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Everything posted by Bushwick

  1. My image will not work, but I picked up my first authentic RDA and a new mech. Got a Patriot and a Vape7.
  2. I absolutely cannot buy most things at my local B&M. Just too expensive. Occasionally a treat in the form of juice, but never a regular thing.
  3. This is why I just ask. If I am going to be indoors for an extended period of time, I ask the owners/employees if it's ok. I would rather just ask than vape away and cause a problem. If they say no, then walk outside. No big deal. I don't see the issue. You used to do the same with analogs. Just step out, take a few puffs and go back inside.
  4. I really want the zenith v2, but it seems I won't be able to get my hands on one without some serious digging, or some serious waiting.
  5. So I have a birthday coming up in the next few days, and am thinking of getting myself a nice high end RDA/RBA. The only problem is, I can't seem to decide on what I want! I have my clones (trident, helios, omega) and I like the helios the most. But I think I want to try something else. Any suggestions? Drippers and genesis tanks are both on my watch list. So please throw something out there.
  6. Let me know how you like it. I was looking at it and I wasn't sure if I wanted to snag one.
  7. LOL Welcome!
  8. maybe i will build a 1.something ohm coil just to vape when i get to class. I vape outside and all (never inside) but they hassle me about it occasionally. It's not a no smoking zone and I'm really not doing anything wrong. But dragging my full 18650 with .3 coil is kinda obvious and they get on me about it more frequently. That will help me stealth vape Thanks guys!
  9. EH 800mah? http://www.madvapes.com/imr-18350-limn-800mah-battery.html
  10. I get that, but I don't know the amp rating on my 18350s for sure. I could build a 1 - 1.5 ohm coil, and I might, but for now I will stick to trying to build down to .2 and using my vtc 4
  11. Ehh, I will stick to my 18650's to make sure I keep things safe.
  12. What's the resistance on your build, Rixter? I haven't used any of my 18350's in my mech cuz i am afraid it will draw too much from the battery.
  13. Cartel posted a picture on Instagram a while back of their 26650 and a wider version of their stillaire RDA. It was made specifically to fit 26650 mods. I checked their website to see if they had started putting out pre-orders for them and they have not. Either way, it's a +1 for the 26650 market. Hopefully we will see a lot more of them.
  14. Grand Vapor Private v2 clone, Trident clone. (Clone warrior at the moment) I JUST started messing around with RDA's
  15. Very nice. I was thinking about picking one of these up. Especially if I can switch out the top cap and switch for that price. Definitely going on the list of things to buy!
  16. Yeah, let us know how that goes. I'm sort of interested if I could replace the board with a real DNA.
  17. In my experience, no RY4 has been deemed the "bugatti". Some people swear by certain ones while others despise them. It's a personal taste thing. I don't think any one RY4 could be the best. You'll just have to try some and find your favorite. Like I really dislike highbrow's RY4. My father loves it, but I cannot stand the stuff.
  18. Hmm. Glass? Idk about that. o.O
  19. I LOVE the twisted 28g micros. I have only been building for a few days, but I tried out a few different coils and this is by far my favorite one.
  20. Congrats B! Glad to hear so many people are hitting the 1 year mark.
  21. After using one of my uCans for a couple of days, I have had absolutely no leak issues. I've filled the thing several times and have not had a single bit of juice work it's way out. My only concern for leakage is the hex screw on the bottom button. Every time I touch that button, it's smooth. So I think that may be leaking, but it isn't showing. It's just ridiculously smooth. More so than the rest of the metal.
  22. I got my package! Sigelei meter, 100ft 28g kanthal, 2 innokin uCans. I meant to post yesterday (when I actually got it), but I was too busy geeking out and playing with my new stuff.
  23. I decided to just wait. I only have a couple more days to wait for the meter anyways. I'm just a tad bit excited to start.
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