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Everything posted by DAYVAPE

  1. I, like many others, tried an analog after about 1 - 2 weeks of vaping... and it was TERRIBLE! I actually only made it through 5 or 6 drags and had to toss it. That was the last tobacco smoke I will ever inhale into my lungs.... and this is a fact. Vaping is just so much more satisfying, clean, and tasty to me... that analogs are now simply a thing of my past. GET OFF THAT 'ONE OR TWO EVERY NOW AND THEN' THING, J-ROCK... YOU DON'T NEED EM AT ALL! I thought you were better than that anyway? LOL!! Party on!!
  2. I know... I do too. Another thing I do with juices that aren't very good is turn make them "menthol juice". Just add my crystals to my liking and it's all of the sudden a great/usable juice again. I then typically mix it with my other favorites for a kick. I used to hate smoking menthols, by the way, but I LOVE vaping menthol. You all might wanna try it some time.
  3. You could also just add extra flavoring to the vendor's juices that you purchase. Many of them sell the flavorings also... just a thought.
  4. I Just 'controlled My Spending' A Little. 100 Boge Carots For $102 ! Does It Really Get Much Better???
  5. Yeah, They Pretty Much Suck If You Ask Me... No Where Near As Good As A Carto!
  6. Not that I don't like the mod... but I like the pistols much more!! Sweet pics I must say!
  7. Ah... sweet! Much rather be ugly and have money! WooHoo!
  8. This must be all BS.... cuz I'm rarely happy! And I'm over 6' tall!
  9. Can't beat a eGo with Boge LR cartos... if you haven't already tried that combo. A drip tip fits great... just pull it off and top off your carto often.
  10. Just to clarify... the outside is contoured, not the inside.
  11. It's just unfortunate that they affect the flavor and throat hit like they do... or at least for me they did. I haven't tried the LR version yet, and that probably helped a lot, but I have still seen people saying much of the same stuff that they did before. I think I better just stick to what works for me for now... why change something if I'm already happy with it, right?
  12. I'm bettin' my money on the PG/VG thing like Brian said... it's gotta be 'crappy VG'. LOL.
  13. You gotta get some PG up in that juice brother, lol. The reason I say that, is because I had to mix some juice up the other day that had like 20% VG in it, just to thicken it up a bit really. Well I haven't had any VG in a long time... I seriously thought something was wrong at first when it was so weak in flavor and throat hit. It only took that small of an amount to jack up my juice! It honestly does affect the flavor and throat hit in a really negative way... so I will remember not to do that again! I can't recall... are you one of those 50/50 guys or what? You know what else is odd, I haven't really even noticed a drop in TH since I started dropping nic level either, which I was expecting. I started up there in the 24 and 36mg range, and have worked down to the 6 - 12mg range, throat hit is still good too. I'm startin' to think it has more to do with the fact that I'm all PG maybe? I know that if I were a 'dripper' I would much rather have a bit of thickness to my juice so it doesn't just run right out the bottom of the atty. But you know how it is... PG obviously performs much better in cartos, and I get along well with them.
  14. Please tell me your 30ml bottle of juice is PG based... or at least mostly anyway?? You know how much cartos love VG!!
  15. I hadn't 'yanked any chains' yet today, so... you became the 'chosen one' I guess you could say, I had to get my fix for the day ya know?
  16. Yeah, something like that! I think I must have missed the memo that day or something.
  17. Heck, I'm still trying to figure out why you always tell people "you could use a carto when you are driving or out and about". I guess I'm doing things all wrong then... since the carto is all I use and prefer. Man, someone needs to write up a 'vaping manual', so newbies (and myself) will know what to use where, etc. LOL!
  18. It's no secret what I'm going to suggest! BOGE 2.0 CARTOMIZERS! A "winning" combination right there! I just purchased 50 of them for $50 from Vaporkings mere moments ago!
  19. I was gonna say! Once you have entered the correct quantity of 10 it shows the discount... and the price of $60 What a deal on cartos... nice find.
  20. LOL! That's too funny! So, was VK's having some sort of sale on them or do they just get cheaper the more you buy? Seriously though... I'm happy to know that they are working out for you and that you like them.
  21. I am going to go out on a limb on this one and say... you will be using it anywhere and everywhere in no time flat!
  22. Yeah, cartos are ok in my book... Isn't it strange, being where we are with cartos/vaping, that even veterans of vaping "have terrible luck with them or plain can't stand them, etc." ? That seems so crazy when I read about all the problems/drawbacks people come up with on cartos. I seriously couldn't be any happier using them. I don't know... just an odd observation I've had... not trying to pick on anyone in particular either... lol.
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