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About AngelCruz

  • Birthday 04/06/1966

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  • Location
    La Vergne,Tn.
  • Interests
    Graphic arts MMORP Games Paranormal research

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey Vapor Talkers this is the latest I recieved from the TN house committee: Thank you very much for writing to let me know of your opposition to Assembly bill A. 1468, which would prohibit the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors and prohibit the sale of electronic cigarettes that are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has found that electronic cigarettes contain several cancer-causing ingredients, and are not necessarily a safe smoking-cessation product. To the extent they are intended to be a smoking cessation device, they should be legal for adults, and would be under the bill, if and when the manufacturers seek and obtain FDA approval, as with other medical products. I appreciate your consideration in writing to me. Very truly yours, Richard N. Gottfried Chair Assembly Committee on Health PLease help me educate these narrow minded good ole boy politicians to how the e-cig works the benefits it seems that I am falling on deaf ears I have even been making phone calls with multiple voice mails left unanswered ! Thanks Angel Cruz
  2. I got the generic response: Thank you for contacting our office. Your input is important to us and we appreciate your comments. This is indeed an important issue. I will keep this in mind when deciding how to vote on this and please let me know in the future if you have a concern or if I can assist you in any way. Very Best Regards, Representative Dale Ford Tennessee General Assembly 202A War Memorial Building Nashville, TN 37243 (615) 741-1717 *Adopt from your local animal shelter*
  3. My E-mail has been sent along with my mom as well to everyone thats not a Tennessean Thank you! To lose our rights to choose is very disheartening we have moved back to that Good Ole boy politics here and it is sad not just on bills like this, there are others that take other basic Health choices away . Keeps our fingers Crossed it is rescinded ! What is sad in a 2 mile radius of my home there are in actual fact Ten (10) places of business that you can purchase analog cigarettes !!!!!!!!!!!
  4. E-mail Sent thanks for the info
  5. WOW excellent work as a graphic artist I"m jealous LOL
  6. Hey Vt peeps thought I would give a follow up to a post I made on here that I had planned on letting my Dr in on my vaping and the details of my experience well I told him and he brought in to other Dr.'s to view this new Green smoke as he called (had a big laugh in that one) and they all were amazed in knowing I was one that had gone through the books on quitting they were all in arms over that I was able to stop analogs in the first day I vaped and never looked back that it took the crave and withdrawal smtoms and threw them out the window not only that I have medical news to show that vaping assists in health improvements 6 months ago I had a chest x-ray and it showed serious signs of damage due to my smoking they had me do one and I will again in july on my next check up but this latest one had showed side by side there was clearing out of the dark color that was staining my lungs as well my nreathing tests showed I had a larger exhale mas than on a previous test done so keep vaping keep getting healthier and live longer so we can kick the FDA in the butt I asked if he would be wiling to send my results to the FDA with a letter stating my improvements I guess I should have stopped while I had him in a good mood that simply didn't fly well Shrugs and sighs oh well someday they will see Peace and Vape on !! Angel
  7. Hey everyone I wanted some input to a situation that occurred for my mom , she recently ordered a mega charger that lets you charge 5 batteries at a time and she has 3 mega 510 batteries and one original short 510 battery anyway she recently ordered one mega and one mini and some atty's the gold kind with the ring I have a few and they work great she how ever had one atty chew the little silicone ring down in her battery that it no longer will charge and the 510 mini the center dome in the screw on section of the battery came off and is hangin inside and then the third and final issue is the 510 mega lights but won't hold a charge or ignite the atty to vape I guess lesson learned and all we are sending them back to the vendor not even asking for a refund or exchange but as a sign that they lost a customer I since have given her my 510 starter kit I got from arno (this still works like new)and she is using it and her surviving batts and atty's but has anyone else had this happen and what is your advise to a situation of where you don't want to hassel it out with the vendor and then can't understand if it was user error or just bad merch from china I have also taken it upon myself to get her a spade it should arrive from chris in a few days and the problem completely solved then. Peace and Vape On! Angel
  8. Hey CHar and Vt gang I"m new Spade user and something I learned and I had a similar incident was that the protective sheath of the battery on the neg side if you don't sit juuust riight on the charger it doesn't make a proper connection since making sure eaxh time I have had no issues to my batteries charging and I'm going for a solid 24 hours one battery (LOVE IT !!! ) as to the atty not connecting I'm not sure of and is a Chris answer for that one good luck Char keep us posted. Peace and Vape on !! Angel
  9. Hey Joseph I like many have read a hundred diffent ways what I do and this has worked for me is at the kitchen sink I take and use hot water and the spray nozzle and as I run the hot water into the atty I take and blow it out into the sink as I clean it lay them on a paper towel and let dry over night this has worked for me I have atty's I got from arno back in december that Vape like new I do this bout once a month but from advise I also learned to switch through my atty's and I have like six or seven I use for my different flavors morning noon and night its more user preference than anything to cleaning but this works for me and hope it helps you plus having extra atty's is a plus always keep extras handy ! Peace and Vape On!! Angel Cruz
  10. I have an all gold atty with the washer inside around the bridge I was given it from wordup E-Cig to try and it has worked perfect for me and Arno at awesome vapor is the best he and his family like all the vendor's listed in VT are are a do you right group welcome to Vapor talk and enjoy vaping! Angel
  11. Altria Group, Inc. (NYSE: MO) (previously named Philip Morris Companies Inc.), based in Henrico County, Virginia, is the parent company of Philip Morris USA, John Middleton, Inc Typical to find that a little research shows exactly who the actual funding research was done by and also the story has holes in the facts its was stated and I quote heart rates increased after smoking a cigarette..unquote ok of course they heart rqate increased it had tar and all the wonderful and harmful flavorings included in that analog so I feel so sorry for the 16 Lab rats this man found to conduct a study on WTG chris thanks for sharing this it amazes me,I sit and see the benefits daily of vaping .
  12. Hey Vt Elders first off hello to everyone been busy and not able to hang with you all,here's the question My mom who is now a semi happy vapor has a joye 520 starter kit she has had no problems until recently one of the batts when it has a atty on it she will use it and lay it down and the atty is still heating but the batt light isn't on and I have even witnessed this the manual button isn't stuck or being depressed even slightly in fact over the weekend I borrowed the batt and used it and it occurred while I had it and I was surprised it didn't kill the atty it did get extremely hot (untouchable) that I had to use a cloth to remove the atty and then allow it to cool I noticed some liquid on the batt and in normal use thats common I have taught her to clean it and of course I have learned to maintain an atty and batt so this is odd and its only the one batt could this be a bad 520 batt ?? look forward to the answers.
  13. Hey thanks for the responses that have come in so far and Chris your input is just as valued as anyones without your reviews I wouldn't be here healthy and vaping , it wasn't so much about the getting a 5v as in learning okay you got your starter kit now time to put down the starter and go to the next level of being a vapor is one that is an everyday and then falls back to my list ofs' so thanks guys I appreciate your views and inputs its well valued
  14. Hey VT friends I wanted your opinion as to the next level progression of mods and the Ultimate vape which is I'm assuming the 5,6 volt vape hit mods out there I have a 510 the 520 batts and HV atty's I recently got and love them btw I enjoy my PT and my vaping as been fun but now I want something that is !. safe in the issues of batteries and that they can go for long periods of time 2.in cost effectiveness its a durable product that isn't going to defect blow up or break in less than six months and it can handle a drop or two to the ground 3. one that will totally work with all 510 atty's and is a great user friendly unit and isn't a huge bulky PV 4.and I guess the most important is going to be worth spending the one hundred plus dollars on and know I got my monies worth when I take that every Vape. Thanks look forward to reading responses Angel
  15. Brain Glad to hear things went smooth to your no smoking story and things wil be fine I had to go through the same issues and once I did the stress testing found my heart is still in great condition but let me also explain not knowing your age med history and eating habits I had two myocardial infarctions in less than four months due to becoming a diabetic and having high glucose levels I"m only 43 and I have through diet and eating been capable of getting a grasp of it all in under a years time just like with smoking small measure can reverse a large amount of damage done so hang in there don't sit and fret over something it may be nothing you've come this far you will go further ,as its said "And This TO Shall Pass" just believe you will get through it think positive bro take care let us know how it goes for ya Vaping and hanging in spirit Angel
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