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Everything posted by Esmoker87

  1. I think I want to try it with the 510 adapter so i can try both. But, I'm not sure where i'm going to et it from yet, either dietsmokes or vaprlife.
  2. That makes total sense, and I'm pretty sure I've narrowed it down to the vp-passtrough and the vp2. Since you've tried both, I thought that maybe you might be able to give me a better comparison of the two and which one you wold recommend? Also, I'm sure you get asked this question a lot, but I wanted to know what you would say is go-to device?
  3. Okay, so after MUCH THOUGHT and A LOT of research I've decided to return my joye510 for a full refund to purchase the VP2 and give that a try. After all the great things I've heard about the VP2, I just have to try it. So, I'll sleep on it just to make sure I don't change my mind, and I sure hope its a good decision.
  4. Thanks, I'm glad you said something. I was waiting to see if i should try it or not... I'm glad i didn't. I haven't tasted any burnt taste yet from the threads, but then again mine is almost brand new.
  5. Man, the more I hear about these mods, the more I wanna try one. But, obviously, I can't purchase all of them, so I'm trying to find out as much as I can about as many as I can before I make my next purchase!
  6. The spade and the vp2 are among a few of the mods that I can't make up my mind about. Between these two, which would you say is your every-day, go-to mod and what atty do you use on the vp2?
  7. I agree, I think I might be enjoying it a bit too much, but I really want to find a consistent unit that fulfills my nicotine cravings as well as my smoking habit. Nevertheless, that's a good idea with the two atty's that i will definitely try.
  8. Yes, that is definitely true, and i have read that they do get warm. I'd like to either try the vp/pt, or the vp2 like yours. I didn't know they make pt's for the vp2, where do they sell those at?
  9. I've been hearing a lot about these 5 volt devices... which units run on 5 volts and which one do you suggest? The only one that I've seen a review for was the vp/pt. Also, what is PG and VG?
  10. I've been hearing a lot about these 5 volt devices... which units run on 5 volts and which one do you suggest? The only one that I've seen a review for was the vp/pt. Also, what is PG and VG, and what is the difference?
  11. Alrighty, thanks for the info, that really clears up a lot for me. I've also heard that removing the threads under the bridge improves its performance... do you happen to know if this is true or not?
  12. Oh ok, i see it. Do you by chance know what the difference is, performance wise, between a short bridge atty and a standard atty? Also, have you tried a 901 yet?
  13. I've been hearing about many different kinds of atty's, but I've only tried the 510. What is the difference between a "low bridge" and a "short bridge" <----I'm not sure if that's the correct names... but what does it even mean when they talk about the type of "bridge" in the atty. Also, I heard that the 801 atomizers are a bit bigger, holding more juice. Is that the only difference from the 510?
  14. How would you compare the vp/pt to the vp2 in performance? If the vp/pt is NOT plugged into the wall, where it would be using its full 5 volts, is it much different than the vp2, performance wise? Lastly, which one has a greater vapor production and which one do you prefer?
  15. I received my joye510 this morning, let it charge, and not even two hours of vaping has passed until it needed to be charged for a second time. I'm really not trying to be too picky, but I did also notice that the atomizer part gets EXTREMELY hot, way to hot for my liking. Although it is a big step up from my Npro, I was wondering if there are any units with a longer battery life and doesn't get as hot? I've read that all atomizers get warm, but to me, the joye510 is a bit extreme.
  16. I came very close to placing an order for the vp/pt as well, but didn't quite pull the trigger. i've also read great reviews about it, and I do spend a great deal of time on this laptop these days. I am also strongly considering the vp2, just cant seem to make up my mind on a few different mods. Does the vp2 give of nice thick vapor?
  17. Good afternoon vaportalk... good morning for me, I just woke up lol... Due to it being a holiday weekend, there's been a short 1-2 day delay on my joye510. Although I've heard great things about the 510, I'm looking for some suggestions on another pv to try. I don't anticipate any problems, I've just been having fun trying the different types of e cig's/pv's. Also, I just thought it might be a good idea try several different types until I find that one that really hits the spot. So, I'm looking into more units such as the vp2, protege, spade, or silver bullet. I remember a couple of you that I've spoke with on this forum have said good things about your vp2... have you or has anyone tried these mods, or anything similar to these types of mods?
  18. Hey everyone, thanks for all the great replies, and in such a timely matter! This forum F'in rocks! ...but I'm not sure what mg juice i was using, because the cellophane wrap it came in didn't have any indication. They all uniformly read "traditional regular, mfg date 2009". But, I've smoked all but one now, making a total of 4 carts, and I did notice that some were more harsh than others. Also, I've been smoking marlboro 27's at the rate of about a pack and a half per day, sometimes two, for the past 8 years. I don't know if that helps at all, but I was just wondering what mg juice I should try? I'm really anxious to give that direct dripping technique a go. Thanx again for all the help!
  19. The first e cig i purchased was from njoy, the npro, and I have to say, it was kind of a let down. Nevertheless, I gave it a go for a couple days and what I got out of it was that it didn't satisfy my nicotine cravings one bit. Although it did cut down the number of traditional cigarettes per day, I definitely still felt the need to smoke a real cig. From what I've been reading, everyone's experience with vaping sounds much more fulfilling than mine.. Is it just me or am i doing something wrong? I ordered the joye510 hoping for better results...
  20. Thanks for the recommendation, DevilDucky, that helps a ton! I'm pretty much sold on the 510, just placed my order this morning. I was just curious about another device though, the silver bullet, It looks HUGE... have you tried, or heard anything about it?
  21. thank you for all the help, i greatly appreciate it and i can't tell you how much this has helped me in making a decision...But I was just wondering, what's the difference between the different types of atomizers???
  22. It did, it helped a lot, thanks again for all the help.. but one thing I've heard about the 510 is that it gives off a pretty strong throat hit. Is that true, and is there anything w/ a small throat hit?
  23. I do have a couple other questions... what's the difference between the joye510 and 520, is it just the battery size? Also, i heard a similar model, the dse901, was pretty good... do you know if that's true?
  24. thank you very much for the help, keenan. I'll definitely take a look at the 510.
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