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Everything posted by DevilDucky

  1. Thanks Jeff! I just barely strarted get back on the forums since the announcement of the upcoming ProVari P3 and that has reignited my board surfing.
  2. Been busy I moved my mother and grandparents up here to Washington. Sadly my grandmother was diagnosed with severe dementia/Alzheimer's and my mom and grandmother needed help looking after her so we bought a big house up here last year other than that you know me work, work, work! How have you, BirdDog, and Christopher have been? I miss all you guys and the old video chat!
  3. I prefer a real sport
  4. I'm a longtime member here and moved about 2 months ago to Bothell, WA just off the northeastern shore of Lake Washington across from Seattle.
  5. As being in the Law Enforcement line of work I'm with wendallb on this one I've seen way, way too many things I wish I could un-see.
  6. Thanks nana great to see you too! Glad things have finally calmed down enough for me so I can have time to get back to the stuff I enjoy.
  7. Kind bummed the video chat doesn't happen anymore remember some good times.
  8. +1 on the ProVari I'm currently running one with a LR Bridgeless atty with the voltage below 4 Volts and I'll tell you it is every bit as good as running a High Resistance atty on higher voltage plus the ProVari is a great device I'm on my second one(nothing wrong with the first one I just wanted a black one lol). So if your looking for variable voltage I would say you can't go wrong with the ProVari it's very user friendly and has a lot of good features such as the ability to turn it on and off, easy voltage adjustment, and the ability to check the atty ohms so you can see whats going on with it and see when you might be having one that's getting ready to go out.
  9. The move was insane but it was one of those things I felt like I had to do before our little one got older. Plus with work it gives me more time with my wife and my boy which means a lot.
  10. Hey all I know I haven't been on in forever and a month but, I'm still around. I was busy moving and changing states. I moved from Southern California to the Seattle, WA area more specifically Bothell. Of course with my type of work which most of you longer members know with the kind of work I do means I was tied up in training for a long time just wanted to let you know I'm still around and I was lurking right along(just not posting) I hope all my old friends here are well and look forward to getting to know some of the new folks no that things have settle down. P/S Is the video chat still happening?
  11. Here's my little corner.
  12. Glad you at least rigged it to work some how. I was bumming for you earlier.
  13. Yeah unfortunately the only state in the east fry's has made it to is Georgia. I hope you can track some down soon I know how much you were looking forward to your ProVari.
  14. Do you have anyplace like fry's electronics near you?
  15. Well here's hoping they get to the 3800's soon!
  16. I'm going to order mine tomorrow to replace the one Joker that shorted out on me hope they keep going out at the same pace!
  17. Not yet it still hasn't been released for sale yet.
  18. Hey Ken quick couple of questions are you still planning on raising the ProVari's price when things settle and if so when do you think it will happen?
  19. Thanks for coming on and giving everyone an update.
  20. As it sits now I'm going to have to get mine ordered one of my 2 Jokers shorted out this morning.
  21. I found out this morning they have already made it up to the 3500's so it looks like you won't have to much longer.
  22. Me and my wife will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
  23. I would say JB Weld! lol
  24. Yeah that's no good I would contact the supplier ASAP!!!
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