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Jimbo reacted to mcquinn in Amazing
I agree with your statement about reviews being of limited use.I have not found many eliquids that I cared for based on positive reviews.I think some are colored by the desire to get freebies to review as I have never watched a bad video review or read many negative typed reviews.You pretty much have to try them all and decide what worx for you.
Jimbo reacted to SiaTanner in V2 Tank won't vape?
I used pliers and a 24mm flat head. It was press fitted, I took on the lower o rings out, but I didn't pull out the atomizer head/ cone on the inside. After I put it back together the bottom part (the inner circle cutout) I just twisted with the flat head until I got it to fire/have proper air flow. I've been using it all day, worked great and I had no leakage what-so ever.
I had one of these clearomizers if it makes any difference:
Jimbo reacted to mse12 in Vaping to quit or Vaping to substitute
Quitting is for suckers...lol I may loose interest but not with the job I currently have.
Jimbo reacted to Aquatroy in Esmoke And Poo
Talk about bringing up old sh%!!!!! Old habits die hard, so now I just grab a twist on my way to the can.
It that first scotch that sends me down the hall...
Jimbo reacted to danpio1217 in vamo question
The benefit of using VW over VV is you can set it and forget it.
In variable voltage if you have a 2.2 ohm carto, you have to set the voltage to where you like it. Then, say you put a 2.8 ohm Vivi Nova on, you have to adjust the voltage to get that same vape experience.
Variable Wattage lets you find the wattage setting you like, then when you put a different device on it, it will automatically adjust the voltage to provide the same vape experience. So whether you have a 2.2ohm carto, a 2.8 vivi nova, a 3.0 carto, or a 1.5 dual coil, the vape experience will be relatively the same.
In short:
Variable voltage: adjust voltage everytime you chance your atty
Variable wattage: set it and forget it
Jimbo reacted to seaspine in Insider tip to clean the space around the thread of a 808?
If you know any intensive care type nurses, a trach brush works great for cleaning all those hard to reach nooks and crannies. I inadverently brought 1 home from work one day and use it all the time.
Jimbo reacted to Uma in My tank seems to be condensated.
I haven't purchased eliquid by the gallon before, but here's a good place for purchasing your VG & PG by the gallon so you can mix your own flavors. http://www.essentialdepot.com/
For mesh wire, McMaster & Carr as well as themeshcompany sells by the sheet: Here's one of the ones I purchased:
Ltd #400 Super Fine Filtration Mesh - 25 Micron)
WSS500SF-A4 Super Fine #500 Stainless
(A4, #316SS, "L" grade I believe)
For A1-Kanthal 28, 30, 32 gauge, I've purchased from KingOrchid on eBay at reasonable prices:
For Flat Ribbon Wire I've so far ordered from here:
Nicotine and flavorings are everywhere. Sometimes it's just easier to mix your own Zero Nic Favorite Flavored mix and then purchase same flavored ejuice at a higher mg, and mix the two together into a small 30ml bottle or less. That way you're never stuck at just one size fits all. You can adjust your mg levels as your need requires... which usually means less and less is needed as you vape along...
but sometimes higher is needed if you can only vape during work breaks, in which case, being able to mix your own 36mg bottle for work and your own 12mg bottle for at home is priceless.
Jimbo reacted to mse12 in how to fill cartridges
I would recommend a boge LR (2.0ohm) carto for that. They work great. With the low resistance coil in it the lower power pushed by that ego battery is plenty. I'm glad you are enjoying it. Is it working as well as your starter kit I hope?
Jimbo reacted to ninjabatgirl in Any Long-Time Ex-Smokers That Have Started Vaping?
Congrats on quitting to begin with, and good luck with your new adventures in vaping. I can say that I tried quitting multiple times, with one success of several months after my back surgery. Vaping is comparatively much better than smoking, and the taste choices far surpass cigarettes.
Jimbo got a reaction from Tam in Ahhh help in a pinch!
Once you get the cap off, you can stick a round toothpick in the center hole to plug it. Then you don't have to be so careful when you add the new juice.
Jimbo got a reaction from mse12 in Ahhh help in a pinch!
Once you get the cap off, you can stick a round toothpick in the center hole to plug it. Then you don't have to be so careful when you add the new juice.
Jimbo got a reaction from mse12 in Any Long-Time Ex-Smokers That Have Started Vaping?
Thanks again guys and gals! I'm starting my fourth week of vaping and couldn't be happier. So far I haven't tried a flavor that I didn't like or couldn't stand. It's great to be able to sneak into the bathroom or an empty staircase for a few stealth puffs when the stress builds up at work.
Now I've started thinking about how much I enjoyed the taste of those little Back & Mild cigars. Someone linked to this concentrate: http://vapingzone.com/product-info.php?Black___Mild_Concentrated_Flavor_-pid535.html but I don't think I'm ready to start mixing my own yet. Has anyone found a good pre-mixed Black & Mild cigar flavor that they like?
Jimbo reacted to mcquinn in how many cigarettes in a 10ml bottle?
That is a trick question.There are no cigerettes in a 10 ml bottle of eliquid.That is why we vape it.Doesn't really make a lot of difference ,just vape until you are satisfied and then put it away.
Jimbo reacted to seaspine in Skin changes? :-D
I have'nt noticed any changes with my skin but, I am a guy and as long as my skin seperates my insides from the outside I think it's fine.
Jimbo reacted to maustypsu in Any Long-Time Ex-Smokers That Have Started Vaping?
Jimbo, you've done an amazing job. Hopefully, your Vaping will enable you to replace the symptoms and meds with just nicotin.
Jimbo reacted to Rixter in Pretty Disappointed With Cartomizers... Need Some Advice
As for cleaning (and filling) cartos, try The Plunger from My Freedom Smokes.
Jimbo got a reaction from mse12 in Any Long-Time Ex-Smokers That Have Started Vaping?
Thanks for all the replies and support guys. My Apollo Standard Starter Kit and the juices I bought from mse12 (plus extras!) both arrived today. I have tried a couple of the flavors in the variety pack so far and have to say I am thrilled with the experience. I am already hooked on vaping and since I hadn't smoked for four years, I can't see myself ever wanting a "real" cigarette again.
Jimbo reacted to Mike in Any Long-Time Ex-Smokers That Have Started Vaping?
I used to smoke and vape and I then I lost interest in smoking. I quit without having to try very hard but I tried hard in the past and couldn't do it, even with chantix. Vaping made me want to smoke much less until I got to the point when I said it is now time never to buy cigarettes again. That was 3 years ago.
In your case, I don't see any harm in it. Using an eCig and hanging out with the smokers can be a pleasurable activity. Just don't over do it by chain vaping all the time and what ever you do, don't go back to smoking!