IT not the same. But like everyone here I useto smoke 2 to 3 packs of cigs a day. A very heavy smoker. And I was scared to death to quite just the thought of quiting in the past would give me a panic attack. In fact I would try the patch, the gum, medications you name it. And I would smoke more on those then without them.
But with the help of the e-cig quitting was alot easier. It took a month to completely quite. And if you have a cig. in between so what. Have one or two or three. who cares. But before you reach for the analog cigs. Take a few hits off your e-cig and what 1 minute or 2 then if you need a analog cig have it. Ths is the method I used and I found my self reaching less for the analog cig.
Well good luck and this forum is alot of help in quitting..