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  1. Well, we set out yesterday to the vap store. We spend about 40 min with a great salesrep (all of them have been wonderful) and I did not know this but the darker your liquid the harder it can hit your throat and clog up your cartomizers. So here is what I did. I have 2 tanks one with a 2.0 cartomizer for my clearer land the other is my old wick.....something........I'm still ignorant on the correct terminology but am getting better at knowing the parts of my new best freind. Anyway, I also bought a new flavor that is clear and fruity. They call it "summertime" and its like chewing the old gum "stripe" - you kinow the gum with all the colors in a fruity stripe formation. I absolutly love it. I also got a 5/10 adapter which seems to cut down on the hard hit in the back of the throat which has allowed me to crank my zmax to an 8 instead of a 3.5. I can now blow out vap just as I did smoke- and my cravings for a stink bomb has decreased even more. I'M A HAPPY GIRL. Not wanting to waste the 120 ml bottle of the harsh liquid, I'm now mixing a little of that into my fruity flavors - fruity tobbaca.
  2. I think I'll be going back to my vapor store tomorrow with my daughter becasue she agrees with me that part of "smoking" was that the cloud we produced was all part of our addiction to cigs. We need that with our zmax. We will be getting some smother flavors and the good thing about this store is that you get to test several products. Also might go with a lower atomizer for more effect (right now we are at a 3.0). Thank you for all your advice.
  3. when I first bought my zmax I recieved some automizers but burned one up in 1 1/2 days so I went back to the store to get advice on how not to do that again. She gave me the 3.0's so that I could play more safly with my settings.......but now my vap is gone. I thank you for your comment about the ratio, I had no idea that there was such a thing. What is PG? and what should be higher the PG or the VG? Do they list it in order of PG/VG or VG/PG?
  4. Silly me........I'm all about a bargain so I bought the 120ml 24mg tobacca with vanilla. hahaha. Kicking myself. I guess I can buy some 5ml flavors and mix my own, right?
  5. I'll start this off by reminding you that I'm a vapor virgin so excuse me if my questions seem ignorant in the true sense. I have a zmax with a 18650 battery, a dual tank (cotton filler) with a 3.0 atomizer. I use a blend called "primo" which is a tobacco flavor with a hint of vanilla. With that being said........I watch tutorials to try and understand how Ohm's voltage and watts all work but it is way to greek for me. I watch these videos and try to memick them with settings but when they vap........they are full blow out dragons. When I do it, I stink......I can not seem to hit mine hard enough to create that wonderful cloud (that I could do with nasty cig's) which is part of the vaping experience. Is it the atomizer, batteries, mixture or a combination of the 3? Oh btw, my drags hurt my throat and I cough up a storm so I had to cut my wattage to a 6, any higher and I'm miserable. I'm also afraid of buring up my automizer, is that possible?
  6. Hello, I'm a vapor virgin, well that was until Dec 2012 (marking this on my calendar). I'm 46 with a smoking habit of 33 years. Yes, I was 13 when I picked up my first cigarette. Everyone in my life has tried to get me to quit for years but I was stuborn and did not plan to quit because of someone else's advise. I had to be ready and do it ON MY TERMS. Well, I was in the parking garage smoking when I saw a man with a zmax and at first I had to take a double take- this was a strange looking smoking device. He explained he had also been a smoker but that the zmax had helped him quit. I found a store near me called "all about vapor". The people there showed many many devices and allowed me to test some product. I ended up with a zmax and a 120ml bottle of 24mg flavored nicotine which I love. I entered the store smoking about 20-25 cigs a day and left only having to smoke about 3 (morning coffee, after lunch and one right before bed) At $50 a carton every 8-10 days I now can vap about $54 a month or even more. My ultimate goal is to never have to pick up another stinky cancer stick again. The zmax was so easy to use that I bought my daughter one yesterday. Now we are planing to go back to the store to test and purchase even more flavors (at a much smaller quanity, of course). Maybe blueberry or strawberry........... The hardest part about this all is that I have to retrain myself to say "vap" instead of "smoke". I LOVE IT
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