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Everything posted by Krystal68

  1. I would recommend you try Koolada, High desert carries it, It is also known as "W3" is used specifically to give that "cold" feeling at the back of the mouth.
  2. You are very welcome Teresa! Im glad you are enjoying your package!
  3. Vaping is funny.. for me at least.. not funny haha but funny odd.. When I was a smoker, I smoked camels all day, every day, times 30 (pack and a half) I never thought about having another "flavor" .. I used to complain about how much they cost, and dreaded my daily trips to get my "last two packs".. NOW... I dont have a problem spending the money on batteries, tanks, attys, wicks, flavors, liquid nic, bottles, drip tips... you get my point... Now it seems I'm never satisfied.. Perhaps Im just filling a void. Perhaps vaping has made me a SHOPAHOLIC too.... I just smile, and hit the order button... Since I couldnt decide exactly what I wanted, at least not yet, I infact, just purchased two more twists, and 5 more attys this afternoon.... sigh... My name is Krystal and Im a vapaholic!!!!
  4. Thank you, lots to think about here, Im researching several of the "upgrade" ideas.. Im not really worried about cost, Im just hoping to find something, that I can be satisfied with. Maybe that will stop all the misc. random spending.. hahahahah NOT Im so funny sometimes..
  5. Mild, complex and vague- leads me to think you might like and enjoy Alice in vapeland.. FTR they open their online portal on tuesday evenings at 11pm est and only stay open for about 24 hours.. This has however alllowed them to process orders quicker!! A weeks turn around is way better than the 4 weeks it took for my first order!! I love the Zombie apocalypse, Twas Brill'ig, and their black and white cookie... They might be worth a look!!
  6. Just wanted to follow up, and say that have found waffle to have that crumble topping flavor! It works well for me at about 5-6% when used as a "topping". Its kind of like an oatmeal, brown sugar, cinnamony hint at the end! Thanks for helping me to open my mind!!
  7. Welcome to the forum Alex!
  8. Welcome to the forum.. There is a LOT of knowledge here, and the people are great!
  9. From my own experience, the blue honey does get better with time.. I didnt care for it at first, too sweet, kinda overpowering... then after a few weeks, when I sorted out my drawers, I picked it up again and I thought it was GREAT! Thanks for your reviews, I have been pondering peach... I think you have sold me to try it!
  10. Welcome to the forum Jes! The people here are great!
  11. Thanks!! Let me know what you think... I couldnt do what I do without fav calculator!!! I have a few more up my sleeve, but Im just getting my feet wet, and finding the guts to post them!!
  12. How about Grandmas custard with a slight cinnamon hint on exhale... I mix this @ 36 mg nic/100% pg base, with a target of 12mg nic, 70pg/30vg Vanilla Custard 15% Bavarian Cream 3.5% eggnog 2% graham cracker 1.5% butter 1.75% sweetener (by HDV 5%sucralose) 5% + 2 drops french vanilla This gets better with a hot water steep, and a minimum of three days.. Although its hard to leave alone the next day!
  13. I use the 510 SR atty with my twists, and find it quite pleasing and reasonably priced.I think my sweet spot is right around 4 with most juices.. I also have a handful of 306s in 1.5 and 1.7's While the 1.5 is too cool of a hit for my taste I think the the 1.7 is a better fit, but again this is probably personal preference. As I mentioned to you previously, I think that once you grab yourself an atty, you will likely become obsessed and find that you use your tanks less and less, at least thats what happened to me.
  14. I started on your typical 808s and cartos, got bored, jumped to egos with many, many different clearos until I settled on the Vivi Nova Mini, but again....I found myself looking for something new and different... soo.. I went with twist/ spinners and atomizers (510s and 306s) But as you probably already guessed.. Im searching again.. I dont really know what Im looking for, I guess Im just easily distracted, and obviously suffering from vapers adhd.... So I'm wondering, given my info, what direction would you steer me? WWYouD? Evic? Robust? Vamo? Sell me on your favorite!
  15. Hi Ed, just wanted you to know that I sent you a package.. Should keep you/ your wife happily vaping for a while!
  16. Cant wait to hear what you came up with, be sure to post your reviews!!
  17. Just wanted to chime in and say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Vivi Novas, I have 4 of the large tanks (both metal and plastic) .. and 7 or 8 of the minis as well as a large assortment of changeable coils in the different ohms.. Its hard to tell someone what is best, cause like taste, its all so subjective. I have a tote full of my beginner/ "finding my me" vape supplies.. 808 batts, cartomizers, blanks, 4 or 5 different vendors clearos etc.. For today... Ive settled on an ego twist and 510 attys for dripping, and my vivi novas for "more socially accepted" moments.. Good luck in finding what works for you !
  18. I did recieve my product.. but wanted moreso to comment on credit card fraud.. I have been purchasing vaping supplies for almost 6 months..I shopped at over 30 vendors, In that time frame I have been hit by scammers twice... to the tune of a several thousand.. I was uneducated and didnt see aproblem using my bank debit card until my money was gone and my savings transferred / as overdraft protection.. It was mostly due to unsecured sites, (COMMON sites) 60 people + were hit with in the same period, given the postings on the internet..Needless to say, I changed the way I bank.... I dont NEED a $6000 a day spending limit before the bank contacts me.. I halted my overdraft protection, as In 30 years, Ive never had one, and.... NOW... I DO ALL of my online shopping with Visa/Mastercard gift cards.. I like the security in them, if the info doesnt match my registered info... its a NO go. Take that scammers!!
  19. Ive tried it, and attempted in the beginning to "create my own" but until I had a little bit of a running knowledge with flavors and percentages... i found it best to let them do what they are best at... My first creations... were, uhh not so wonderful.
  20. Update... after nearly three weeks, and four email attempts which resulted in no response... I finally got a shipment notification!!! Perhaps my Rhubarb flavor will be in my widdle mailbox today... and Yes... im stalking the mailman! Strawberry Rhubarb, Rhubarb Custard, Rhubarb pie, rhubarb cake, rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb.... YAY!! Hey... im a simple girl, mostly raised by my grandparents, in a small Iowa town... I grew up on the stuff, what can I say......
  21. I shake when I diy, kind of like in the olden days when you would air dry a polaroid picture... Just my quirk I guess... If I am using a purchased juice, I shake when it arrives and then just go at it!
  22. Congrats to your dad and his decision to quit!! The process can be daunting if you just think about it, but easier if you just do it!! YAY to all!! He is lucky to have your support, I find sometimes that, that is half of the battle!!
  23. I believe that the vapor production is the same, its just how quickly it disapates with the variable levels of humidity. You can also factor in the outdoor air and find that if you stand in a doorway to your garage for example, and blow it inward, the vapor is visable for it has no where to go, no circulation persay, where as if you blow it to the sky its carried by the winds, humidity and quickly disappears, appearing to have produced diminished plumes!
  24. Thanks for the response, I will give it a go! I appreciate your time
  25. Just out of curiousity.... what types of juice do you find yourself leaning towards? Desserts? Tobacco? Fruits? I may be able to help you out.... You can pm me if you would prefer.
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