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About ls1

  • Birthday July 31

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  1. I posted this over at ecf but didn't want to leave anyone out! Newpure 24mg: I was a menthol smoker so when I heard about the newpure I had to try it out. I have to say it is one of the closest liquids ive had. throat hit:9/10 I have to give it up to them the throat hit is pretty much spot on! Its not like some juices Ive had where it almost makes me gag becuase it is so strong and it is not to weak to the point where I cannot tell that I am vaping. vapor production:10/10 All halo juices I have tried so far produce thick clouds which is great if you like to see the vapor! flavor:9/10 The first day or so that I vaped this juice it tasted almost like a vicks flavor to me. The next day I was surprised I was using the same juice as my taste buds adjusted and I didn't taste the vicks flavor at all! Now after close to a month of using mainly this juice IMO it has a nice and smooth menthol flavor. Nothing like most menthol juices I have used that are overpowering and taste like a candy cane. It also seems to have a undertone of vanilla that makes for a great juice. The menthol could be a tad stronger that is why I gave it a 9 out of 10 but, don't get me wrong this is the closest ive had to my brand of analogs (54s). Overall:9/10 All and all newpure is my everyday vape and a friend of mine who currently smokes newport analogs said it tasted just like them! Freedom 24mg: Well I want to start off by saying I never liked regular tobacco analogs. I was strictly a menthol smoker and would rather not smoke then bum a regular tobacco analog. Since my analog days are behind me I figured Id give this juice a try. Also thanks for the custom label on the bottle that has my name on it. Throat hit:9/10 It has a great throat hit as with all halo juices I have tried so far. Keep in mind this is a 24mg juice so that is expected. Vapor Production:10/10 Got to give it up to halo they know the right combination for huge clouds of vapor. Flavor:7/10 Ill start with saying WOW!!! After vaping this juice on and off for a week or so I still cant figure out this flavor. As I said earlier I never was a regular tobacco user so this is not my cup of tea which is why it got a 7 out of 10 but, it is the closest thing Ive experienced since vaping to a analog! It has a nice taste that is almost impossible to describe other then saying tobacco! The smell to me is floral and almost smells like flowers but, I do not get that taste when I vape it. Ill let my gf add on what she thinks of this when she gets home as this has been her all day vape since I got it. Overall:8/10 This is what I will be recommending to anyone who is a regular tobacco smoker! Like I said before this is not my cup of tea which is why I gave it what I did, if it was im sure id be giving it a 10 out of 10 because this flavor is spot on! Well now I'm dizzy and lightheaded from trying to come up with my final opinion of the freedom juice ! I will post my first impression of Cool and Bella Vanilla Cigar when I get my order! I will also try and get the opinion of a cigar smoker for the bella vanilla cigar as I was never a big cigar oficianato. Thanks and enjoy!
  2. My roommates puppy loves to try and eat my bottles of juice and attys/mouth pieces. I cant leave a bottle of juice out without it knocking it off the table etc. Just came home to a ripped up carpet today to ..... damn puppies!
  3. I purchased a crown 7 hydro about a month ago and noticed the same problem. Not to mention 1 out of 10 hits I seemed to get juice in my mouth :thumbdown: even if it was a new cart. I just recently gave it to my friend. I ordered a new pv within 2 weeks of receiving my hydro and would not turn back to the hydro since. I did email crown 7 about when they would get blank carts and they said it would be in the near future so that may be your only hope to drip with it. I would suggest a vp pt if you are near a laptop or outlet a lot as it needs to be plugged in. If your intrested in something for on the go I would recommend a spade or wait for the joker to come out. I just got a spade for my gf for her birthday and she loves it! Hope this helps. I do own all 3 of these units by the way and the vp pt is my hands down favorite but, that is expected at 5v.
  4. Ive had my VPPT for about a week now with the same atty on it since the day i got it. So far it vapes like the first day i got it and i use it all day and all night. Just time to get some new attys.
  5. What juice did you find yourself going back to over and over again? I only started using my pv about a month ago. So far my daily flavor has to be dulcis and then midnight at night ironically enough.
  6. I just got my VP PT 3 days ago and i cant put it down. It produces great vapor and is alway consistent. Not to mention you can switch back and forth between 4.2v and 5v. (correct me if im wrong) It is a juice machine though but i love it! My spade is on back order I cant wait for that.
  7. haha Well i just got a knock on the door and got my dulcis and midnigh! Im hoping this will help me get through my first analog free day. Thanks for the help.
  8. Ill have to try that out thanks for the fast response. Now if i can only find a juice that taste like my old analog flavor Marlboro 54s. (lite menthol tobacco flavor)
  9. I have been using a paper towel but, this mint chocolate chip flavor is stuck in my atty even after doing that overnight . Although using a paper towel on my other atty to get the watermelon flavor out worked great! I think im best off ordering 5 more attys and using one with each type of flavor. Any suggestions as to which drips i should use in the same atty. ie. coffee flavors fruity flavors
  10. What is the best way to clean your atty? Ive heard run it under water on low and let it sit upside down overnight, also a jewelry cleaner. Thanks, Lance
  11. ls1

    When To Drip?

    Thanks everyone! If there are any other tips you think could help me out let me know. -lance
  12. ls1

    When To Drip?

    o man i just took out that atty I cant handle that flavor but now i probably just tainted my other atty with menthol .... o well lol At least this one works unlike my crown 7 hydro.
  13. ls1

    When To Drip?

    Thanks i guess i cant tell as far as flavor goes. This cappuccino dosent really have a good flavor to me but i can see that there is less vapor. Hope this flavor dosent stay in the atty.
  14. Hi everyone! I was wondering how you can tell when you need to drip again. I just got my vp pt today and i put about 3 drops onto the atty. My quess would be when the it is not producing as much vapor and throat hit but just wanted to make sure as i know its important to keep the atty from getting dry. thanks, lance
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