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Bushwick last won the day on April 4 2019

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    Barbecuing,Fishin', and Pennywise.

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  1. Yeah, I was not impressed with the subtank. I've not been impressed by most sub ohm tank kits that I've tried. I guess I'm just supposed to stick to plain old RDAs. :P Also, Hi everyone! Seems like I haven't been here in forever.
  2. I suggest checking out the "Original and affordable" subsection of the "Rebuildables" area on www.VaporDNA.com You can put just about anything on an iLeaf. You've just got to build it to a high enough resistance for the mod to fire. I don't know, off the top of my head, what the minimum resistance is on that particular mod. But whatever it is, you'll need to meet that. As far as a specific RDA goes, I can't help you much there. I haven't bought one that I've been overly impressed with since I picked up my Mutation X v3. They aren't available anymore, though. So take a look around. Find something that fits you and give it a shot. I do suggest coming here with questions regarding the actual one you pick (before you buy it). Hope this helps.
  3. I've seen the community come together to do great things. The boys in CCI recently helped a member of the community (who is colorblind) get his hands on the new chroma glasses as a birthday gift. This isn't a birthday gift for someone that everyone knows, but I think it's just as good. I failed out of school because I couldn't be bothered to put forth any effort, but this girl with CF has shown immeasurable effort to make something of herself. So, again, I appreciate all the help you guys have given me in assisting this young lady do what I refused to do. It makes me feel good. But I know it's making her a thousand times happier. Perhaps I've had a few too many PBR's. Either way.
  4. Thank you all so very much. Between the VT community and those I know in real life, I've upped the ante another 50 votes!
  5. Thanks Tam!
  6. Thanks, Comp! Thanks to you as well, Bebop! I really appreciate the help, you guys.
  7. Hey guys. I know this post is out of place. I put it here so that it would be seen by as many people as possible since the "General Vaping Discussion" subforum is the most popular one throughout the entire site. If you guys could do me a HUGE favor, I'd love some help from all of you. Text VOTE36 to 23000 It's not vape related, it's a college scholarship thing for a friend's close friend who has Cystic Fibrosis. Most votes wins a scholarship. Or, if you don't want to text, you can vote online at www.AbbVieCFscholarship.com Her name is Kayleigh M. If posting this here is going to get me in trouble then so be it. I just want to help out someone who deserves it. Thank you to anyone who decides to help. I know it's greatly appreciated. We've already got her a BUNCH of votes (via the vape community) and I think we can help her win this scholarship. - Bush EDIT: Also, I know it isn't exactly "Vape Related" But She's a friend of people in the CCI group on Facebook. That's where this all came from. I just wanted to try and get some other people to step in and help.
  8. I picked up the Snow Wolf 200w at Vapecon. Minus a few issues here and there ( not necessarily with tc), I find it great. Note that I have not used it in TC either. So I'm not fully aware of the flaws that come with that aspect of the device. But with dual 18650's it holds all day. Even when I chain vape ridiculously at work.
  9. Sorry I have been taking a while on the reviews this week, you guys. I wanted to take the weekend off and just vape some of the ones I had already gone over. I was unaware that this week would be h*ll week at work. I'm absolutely swamped. Going in early and staying a few hours late just to get stuff done. I just got home tonight. I sat down with a beer and I'm not even going to be able to finish it before I have to shower and knock out. I may have to push my next post back to this weekend. It all depends on the workload and whether or not it eases up throughout the week. Unfortunately, at this point, there is no end in sight. I know you told me to take my time, Bebop. I didn't want to make this a long and drawn out process. I tried to make it efficient. But real life comes first. On the bright side, I have a couple of new juices to add to the list. So I know one of the guys who works over at "The Vape Kit" here in LA. They make portable building kits that are very high quality. I ride the subway with the aforementioned man everyday. I've been talking to him for awhile, and I meant to stop and see them at ECC so I could pick up their two new juices. However, I missed their booth and by the time I realized it, I was too tired to go back. Anyways. I ran into him this morning, and after talking to him about my intentions to go see him at the convention, he whips two bottles out of his backpack (in my nic level, I might add) and said "I've been waiting to give these to you for quite a long time, now." So I have Coil and Cloud's "Moonstruck" and "Spectrum" to review.
  10. This went around a long time ago. I wonder what ever happened. If they actually changed their flavoring suppliers or not. Hm. I strayed from suicide bunny, though I was in love with mother's milk and one other one I can't remember the name of. Either way, BirdDog is right. Anyone purchasing any product made by this company should tread lightly.
  11. So I've been stuck vaping some of the stuff I've already reviewed here. :P Sorry guys. I will resume tasting and testing soon. I'm just hooked on a few of these.
  12. My god... A soft kitty mug. I need it to be about twice the size. Then I would want it even more than I do right meow.
  13. Tonight's post will consist of three juices. This is because one of them comes from Boardwalk Vapor. A company that I won a full line in 120mls from a while back. I've been vaping their juices for a while. So I'm pretty well familiarized with their whole juice line. They've been very good to me for all the pictures I posted of their stuff. But, as normal, I will not let that affect my opinion on the juice. I truly like the juice I'm going to talk about. So let's start off with the juice I was just mentioning. Boardwalk Vapor's "Cpt. Crusty" - Captain crusty is a cinnamon oatmeal with a bit of honey thrown into the mix. I chose to dumb down the description, because all of these flavors seem to blend together rather than stand out on their own. However, I get more of some on the front end as well as more of another on the exhale. When I get a bottle, I always give it time to steep. This is because honey always seems to start out as a dominant flavor. And with time, it will fade out. (At least in the case of eLiquid) So after about a week, I end up with a nice blend of the three. I get a toasty/sweet inhale (oatmeal/honey), and a nice exhale that tapers off into more cinnamon. It also tends to leave a bit of cinnamon behind for a few seconds after every drag. The flavor is full bodied and strong. I have no issue vaping this all day. The flavor doesn't seem to drop off. I continue to buy Cpt. Crusty now. 8.5/10 Bad Drip's "Ugly Butter" - This is the last of the Bad Drip line. I'm not quite as fond of this one as I am of the other three. It's a bit harsh. It almost feels like it wasn't properly mixed. I'm sure that's not the case. It's their brand new flavor. It's described as a fried-dough treat covered in cinnamon sugar, and slathered in banana pudding. That sounds to me like a churro covered in banana pudding. Which doesn't really sound appetizing at all. Whatever. All I get from this juice right now is a churro. It's a sweet cinnamon inhale with a doughy exhale. The dough is faint, but it's there. It legitimately tastes like a churro. I'm not sure where the banana comes in at this point. I'm sure that will come with steeping. Which it will have plenty of time to do, because I'm not very impressed at all. And I'm not sure I will be impressed when the banana shines through, either. This one may end up on the shelf for a long time. It's not just the fact that it's so harsh. It's just not a flavor that sounds good OR vapes well. I will definitely not be buying this one again. Coincidentally, it's the only flavor from the line of four that I didn't try AT ECC before I bought the whole juice line. 3/10 Charlie's Chalk Dust "Head Bangin' Boogie" - This one is really nice. It's nothing too "out there", but it brings a new twist to a fairly simple flavor. This juice is supposed to be a blueberry popsicle. A lot of people describe the flavor as that of a Bomb Pop. I don't necessarily disagree, but I think that's only one way to look at it. It's a very nice blueberry flavor. I mentioned in one of my previous reviews that I am not a huge blueberry fan. I like it, I don't love it. But this one has made me a blueberry fan! Unfortunately, this isn't one that changes drastically from inhale to exhale. It tastes like a nice sweet blueberry that's been mixed with some sugar. I get a strong flavor throughout each drag, and a nice lingering flavor that reminds me of consuming a bomb pop and being left with a mouth coated in sugar and artificial blueberry flavoring. Just without the stickyness. Which is weird, because the flavor I get through the actual drag doesn't remind me of an artificial flavoring at all. In fact, it's pretty spot on (in my opinion) to the flavor of an actual blueberry. But that aftertaste leaves me feeling like I just finished a popsicle. It's interesting. I like it. I may or may not buy more of this. I don't think it's out-of-this-world. But I still like it quite a bit. 7/10
  14. Thanks man! I appreciate all the positive feedback. There's plenty more coming. And if the people want it, there can be more in the future.
  15. LOL take it easy you two.
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