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Everything posted by Uma

  1. Happy to hear your eGo arrived and all is well. Have you tried Happyvaper in Canada? http://www.happyvaper.com/ Hang in there, others here will probably have some links for ya soon.
  2. oh, they're trying to get the business jump before the authentic Tesla comes out I bet. Sneaky! Haven't seen them at stores yet.. but haven't really looked. The "gold" threads on this particular one might be an alert sign? Can't wait til the authentic Tesla comes out.
  3. if she avoids tomatoes, she'll be at "normal".
  4. Sure looks similiar to the Tesla filter under Mik's cone in video #3 in the Tesla video series. What do you all think? http://www.ecvv.com/Product/2604955.html
  5. Sounds easy enuff... is there a step x step tutorial coming?
  6. I think nhalers now has 306 drip tips
  7. Wicked!! haha, leave it to Jolly, he can mod anything!
  8. Uma


    haha, yeah, well, like ClumsyGirl said, you'll slow down to a good pace for you when the Honeymoon's over. Until then, reducing the nic mg might be an idea...
  9. Happy to hear your back in action. Try goodprophets VG it's thin for good flow. Burns like PG.
  10. Uma


    Wish I could plus 1 f from cell phone
  11. It's been difficult for the industry to combat simple physics. If you stand a wet paintbrush on it's brisles, the water rises towards the handle. The opposite holds if you stand it on the handle. To dry a paintbrush, stand it on it's handle and the water will evporate into the air as it rises. Sometimes our carts with fillers does this. The eLiquid will rise towards the end of the mouthpiece and a good thermometer shake will re-distribute the eLiquid nicely. If we top it off, there is nowhere for the eLiquid to go except down into the atty where it will pool. If no moisture springs back to life after a thermometer shake (1 quick flick), it is ready for a top off. Naturally, this too changes as the air pockets/cells become mutated with use and can no longer be it's useful self. Taking the filler out, rinsing it out with distilled water, blotting it dry on a paper towel, and reinserting into cart when plumb dry will help the air/cells to do their job again... but this of course only works a few times. Naturally, the weight of the eLiquid also makes or breaks it. Some eLiquids are heavier than others .... which makes a difference too. In short... to get the hang of the filler at it's various life/use stages, give a quick shake towards the atty, take a peek, if it's not moist, then top off with only a few drops,flick, peek, repeat. (count the drops). Now you have an idea on how many drops it really needed, vrs dripping until puddled. But, dripping until puddled works on the mega atty most of the time. New fresh filler material with their new fresh air pockets/cells will hold tremendous amounts of eLiquid in general, and without flooding... the eliquid is travelling up into the mouthpiece just like the water rising to the top of the bristles ....
  12. That is a nice combo! I've been adding bananna to madvapes tobacco and apple to their ry4 for a long time now. Still haven't tried Bobas, but have it added to my must try list. The Gorilla sounds like my cuppa tea.
  13. not to mention the Reverse Taryin Spin too! Sweet!
  14. So glad to hear you're back in vaping heaven. What an ordeal to have to face. You did awesome, btw! A few cigs a day given in to, but holy moley at least 15 a day avoided during this ordeal. :bow: Quite remarkable.
  15. Some quit cold turkey, some quit with meds (gum, hypnosis, ) some switched to vaping, some still smoke. Nothing new. Individuals need individual ways, and even Hollywood is full of individuals with individual solutions. Too bad we're not all zombies with control switches where big brother can just hit the "cold turkey" switch and we'd all be free from any vice known to mankind so that we could then become the arrogant .... errrr, I mean.... responsible mentors of our youth and peers.
  16. Update! Yesterday my Lanyard from COV (clouds of vapor) arrived and I'm happy to report it's fantastic! I've used it non-stop, around the house, out with the horses, riding the ATV, watching movies, and already I can't imagine life without it. It's made out of soft leather, yet the eGo nestles snuggly within it and the button slot is exactly right on. It's so lightweight I even forget it's hanging about until I'm reaching for a drag. Love it love it love it.
  17. That's the big P.I.A. with carts of any size. Sometimes the filler is just awful... too thick, too loose, too tight, too too and just doesn't work right. Other times they're almost delightful, allowing one to vape for quite awhile before having to refill. Your particular filling in this particular cart is one of the many unfortunate ones. Toss the filler, keep the cart, and just direct drip. (2 drops on the atty, 1 inside the empty cart). You'll have to pop the mouthpiece (empty cart) off after every 4-6 puffs or so (more or less), but it will taste better and perform better. Just don't let it get dry. (harsh with metal taste). As soon as you can, get yourself some nice drip tips, toss the empty cart into storage, and drip away happily without having to remove the empty cart for each drip session. You'll be so glad you got one! I think most folks prefer the Delrin, straight edge, wide mouth. Try them all, they're cheap enough. Wide mouth, reg mouth, straight, curved, Stainless Steel, Delrin, Annonized, .... etc...
  18. It's been my experience that all carts, no matter the size, will leak now and then. Even some cartos, no matter the size, will leak or perspire, now and then. With that said, some carts, no matter the size, have perfect filler, perfect eliquid for that filler, perfect threads, perfect connection, perfect battery, and never ever leak when new the first day. The second day it takes less drops to fill because the filler is less absorbant. The 3rd day it's even less with more leakage. Think of a sponge or paper towel that's still wet and won't absorb or hold liquid hardly at all even though it's been wrung out. Same principle in action here. On the other hand, some filler material never quite make the grade.. they flunk out straight out of the gate. (any size cart//carto//atty//) With that said... you're really missing out if you don't have a Mega Drip Tip for your Mega Atty. The atty itself won't "leak", unless flooded of course. These attys rock! It's like having 2 attys burning at once. Mega difference in vapor. Yet, it's nowhere close to a 306 or reg LR 510 or 5v. It's a happy place in between heaven and earth. Nhalers have annonized steel ones now for 6 bucks... More and more vendors are carrying the delrin ones from a buck up to 4 bucks on avg. Goodprophets.com for example. Tiny price to try for yourself to see if the MDT is right for you. Good luck and happy vaping!
  19. Congrats on purchasing and lovin' your eGo! My batteries never get hot while charging either. My kit is a regular sized, and came with a fast charger which takes only 2hrs to charge. I think my spare XL backup battery only took 2hrs to charge the 2x I charged it. Now I don't remember! I'll try to remember to get it out of reserve and use it tomorrow so I can charge it and see. Is yours a fast charger? Is your eGo a Joye?
  20. Welcome to VaporTalk! I echo the Joye/Janty eGo. Like Lily said, they have great service and in fact, the guy (Mik) who invented the cone/eGo works for Janty. I bought my first kit there too, and my back-up. VaporTalk store carries them now too, due to popular demand, and Chris also honors the same wonderful warranty Janty offers. The Manual battery is the best for most users. I really like the Mega Atty, with Mega Drip Tip and also with the Cart it comes with. Congrats on making the switch over to vaping!
  21. Right on, great find!! Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan is president of the American Council on Science and Health. Hopefully more and more Dr.'s will start being more vocal now too.
  22. a lot of the vendors carry adaptors. A 510-901 will allow you to vape a 901 on your 510 eGo, for an example. Goodprophets.com is a good vendor who carries adaptors and they have free shipping if you buy 20 bucks or more of goodies and even though the adaptors might only be a buck or 4, it's hard not to fill the cart while you're there.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEAVm5QrhX4&feature=player_embedded
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