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  1. Really Bham sir there isn't much difference between VV and VW, only the perceived ones. They both accomplish the same thing in the end, only one does the math for you. On a vv device set to 10 watts with say a 2.5ohm carto or atty, it does the math and sets the output to 5v@2a. On a vv device you have to do the math in your head or with a calculator to know what wattage you're vaping at, but if it you set it to 5v you're still getting the 10w of power. The biggest touted advantage of VW was supposed to be set it and forget it. Only problem is depending on what set up you're using, it's not that simple. A juice in a 3.0ohm carto for example might taste great to you at 10w, in a dc of 1.5ohms might be need more power, a horizontal set up (atty or carto) be awful, or in a single coil 1.5ohm carto be terrible. Too many factors with vaping for anything to be a constant.
  2. Thank you everyone.
  3. So on the 23rd of december celebrated my 2 year vapiversary. With year one it truly felt like a special day of celebration. Not sure if it's due to work, or how crazy my life has been lately, but this one lacked that feeling. Since I'm in new on this forum figured it was time to tell more of my background, in hopes it will help make this place feel more like another home. I tried to quit smoking multiple times in my life. Tried every type of alternative there was save acupuncture. My lowest point was a day I had 2 patches on, chewing nicotine gum, and smoking 2 cigs at the same time. When my wife and I moved to the apartment, viewed it as a great chance to start anew, which included getting away from analogs. So it was with the patches, the nic gum, etc. all over again. Then came a day I was searching for a gift for my wife. As much as I hate the mall kiosk vendors, they were my first introduction to ecigs. Didn't buy one from there (no way was I paying $300 for a starter kit), but that night started looking up different vendors. Ended up with greensmoke, a choice I regret, but at the time it was the so called best on many sites (sites I now know get kickbacks from every sale they inspire). It didn't work, was back to my 2 pack a day habit within a couple of weeks. I didn't give up though, tried other companies, and same result. Finally delved into another forum, and from there found the best two starter types at the time were 510 and 808 batts. Ordered a kit each from two separate vendors, with my V4L kit arriving first. It arrived the 23rd, and haven't had a real cigarette since. All the different kits did spawn my obsession with trying everything, and testing it in every way possible. So it is two years later I own multiple pv's of every type, always testing something new. V4L is still my primary vendor, their new menthol wow may have gotten a new name, but it's still the same great flavor it was two years ago that got me to quit. I've grown more serious it seems as time has gone by... There was a time I used to be the off topic king, transcending every topic into an organic conversation. Don't know exactly when that ended, maybe at some point will find that side of myself again. Still test everything, though going into the new year might be finally adding a video aspect to the reviews, considering a very good friend of mine is no longer doing them. Sorry for the long windedness of this post. Have taken the moniker of big mouthed idiot for a reason. Hope everyone has a happy holiday.
  4. Mcquinn sir that's a hard question to answer... Nicotine absorbtion is much different with ecigs compared to analogs. Analogs use a number of different compounds to help get the nic into the blood stream as fast, along with as much, as possible. Without those additives the actual absorbtion rate differs person to person. In other words just because you're vaping 3.6% juice, doesn't mean your body is actually getting all that 3.6% into your body. Having said that, know my nic intake has steadily gone up since quitting analogs and cutting back on the caffeine, along with what level is needed in the bloodstream for me to be satisfied. I'm a complete nic addict....
  5. Hello Blucavvy sir.
  6. Welcome Merlinskw sir.
  7. Thank you JimHarris sir. Good luck with your sister. Mine was doing very well until she got pregnant, then quit all cold turkey for now.
  8. Kvjeff73 (sir?) not a doctor by any means, but have read any info I can get my hands on about nicotine consumption, pg and vg consumption, second hand vaping affects, etc. What I can tell you is pg is pumped into hospital air to help kill the germs, so can't see how any vapor produced from an ecig can be dangerous to those around you unless they have an alcohol allergy. Vape constantly around my wife and dogs (which are like my children. Besides, when you drop 10 grand into your dog's knee you won't do anything around that could potentially harm them). My wife hates cigarettes with a passion, has no issue with my vaping. So in a long about way, yes I would vape around my kids when I have them. Would also educate them on all the in's and out's of vaping as soon as I knew they could understand it (same goes for my consumption of adult beverages).
  9. Thank you Viper Ron (guessing sir?). Once I get comfortable here going to start posting some review here (just no video reviews as of yet). A lot of technical info though....
  10. Welcome Ms. Mariahhboo.
  11. Welcome bootchoy (sir our Ms.?).
  12. Thank you Seaspine (sir or Ms.?). Hopefully will be able to go Mark sir. Thank you Christopher sir. Happy to be here BHam sir.
  13. Right outside DC Mark sir, what used to be Landover though now considered Hyattsville.
  14. Hello Ms. Via. Glad to see a familiar face. Thank you Jeffb sir.
  15. Actually Willmon (guessing sir by the avatar) yes the ohms do affect the juice. Lower ohms bring out a dominate aspect to a flavor, while higher ohms will give voice to each component of said juice. In other words if I'm using a 1.8ohm single coil and a 3.0ohm single coil and running both at 9w, the flavor will still be different (this is why variable wattage isn't a set it and forget it deal that it's been hyped up to be). It's part of why dual coils where created, they give you the vapor production and throat hit of a low ohm carto, with the flavor profile of a medium to high ohm carto.
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