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  1. Thank you for your helpful replies; jeffb and mcquinn. I like a lot of vapor but find it makes me cough like drawing too deeply on an analog. I have thought before of getting a 901 atty and trying dripping. I take it that I will only need an 808 battery, a 901 atty, with no 901 cartridge correct? I am determined to make this work as I'm tired of the effects of analogs on health, the price of even rolling much less buying cartons like I used to, smell, and even how many apartment complexes demand a person be smoke free. Take care guys! birchtree
  2. Hi: I've been smoking analogs for close to 40 years and want to quit. I was given an 801 two years ago for Xmas that only did the trick for a month. After thirty days it just didn't quench the smoking urge. Three months ago I bought a Smokeless Image KR 808. I like this type of e-cig and even got some great juice yet it still isn't doing the trick especially when I get stressed. I don't know if I need to go up to a 501 or Ego. I have read that some people were only able to kick the habit after upgrading to an Ego. I know they produce more vapor yet if I take too big of a draw on my 808 I cough as its too strong ..... I feel damned if I do and damned if I don't. I have also wondered if the 16mg nicotine level juice I'm using could have something to do with it; if in fact I need to go up to 20 to 22mg's of nicotine. Like everybody else I don't have a lot of extra cash to be trying new kits without fairly good assurance a new kit would help. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I'm tired of rolling cigarettes and want to be analog free. Thank you ahead of time to anybody that has any advice or ideas. Have a good one! Birchtree
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