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PixieVC got a reaction from Rixter in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Decided to try a new tank system - bought a Vivi Nova that everyone seems to rave about, and a Kanger EVOD tank system.
I've been using a Kanger T3 as my main system for the longest time now, but the EVOD looked interesting - and so far, I have to say, I'm actually happier vaping with the EVOD than I am with the T3. I think the EVOD is taking the role of "primary", and the T3 is taking a back seat.
As for the Vivi Nova - lots of dry hits, the tank leaks, I don't understand what the allure of the thing is. Oh well.. live and learn!
PixieVC got a reaction from Uma in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Whee! I just got myself some Kanger T3 Clearomizers...
Got sick of the fact that I'm able to kill a typical CE4 within a week and a half - wanted to be able to just replace the base without replacing the whole unit.
And the T3 suits my vaping style - long slow inhales seem to be the best method for using the thing... and that's how I prefer it (and why the CE4s die quickly..)
PixieVC got a reaction from Uma in How Long Does 10 Ml Last You?
3-4ml a day for me of the 18mg stuff, sometimes 5-6 if I'm under the gun with a deadline and stressing out...
PixieVC reacted to NorthernGirl in Has Anyone Had This Problem With Other People?
Ugh, I get this all the time too. This weekend it was my favorite... "Propylene Glycol?!?! That's anti-freeze!! Do you know how many chemicals are in nicotine that cause cancer?!?!"
Um, no, it's not the nicotine that causes cancer... it's the 4000+ other chemicals I was directly ingesting into my lungs. That person got pretty quiet when I told them that PG is used in asthma inhalers and nebulizer treatment liquid and that VG (PG as well) is a common element in food flavorings that this person probably ingests every day without even knowing it.
I do get pretty frustrated sometimes when dealing with this, but then I remember it's not about what they think. It's about me and what I am doing for myself.
PixieVC reacted to Jeffb in New To The Forum, But Not Really New To E-Cigs
Welcome to VT Pixie. Glad you're enjoying vaping.