A lot of use search the forums, watch the videos, and look everywhere before taking the plunge. A lot of us also purchased the 510 or other e-cig for starters, and were woo'd into thinking our first e-cig just doesnt cut the mustard and a mod at higher voltage is the way to go. As much as I LOVE my Black Silver Bullet, I still enjoy my 510. The silver bullet can do 6v, but I normally just use a 3.7 volt battery that lasts all day long... thats the BIG advantage. Most mods offer one huge advantage to your everyday e-cig, long battery life - Thats a game changer for me! High voltage does change flavor, but not always for the better. You do get a bigger throat hit on HV, but thats not always what you crave. But not having to do the battery shuffle multiple times a day is golden.
What am I saying... High Voltage mods are great and serve a purpose, but not without sacrifice.With many HV Devices, you are going to carry a larger/heavier device, and sometimes you still want your little, concealable Joye 510.