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  1. My favorite disclaimer of all time is the one for the potato chips that may cause "anal leakage", which of course is written in tiny little print on the bottom of the package. Robin Williams did an entire skit on that one. Who in their right mind would buy an anal leakage chip on purpose? That was someones idea to save us from trans fat. Thanks, but I'll keep my fat and they can keep their stained underware. I wonder if you could sue for the lose of a social life?
  2. OMG, I haven't even started vaping yet but I'm trying to picture what your talking about and I'm sooo confused. Maybe I shouldn't read these advise posts until I have something in hand. PS: I like your T-shirt idea.
  3. Wow, Congatulations! I think I'm 472 posts behind you . Awe, but who's counting? Well, thats rather depressing news about the primary's. Now talk about feeling inadaquate. Where did you get the primary info. for Calif.?
  4. Thanks nana Thats what I kinda thought but I got the word "thumbsup" and no icon. lets see what happens. What do ya know!!
  5. Well, let me just say you hide it well as you come across as bright and informed and I really enjoy your posts. I, on the other hand, have discovered I can no longer remember how to spell or punctuate properly since my surgery. I often feel self conscious, stupid and so frustrated. Posting can be a real struggle as I can lose my train of thought in an instant and have to smoke an anolog while I try to retrive it. I know I'm going to be a real pain to everyone here when I get my first ecig. I don't comprehind written directions very well. This is all said to be temporary so look out. Your all bound to be amazed at my brillance. PS: How do you grab one of those emoticons and put it in your post?
  6. Well nana, I live in Calif. a very progressive state (that also happens to be bankrupt). I will deffantly look into changing my affliation for the primary's. Being Calif. I could probable become a democrate in the blink of an eye whereas changing to Republican will require reams of paper work. Just being snide. I appriciate the info--I love this forum!
  7. I'm sorry Brian, I'm sad to say I didn't see your post as I just recently joined, 12/24/09. But I still think great minds think alike.
  8. Your delima reminds me of the "cash for Clunkers". How many people realized the "cash" has to be declared as income on their taxes?
  9. I agree 100 percent and each and every one of them is a progressive. They honestly believe their morally superior to everyone else. As a conservative, I still want to help my neighbor if "I so choose" but I want to help him help himself. A progressive strives for "dependents" because they know whats best for one and all. Wasn't it Reagon who said "GOVN'T CAN'T FIX THE PROBLEM. GOVN'T IS THE PROBLEM". It was along those lines anyway. I believe we need to open the state boarders so our health insurance can go with us just like our car insurance. When you only have three or four insurance companys to choose from in your state you create a monopoly and price fixing amongst the insurance companys. Tort reform. Create a cap for malpractice claims. This would help to get the greedy lawyers out of the mix and Doctors wouldn't be forced to carry muti-million dollar malpractice insurance, the cost of which always gets passed on to the patients. Then put the Govn't to work cleaning up the graft and curruption in their own programs-medicade and medicare. All of the above solutions were figured out by much greating minds then my own. But you know how it goes-"great minds think alike".
  10. Well that just breaks my heart. I've made signs, gone to tea partys, written and called senators and congressman and bored my friends to tears trying to wake them up and get involved--and now I can't vote! I, like your wife, thought it meant I was free to choose whomever I wanted. This election is so important and I'm going to have to sit on the sidelines. I think I'm going to be sick!
  11. Does anyone recall the speech Obama made right after he was elected? He said " We are four days away from "fundamentally" changing America". He is hell bent for leather to do just that. Obamacare gives the Govt. 57 percent control of our country. This isn't about health care. And would someone please give me an example of one thing the Govt. has ran that has actually made a profit! The private sector is being taken over and cap and trade will be the straw that breaks our backs.
  12. Keenan I registered as an independant. Disgusted with both partys. Anyway, I heard from two differant sources that because I'm a registered independent I won't be allowed to vote in 2010. Please tell me it isn't so. thanks BMW
  13. BMW


    Great info, great argument for all the nay sayers. Thank you. Going a little off topic here but--I'm origenally from Washington, born in Everett. Family all from Snohomish and Sultan. Last visit up there was in 03. Couldn't believe how exspensive anologs are. My brother-in-Law had started rolling his own. Wish I had have known about ecigs back then.
  14. BMW


    Thanks for all the info. I knew there is no actual antifreeze in ejuice but I've already got family and friends putting their two cents in about vaping and I haven't even vaped yet! I need to be prepared for an intelligent argument.
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