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Everything posted by shaker13

  1. 70ml of buicy jooty by banzai vapor. great stuff. my all-day-everyday vape.
  2. thanks Rixter!
  3. i just picked up a mini eVic and im lovin' it! no more surprise dead battery! yey!
  4. just got my eVic mini today and so far so good! stealth vaping, here i come!!!
  5. @Rixter-- i think its the analogs. she should pick up a starter kit. lol
  6. i think wrinkles show signs of wisdom and beauty. i choose to think that people are like wine...the more aged, the better tasting/quality. so i dont mind wrinkles, id actually be proud to have some.
  7. unfortunately, people can make recommendations all day long about their favorite ejuices and u might not like them. the best way to go is sample them and see what u like. good luck!
  8. i broke out worse than a 13 year old going through puberty....then i stopped vaping PG for 4 days and my skin started clearing up. ive never had an acne problem...ever... i dont know if its from a combination of quitting and a PG sensitivity...but im glad its over now. im sure we will be noticing a few other things change, not just our complexions. isnt vaping great? xo
  9. Reminded me of a Tiffany & co. box......with something white gold in it? Lol. Yes, that's almost the same length as the iPad.
  10. i am a newbie, been vaping for a month today! i got an egoC twist 1000mAh (big, long lasting battery)and a couple clearomizers. i was actually looking for something that resembled analogs in feel, look, and taste as well, but i was talked into the kit i bought. i have to say, i do not regret the purchase one bit. i enjoy the convinience, just fill it up, charge it for a couple hours, and im vaping the day away. theres a ton of flavors out there, you can add menthol to any taste u like. i hope u find something that fits your taste and lifestyle!
  11. thats too bad it didnt work well. im really big on vivi novas too, im swearing by mine, and got one for my bf for vday. nice concept tho.
  12. Any updates on this?
  13. Same here. I'm chain vaping 6mg. I smoked about a pack a day, sometimes more, but I vape more than I smoked, for sure. Welcome and happy vaping!
  14. Agreed. All the reviews I've seen are all good. I don't mind the price if I'm paying for something reliable that performs well, but I was just looking around for an alternative....trying to find something small with a good batt life, that won't give me a headache. I'm new to all this, so I'm doing as much research as I can, but I don't have anyone to ask about different brands, models, etc....it's all a bit overwhelming. I hope you guys can give me some alternatives, or shed some light on why I shouldn't go with the matrix? Again, all your wonderful input is greatly appreciated. xo.
  15. Here it is, Jeffb....... http://www.ecigsejuice.com/matrix-telescope-mod-deluxe-kit/
  16. Or....maybe a better question is....can anyone recommend a smaller alternative to what I'm currently using? I'm considering a provari mini, but if anyone can recommend another "mini" type, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks again!
  17. Hi guys! Was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the matrix telescope mod kit. I thought it would be nice to have a small backup, as I am currently using an egoC twist 1000mAh and it is sooooooo long, its too long to fit in my pocket, and sticks out too much. I'm vaping at 3.8-4.0v and I think this might be my sweet spot. Any suggestions for a smaller batt? Any thoughts on the matrix? Suggestions greatly appreciated! Happy vaping guys!
  18. I've only tried a ceramic ming. I agree with mse12 in that it feels great on the lips....especially when it's cold! I just picked up 3 more! Lol
  19. Just grabbed 3 more vivi nova svt's and 3 ceramic ming's. so excited to make a backup....my first since starting!
  20. today i got an O-ring to make my drip tip fit better. no more wobble-y tip! now i can put it in my pocket! yippeeee!
  21. i like changing flavors throughout the day as well.....
  22. just picked up a vivi nova svt and a white ceramic drip tip...upgraded from my stock clearomizer. so much better! why did i wait so long? now i just need to find an O-ring to make this tip stay put! am i in the right ballpark?
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