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Everything posted by GreenKnight

  1. Welcome to VaporTalk. I was about a 1/2 pack-a-day smoker of ryo organic tobacco. It's not unusual to vape more than you smoke. I think I do, at times, vape more than I smoked. I'm doing what BHam is doing, keeping my nicotine levels down, around 6mg, so I won't get headaches, or nausea. I also like to take drags here and there. If you keep your nicotine levels low then you won't have to worry about getting too much nicotine. And snubber is right, once you get into it you will enjoy it. I like all the different flavors, batteries, cartos, etc.. Again, welcome to VaporTalk!
  2. Dripeez has the best tasting juice that has tons vapor. You have your choice of different mixxes of PG & VG. With the VG you have a option to either have it thick or thinned out with distilled water. I've been vaping 100% VG w/distilled water, and the flavors that gaped so far are black cherry and blueberry. They are sweet and has the natural taste of their respective names. In my opinion, they are way better than Johnson Creek. With Johnson Creek I get burnt tongue(that is when you vape a flavor for so long that you can't taste it anymore) but not with Dripeez vape juice. You can also add flavoring for an extra .40. The best thing about Dripeez is their juices are natural & organic, and the cost is about the same as Johnson Creek, more or less depending on flavoring options, nicotine level, and choices of plastic or bottle jar and a dropper and/or cap. I will definitely buy again whenever I need more juice. They also came with a couple of samples, I haven't tried yet. Adriana is co-owner of Dripeez, she is a very nice and helpful person. She helped me with my order every step of the way. USPS got package to me late and she took care of it. The cartomizer I use is a Boge Single Coil LR XL Cartomizer.
  3. Dripeez has the best tasting juice that has tons vapor. You have your choice of different mixxes of PG & VG. With the VG you have a option to either have it thick or thinned out with distilled water. I've been vaping 100% VG w/distilled water, and the flavors that gaped so far are black cherry and blueberry. They are sweet and has the natural taste of their respective names. In my opinion, they are way better than Johnson Creek. With Johnson Creek I get burnt tongue(that is when you vape a flavor for so long that you can't taste it anymore) but not with Dripeez vape juice. You can also add flavoring for an extra .40. The best thing about Dripeez is their juices are natural & organic, and the cost is about the same as Johnson Creek, more or less depending on flavoring options, nicotine level, and choices of plastic or bottle jar and a dropper and/or cap. I will definitely buy again whenever I need more juice. They also came with a couple of samples, I haven't tried yet. Adriana is co-owner of Dripeez, she is a very nice and helpful person. She helped me with my order every step of the way. USPS got package to me late and she took care of it. The cartomizer I use is a Boge Single Coil LR XL Cartomizer.
  4. Hope it's not to late for a comment. That's funny, the USA made vape juices have 7 or less, but no more than that that I've seen. And these are certified organic and USP grade.
  5. I completely feel you NorthernGirl. I feel I need those clouds of vapor and I seem to vape a lot more than my brother, and frankly I don't think he's vaping less mg than I am. I vape 6mg after 12pm but in the mornings I vape 12mg. But I want to cut down to 0mg for after 12 and 6mg for the morning, and then to 0mg.
  6. Yes, go with the ego-c twist battery. Personally, though, I would go with longer(1000mah)battery. When I have to replace my 650mah, I'm going to replace it with a 1000mah.
  7. Welcome...I'm new to the forum, but not new to vaping.
  8. I hope I'm not too late. Thanks for asking us for opinions, I like the method that you use to get the right product out. For me, most important things are battery longevity, manual, long cutoff, volume of vapor, vg, flavor, and cartomizer. Thanks for listening. :-)
  9. Congrats Shawna. I've been analog free for about the same time. I started vaping exclusively at the end of Sept., I was three weeks analog free and just felt the need to have a cigarette, and that was it I smoked. Then a week later I had another one. But in the mean time I was having hardware issues and just gave up on vaping again. But one day on my way home I saw a vapor shop and went in, they gave me a couple boge cartomizers for my ego-c and that was it, I found what I was looking for, a couple, a few weeks later and I'm smoke free again. But I would only have a cigarette with a cup of coffe. For me, no vape can go with coffee, never tasted a e-juice that taste like smoke - it's not possible to replicate exactly. Again, Congratulations!
  10. I don't know about that mcquin. I don't find myself rushing to my pv when I get up in the morning or after a meal (those famous triggers). I don't that addicted anymore. I don't find myself craving my pv. I only vape 1ml of 11mg and 2-4ml of 6mg of nicotine a day. As far as I can tell, that's not a lot. But everybody is different though. I want to quit using nicotine so much - but not completely.
  11. Couldn't have said it better myself - except I use the xl cartomizers with low resistance.
  12. I'm probably being a smart ***, but I vape 3.8v...ego-c twist go in increments .2v
  13. I remember reading that Boge has improved them. I sometimes get juice down the center hole, that's not an issue - just blow through and it's good. Occasionally I have to wipe the center post off my ego, but that's nothing compared to those damn Clearomizers.
  14. I just got two 5pks of Boge XL LR Cartomizers in a couple days ago. I also vape 100% VG - I order from Johnson Creek, there mixed with ionized water, and Dripeez, which is mixed with distilled water. I mostly syringe fill them at home, but drip when I'm out. Boge cartomizers are the best. I've tried Smoktech, but every cartomizer gave a burnt taste. I tried Clearomizers and tanks, and smoktechs, nothing worked until I ran into Boges. Like NYC said, find what works. Ego-C twist batteries with Boge XL LR Cartomizers is what works for me.
  15. I understand what you mean BHam, but really in the end we ought to let go of stigmas because they aren't always true.
  16. Johnson Creek smoke juice or Dripeez.
  17. Vapor Talk forum(meaning the people) are awesome. Everyone is good to talk with.
  18. Hi Walter, welcome to the vapor talk forum. :-) Have any questions, or comments, or what not just contact me however you like. We're all in this together.
  19. Last tank I owned before I went back to smoking since I started vaping, before that I was smoke free for about 3wks. XL LR 1.5 Cartomizers work for me, just got to find the right brand. Right now I bout the SmokTech, I read they are better than the Boge brand. Haven't tested the Carts I have because waiting for my juice to arrive from Dripeez, don't to put PG in my cartos. I am going to post reviews of the flavors I ordered and the samples they sent with them. They're arriving tomorrow, I checked USPS tracking(been over anxious to get them). "Oh I wish the USPS wouldn't have such a difficult automated phone service."
  20. Couldn't agree more. I've once read in another forum that it's impossible to make water vapor taste like smoke. As he said, close but not the same.
  21. I agree with mcquinn, I spent a lot just on Clearomizers and tanks alone. I could've gone the cheaper route and gotten a couple stealth manual batteries and some blank cartomizers from Vapor4Life.com instead of 2 ego-c twists and cartomizers from a local store. I hope you find the right adjustment that works for you.
  22. You can submit this one up until January, 16th, 2013 http://blog.casaa.org/2012/12/call-to-action-submit-written-comments.html?m=1
  23. Does anyone believe in breaking the law, anymore, for the better good? I keep asking myself, "Why don't we the people usurp this government if they are the tyrants that we believe?". I think it is because we believe it can be fixed. But now I know it can't, so i resist without violence. Freedom is a point of view of how we live on this land, the only freedom we have is who we choice. The will to make the choices depends on the choices we make for ourselves and not for society - even though cigarettes are what they are I'm not against them, just what they put in them and the paper they use. One last point, tobacco was alright before Big Tobacco. Certified Organic tobacco rolled in hemp paper.
  24. What ever happened to the phrase, "It is what it is,"? Meaning, why can't e-cigarettes be in a class of their own? I think what happens if I started the e-cigarette business and made no claims? How do they like them apples?
  25. Why didn't he just go to the bathroom. I don't know first hand, but a lot of vapers on e-cigarette forums and a CBS new article said they won't set off smoke alarms. So yeah, he wasn't considerate. Although I don't agree with restriction, but that's what governments does, they make criminals.
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