uma


    Check this out! The AGA-T+ is making it to stores across the pond, it shouldn't be long before they're over here. (it's not a fable afterall lol). http://www.ivapour-elixir.co.uk/aga-t2-atomizer.html
  25. Oh I agree with the above posters. We're all on our own time schedules, and solution adventures. You'll find your flavor, volt, ohm, that works great for you. It's an adventure, pure and simple. Enjoy the journey, and count the smokes you didn't have, not the ones you did. Challenge yourself to add one more minus smoke to your count each week or day or whatever scenario fits your adventure. You'll get there. Don't be so hard on yourself!! Even slowing down is half the battle. Did you slow down at all before vaping?? ha! I sure couldn't. The more I tried to slow, or stop, the more I smoked. Vaping changed all that. The more I tried to stop smoking, the more I vaped through it. Guilt free vaping through a cig craving. God I love vaping! Good luck to you, relax, and count your blessings, not your sorrows.
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