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Everything posted by smcbratnie

  1. Another creative mod, looks great!
  2. Sonar505, Thank you for the response. Knowing I do not need to use screen board helps out. Great tutorial!! I have wanted to try making a wood mod for a long time. Will look at the DIY tutorial for the dual 18650 mod box
  3. Thanks for posting a great DIY tutorial for new modders or people without a lot of expensive tools. I had a question on the wood sizes you listed. I went to Home Depot and was unable to find the wood sizes you listed, I did find the hobby wood. I was also unable to locate the screen board. Can you tell me the length, width and height of wood I can use? I do not have power tools to rip wood so I would like to buy wood like you listed. Also wood for the screen board? Maybe a link to buy online? Wasnt sure if I had to use the exact wood sizes you listed? I have all the parts and equipment you listed to start but cannot find wood to start. Any help you can give would be appreciated Thanks
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