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I recently received the iClear 30, and for performance, great flavor and tons of vapor, it can't be beat! Really an excellent, good looking tank! The ProTank looks even nicer looking, with it's chrome and glass construction, but it's more expensive, and I've read a few posts from people that are having problems with the ProTank.
Not that into wood mods here, huh?
Boxmods, Which Ones Stand Out, And Which Do You Prefer?
Shel replied to twelveday's topic in General Vaping Discussion
If you're willing to "move uptown"... these are pretty nice, and they're variable voltage! Not your basic plastic box variable voltage mod... not sure if this is something you had in mind? -
Shel reacted to a post in a topic: Gotvapes Ultimo?
Time For My Second Unit... What To Get?
Shel replied to Deadpool809's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Deadpool I use a ProVari.. like the Infinity, it uses a 510 connector. what I've been using, and really loving, is a Submarine Tank from Mom and Pop Vape Shop. They cost about $12, and come with a Boge 2.0 or 3.0 carto (you can pick which one you want, when you order). Once you have one or two tanks (they come either as a Submarine Tank or the Sub Mini. Sub holds 5ml of juice, the mini holds about 3.5ml including what's in the carto) you can replace the cartos when they go bad, for much less $$$ then buying a new tank. When you get 'em, you MUST fill the carto FIRST before using them. You simply remove the drip tip (included when you buy a tank), and drip juice along inside of the carto until it becomes slushy... if you DON'T do that, you'll get a horrible burnt taste, as you'll be burning the fill. Once you burn the fill, you'll NEVER get rid of that burnt taste from the carto, and the carto is basically toast! After you've soaked the fill in the carto (avoid pouring juice in the center hole, just drip AROUND the center hole in the middle of the carto), re-install the drip tip. Now, unscrew the thumb screw on the side, and fill the tank using either a syringe or the included bottle with syringe type tip. Fill it as much as possible, then put the thumb screw back in place. You're now good to vape ALL DAY, or at least, it lasts ME all day and sometimes longer! It also gives you great flavor! You ONLY need to soak the filler in the carto the very first time you use the tank. After that, simply keep the tank full, and the carto will remain properly wet! My Boge cartos have lasted about two weeks. Then the draw starts to get difficult... I have to really suck to get vapor to come out. Once that happens, you can purchase pre-punched Boge 2.0 or 3.0 (I use and really like the 3.0ohm Boges, but haven't tried the 2.0) from Mom and Pop vape Shop for around $2.50 each, and replace the cartos in your existing tank! No need to purchase a complete tank, just replace the carto (they pull out, you disassemble the tank, replace the carto then put it back together) That's pretty cheap, being they'll last about a week to 10 days. I'm sure you can find other sites that also sell pre-punched Boge cartos, perhaps for even less. Don't let your bad experience turn you off to tanks! Spring $12 plus shipping to at least TRY one of these, but make sure you soak the carto fill before vapping! Tanks, wether the MAP tank, Submarine Tanks, or numerous other tanks are a GREAT way to vape, if you don't want to mess around with dripping, or refilling cartos every couple of hours. Hope your one bad experience doesn't turn you off to tanks! They're really fantastic! Good luck! -
I agree! I have a Touchwood on order, and when the Kick is released, I plan to add that to the Touchwood! There's just something about a wood mode that, for me, puts it above the steel/alum tubes.
The first post above says there have been 2,511 arrests of Occupy Wallstreet protesters, but in your city there were only around 4-10 "occupiers".... Interesting. I love it when people provide "facts".... and I see you're from Washington. "The first Tea Party rally in my city had 3-4 thousand people"... now why do I have the feeling you were among them?
Yea, did you see all of those violent protesters at UC Davis? Sitting on the ground with their arms locked, threatening the police? Thank GOD that the police, in their riot gear, were there to protect all of us law abiding citizens from these troublemakers and pepper sprayed them! Fact: The top 10% in this country control 83% of the wealth in this country, but only pay 45% of the taxes Fact: CEO pay has gone from 42:1 compared to factory workers, in 1960 to 344:1 in 2007 Fact: From 1990 to 2007, CEO pay has risen nearly 300% while worker pay has risen 4.3%! that's FOUR POINT THREE percent! "The widely reported figure showed that one out of two Americans are in poverty or are low-income. Other Census figures put the figure closer to one out of three Americans" Hahahahaha....that's Soooo funny! If you're not among the top 10% in this country, and you think Occupy Wallstreet is a big joke, the Koch Brothers, Trump and plenty of other billionaires want to thank you! By the way... have you seen ONE OWS person carrying a gun in any of the demonstrations? If you have, care to post a photo of it? Cause I can show you tons of Tea Party protesters not only carrying guns, but signs talking about "watering the tree of liberty with blood" or some such nonsense..... So why are there so many arrests of OWS, with so little display of ANY violence? Couldn't be because those in power don't want the middle class to disrupt the status quo, could it? Watch the videos of the UC Davis students SITTING on the ground, threatening NOONE... and yet military grade pepper spray is used on our kids by campus police, because they are exercising their constitutional RIGHT to protest ON THEIR CAMPUS??? And some of you geniuses think this is funny?? Most of the posts above make me sick. Thank god SOME people are waking up and at least trying to take this country back, because the way it's been going, were going to have to climb across the boarder to find jobs in Mexico soon.
I recently ordered some juice from MadVapes. I wasn't REALLY looking for more juice! In fact, I have SOoooo much juice, I pretty much promised myself NOT to purchase more juice, until I've used up a large amount of what I already have! But... I watched a YouTube review of a MAP tank, and the reviewer, during his review of the MAP, went on and on for a few minutes about how great Dekang RY4 juice is, and how it's so inexpensive at MadVapes! I headed over to MadVapes, and was rather surprised to find that you can get a 30ml of Dekang juice for UNDER $8.00! Ended up ordering one 30ml of Dekang RY4, and one bottle of Dekang Virginia, and have to tell you, they are really excellent! Very light color, almost clear but with a very slight yellow coloring to both of them! I ordered the RY4 at 18mg strength, and the Virginia at 24mg (when I'm REALLY craving an analog, I switch for a few drags to 24mg strength juice) What was slightly confusing is, one of 'em was $7.89 and the other was $7.99! Really? How do they determine that one flavor should be a dime more then the other?!? Who CARES??? EIGHT BUCKS for 30MG of juice, and it TASTES GREAT !!! It also arrived in about three days, and very reasonable shipping! I'm used to spending over $20 bucks for the same size of juice from Halo. Now, I love Halo's juice, but at twice the price, not sure that I'll be back that soon! And I really do love Halo... love the glass bottles, love their Torque 56 and Freedom juice, but I gotta tell you, the RY4 and Virginia juice from MadVapes is right up there with 'em, and for a heck of a lot less. Just thought I'd pass this on. If you're short of cash, or even if you're not, head on over to MadVapes and check out their juices! (they have smaller size bottles as well, for even less!) Good luck, vap on!
I'll Never Buy A Map Tank From Clouds Of Vapor!
Shel replied to Schizophretard's topic in e Cigarette Reviews
Actually, your main problem is that you purchased the 2.4 ohm MAP tank. Bruce, over at Clouds of Vapor, has said that on variable voltage devices, or devices over 3.7v, you should stick with the 3.2 ohm MAP tanks. I personally saw the 2.4ohm MAP become available two weeks ago, but passed on them because I really wanted to use a ProVari with the MAP, and felt that it needed at least the 2.8ohm but preferably the 3.2ohm CE2. Finally was able to get a MAP with 3.2ohm, and haven't had any issues with dry hits! It really works great! I also like the clearomizers, but they don't hold quite as much juice, and I do find that with those, on occasion, you need to tip them upside down for half a second, to get enough juice to the atty. Usually, this only is necessary when the Clearomizer is below 1/3 of the way full. There IS a reason everyone is raving about the MAP's. I do agree, however, that I wish CoV would set up a waiting list. I'd rather be on a list, and know that in two, three weeks I'll have one, then the email notification system. I've received email notices several times, but by the time I've checked my email, and seen the notice, then gone to Clouds of Vapor's site, it was 45minutes to over an hour after the notice had arrived, and they're all sold out! I mean, come ON... who watches their friggin email every minute of every day just to get ecig supplies???? Good luck! -
I'd also recommend the ProVari! Great device, lasts all day! I take my kids to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and other amusement parks. My family leaves the house at around 8am, arrives at the parks around 9am, and we're there often until midnight, plus an hour drive home. Last time I went to Disneyland, I took my ProVari with a charged battery (the smaller IMR 18490), and brought along a spare 18650, figuring before the end of the day I'd need it. Well, to my surprise, even with the smaller battery, the ProVari made it throughout the day! Put a MAP tank on it, and you're good to go for the entire day! No dripping necessary, no replacement batteries, and fantastic vapping! With it's veriable voltage, any resistance atty works great! You won't be sorry if you pick one up. Good luck.
I've been using mine for three days now, and the number one feature I LOVE about the ProVari is consistancy! I haven't used any other variable volt device, but the ProVari gives you the EXACT same vap, from the first draw when you put a freshly charged battery into the device, until the very last draw, right before your battery finally gives out! Also, as Chris mentioned in his review, nobody is going to mistaken this for something somebody threw together in their garage! This device exudes quality! Great weight, beautiful workmanship and the LED display can easily be used in bright sunlight as well as a pitch black room! Anyone who's ordered one and is waiting.... you are in for a treat!
Thanks for the great review, Chris I also recently recieved the ProVari, and it really is an amazing mod! Just a total pleasure to use. What impresses me is the consistancy! From the first vap, with a newly charged battery, until the last vap right before the battery dies (and, by the way, the ProVari warns you that your battery life is short, with a series blinks of the red light on the power button)... you get the exact same, wonderful vape! One clarification to your review.... you can turn off the red LED light which is embedded, behind the button, for stealth vapping. You can't turn off the LED screen. Just to clarify for those who don't have a ProVari and may have gotten the wrong impression.
I've also ordered the ProVari. Looks like an awesome mod! There are a few video reviews of the device. Seems very easy to change voltage, and other settings. Love how you can use it to check the resistance on your current atty! Some very cool options on this device! Now we just wait...
kitsune reacted to a post in a topic: 1St Day Without Analogs
Good luck to both of you! My tip... I generally use juice with 18mg of nicotine, but I also keep a bottle of 24mg nic on hand. I've also using an eGo, and you can simply drip three drops of the stronger juice into the atty, if/when you really have a craving for a cig. this has helped me a lot. Good luck to both of you guys!
Have you seen the Ali'i? It's a wood, custom built bottom feed box that's gotten rave reviews! A little more pricy, but from what I've heard it sounds like it's worth it. You can find 'em at rnrmanufacturing.com They sell out quickly, and he only relists 'em on Friday, 5pm, PST. After about 15-20 minutes (once he's reached the limit that he can build in a week, I guess) he closes sales.