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Posts posted by PixieVC

  1. Decided to try a new tank system - bought a Vivi Nova that everyone seems to rave about, and a Kanger EVOD tank system.

    I've been using a Kanger T3 as my main system for the longest time now, but the EVOD looked interesting - and so far, I have to say, I'm actually happier vaping with the EVOD than I am with the T3. I think the EVOD is taking the role of "primary", and the T3 is taking a back seat.

    As for the Vivi Nova - lots of dry hits, the tank leaks, I don't understand what the allure of the thing is. Oh well.. live and learn!

  2. I was having an epic fight with a fuel nozzle at a gas station, the damn thing just wouldn't cooperate with me. The thing was not functioning right - the automatic fuel shutoff thingy didn't work properly - it overfilled my tank, and I wasn't happy about the puddle of gas under my car. After putting the nozzle back on the pump, I made my way inside to inform the gas attendant that pump number so and so was malfunctioning. While I was there, I saw he had a disposable e-cigarette for sale - for $7.99, I figured, why not? I'd just gotten a virtual yelling at by my doctor a few days before, my health was indeed suffering - lungs were not happy - and my skin was giving me trouble too - which the doctor said was related to the smoking...2 packs a day were not good for me.

    As I got into my car, I reached for my box of American Spirits and lighter - and then stopped myself - and said, let's try this e-cig thing. Got on the road and started puffing away. Okay, nicotine... check, definitely here. Gonna need something more powerful if I'm gonna stick with this, but, yeah, this could work...

    I went thru the disposable (supposedly equivalent to 2 packs of real cigarettes) within 2 hours... and on with the search for something more suitable to my nicotine needs...

  3. I might be able to be out there, depending on date... I don't know Tom's Farms at all, can you tell me a little bit about the venue? Big concerns are things like - oh, access and such. Like - meeting surfaces - how far from the parking lot? Path to the meeting location - concrete, dirt, grass...? flat land, hills? Etc...

    I live in NorCal, but I spend half my time in SoCal... work at client sites, and my mom lives in Claremont, my boyfriend's in Yorba Linda - so this shouldn't be too far away... and I love driving.

  4. Personally never gotten hiccups from vaping, but I do occasionally get hiccups from (of all the strange things that cause it) clearing my throat aggressively. That'll trigger them. I can stop them with a, oh, 70% success rate by drinking a large amount of water very quickly, and then, trying to.. burp. Clear any air that might be in my stomach... don't ask me why this works (sometimes), but it does..

  5. Whee! I just got myself some Kanger T3 Clearomizers...

    Got sick of the fact that I'm able to kill a typical CE4 within a week and a half - wanted to be able to just replace the base without replacing the whole unit.

    And the T3 suits my vaping style - long slow inhales seem to be the best method for using the thing... and that's how I prefer it (and why the CE4s die quickly..)

  6. Heh, stick batteries - yeah, that's a nice way to put it. I've been trying to find out what the mAh ratings are for them, but nobody publishes them anywhere, probably because it's probably something pitiful like 90 mAh - which is why I can kill a fully charged one in 37 minutes!

    600ish mAh with USB charging passthrough? Yessirie, I'm happy now.

  7. You know, I learned something new today as I joined the forum and started poking around in the threads here, but I wanted to ask a question of the real 'pros'...

    I've recently gotten into the heavy vaping to replace smoking - my first real "vape" device was an eGo made by Apollo, a 900 mAh battery version, with a CE4 cartomizer. I still have this around as my primary backup should my main Apollo EGOvv give me any issues...

    Now - I like Apollo as a company - they're a local Bay Area firm, and I believe in keeping my money local, so I'd never really poked into eCig websites outside of Apollo's, so I'd assumed the EGO form factor, and CE4 cartridges, and such were Apollo innovations - until reading some posts here that said otherwise...

    So I'm curious - what are the history of these designs? Who brought them to market first, and why haven't those making copies been sued into oblivion by the original designers and rights holders?

  8. I have also had several nay-sayers ask "so when are you going to quit that thing too? youre still addicted, just replacing one bad thing for another"

    Does anyone else get this from people? Grrr it makes me SO mad! Where's the support you nay-sayers?? What the heck do you WANT from us former smokers???? We're trying, sheesh!

    Oh I get this all the time, nonstop - especially from my parents who are an overprotective bunch to be sure. I was a pack a day smoker, and had just started using e-cigs to gradually transition myself away... eventually I completely stopped using tobacco entirely. Of course, my parents being completely uninformed about E-Cigs and say "It's just as unhealthy!". Um, mom, my lungs disagree with you. My skin disagrees. My heart disagrees, but those who are willfully ignorant can't be converted. But y'know - my doctors? They applauded me for making the switch.

    What I get more and more is that people tell me "Well, you haven't quit smoking.". <---- THIS drives me nuts. Granted, I still get my nicotine, but after explaining all the differences they still won't budge. Like a lot of people have said, I just ignore it knowing that a lot of it has to do with the lack of information many non-vapers have or the false information that they are given. It's only a matter of time before more people are accepting. If people vape in hospitals, that right there should be a point on how we all aren't smokers, we're vapers.

    If it looks like smoking, then it must be smoking. By and large, people aren't very smart - and telling people that you're not smoking, while it looks to them like you are - it confuses them. Even if you offer an explanation to them, explain to them that it's just vapor and nicotine and it's harmless. But it's smoke! See? Some people are willfully ignorant, and there's nothing we can do about it. I agree - it's just a matter of time.

    Ugh, I get this all the time too. This weekend it was my favorite... "Propylene Glycol?!?! That's anti-freeze!! Do you know how many chemicals are in nicotine that cause cancer?!?!"

    Um, no, it's not the nicotine that causes cancer... it's the 4000+ other chemicals I was directly ingesting into my lungs. That person got pretty quiet when I told them that PG is used in asthma inhalers and nebulizer treatment liquid and that VG (PG as well) is a common element in food flavorings that this person probably ingests every day without even knowing it.

    I do get pretty frustrated sometimes when dealing with this, but then I remember it's not about what they think. It's about me and what I am doing for myself. :)

    See, people are thinking about Ethylene Glycol when they go "that's bad for you!". That's the old school antifreeze that pets used to drink up, and then die of liver and kidney failure a few days later. On the other hand, Propylene Glycol *is* perfectly safe, and is so widely used in things for human consumption, its safety is something that needn't be questioned.

  9. I'd say go with some of the recommendations here - with an Apollo EGOvv. It's what I use, and I'm supremely satisfied with the thing. Love the Apollo juices, though I'm wanting to try some of the other alternatives out there (part of why I joined the forum - get some advice on who to buy from)... I never use the variable voltage more than about 4 volts. That's enough for me, but being a technology geek, I like having an e-cig with a digital display on it...

  10. In fact, as far as e-cigs go, I'm going further and further down the rabbit hole!

    I used to be a pack a day smoker - loved my American Spirits, but my lungs didn't love me, nor did my doctor. And I really needed to quit for health reasons. That said, I love nicotine - it's a tremendous help in my job and what I do for a living. Nothing helps me focus like it... best legal drug there is.

    So, one day, I was fighting with a gas pump and very reluctantly decided I had to head inside the store to get the help of the guy behind the counter. While I was in the store, I noticed they had a disposable e-cigarette for sale for $8 - I figured, why not? The brand was "Square" as I recall - I bought a Menthol as I remember - it was about 4 months ago... I figured I'll give this a try. After the gas pump was brutally beaten into submission, I got back into my car, pulled out my lighter and stopped myself - and then pulled out the e-cig and gave it a try.

    Underwhelming at first, but I gave it a few more puffs. And then a few more. The nicotine was definitely there. But I needed more - something more powerful. And thus the search began. I found myself at a local headshop - they sold me a starter kit from GreenSmartLiving; to this day I still use it. I bought two of them. One to charge, one to smoke. The battery, under my usage, would be gone in an hour and a half..the cartridge would last longer than the battery life, which made for tons of wastage (50 cartridges laying around my desk in varying states of emptiness - is it empty? Nearly empty? Only one way to find out - slap it on and burn my throat)... decided I could find a better way.

    This 'better way' was Eversmoke. Which turned out to be a mistake. Ordered a starter kit from them, and enrolled myself in their automatic refill program. Unfortunately for me, I got the e-cigs from them - they didn't even fit the carrying case they included, the flavor cartridges they sent were downright disgusting (I like my stuff fruity and such, and I like minty too, but this stuff just tasted like.. propylene glycol and other chemicals. Everyone else has disguised it better.), cartridge life was much worse for these cartridges (which were far more expensive than the 'budget brand' GreenSmartLiving that any headshop carries), and they're automatically charging my credit card, with no way to go online and cancel the process.. I just ended up reporting the card lost so I wouldn't have to deal with them anymore.

    But I wanted something more powerful still, and I knew it existed out there - the headshop had tried to upsell me on something when I had first come in expressing interest in e-cigs, something they said was for the 'hardcore smoker'. Well, given that it was now a month and I hadn't touched a real cigarette - I think I was ready for the real deal... this is when they sold me a basic Apollo EGO battery, kit, and some fruity juice. Good gods, I was in bliss.

    And so where I am now - I've doubled down on the Apollo system - and I like Apollo. It's a local Bay Area company, so I spend money and keep the profits local. :yes

    I've seen some really hardcore guys before though - there's this one guy works at the building across the street - he takes vaping to the extreme. The hardware he has doesn't even resemble an e-cig, more like the grip of a gun with a mouthpiece - and a big reservoir of juice hanging out from the bottom. He makes me look like a newb! I should probably try to strike up a conversation next time we see each other..

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