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  1. Like
    luck reacted to DAYVAPE in Joker 2 Already?   
    You've got my total support Buzz! And I love my unit!!!
  2. Like
    luck reacted to Phaseman66 in Joker 2 Already?   
    That makes two of us. I really do like my Joker, but the price was plain hurtful and reliability seems to be an issue. (mine is currently in the shop under warranty for non-functioning LED.) I got caught up in the hype once. I don't regret it, the Joker is a good unit. The Joker part deux?

    Thanks, but no thanks Vaprlife.
  3. Like
    luck reacted to Buzzkill in Joker 2 Already?   
    The market is changing, expect to see even more changes SOON !

    BTW we have already applied for a Provisional Patent Application for the variable voltage on a PV !
  4. Like
    luck reacted to actor92191 in Joker 2 Already?   
    you know... something held me back from getting the Joker, maybe it was because I already had a device that took the exact same batteries, minus the LED and "protection unit" (which is unnecessary because Tenergy batteries have a really good protection in them).

    All of a sudden this "variable voltage" concept comes out and everyone drops everything!

    I see buying PV's a lot like buying any other technology: wait a few more months until something better comes out or until the price drops for what you want!
  5. Like
    luck reacted to snubber in Joker 2 Already?   
    So all you folks that just had to have that Joker when it first came out....are you feeling a little soreness around the area where the preparation H should go??? Sounds like a gotcha to me.....sorry
  6. Downvote
    luck reacted to RustyVape in Shipment Seized By Chinese Customs?   
    With all due respect, I call BS. There is no news of this. I received a China shipment 2 days ago and have another that has just departed China today. Do you have any proof of this?

    Edit Your last post did not show up before my post. I understand that there is a lot of pay-offs going on in China, but to say that ecig are illegal, in all of China, like they are in Hong Kong, has got to be incorrect.
  7. Like
    luck reacted to Ouster in Throw Me Contest   
    Guys IDK Game seemed a little buggy to me...I'd hate to win like that, if thats the case. Chris if you want to start another contest with the Joker...Ill understand I leave it in yours and /or the forums hands. If someone else wins then disregard this...Million Two may be hard to beat tho
  8. Like
    luck reacted to Jeffb in Mod Database   
    Check out this mod database. Cool pics and good info. http://www.ecigarette-mods.com/index.html
  9. Downvote
    luck reacted to parked in Dietsmokes   

    Your VPPT was mailed out to you yesterday via USPS from Vaprlife


  10. Downvote
    luck reacted to parked in Dietsmokes   
    Relax ! 2pac or Rob & big

    Sorry Derek I couldn't resist not posting this every time i see your avatar i think of these 2 pictures


    First pic: Rob & Big with Meaty the dog Second pic: 'VapnRealtor'Avatar Third Pic: Death Row Records with 2pac

  11. Downvote
    luck reacted to parked in Dietsmokes   

    But I did have you covered


  12. Like
    luck reacted to Stirfry in Dietsmokes   
    yeah, i know! lmfao... thanks to Christopher (VT), and Mary (Vaprlife)... and no small amount of effort from me.

    i don't mean to me a d-bag about it (well, actually i do), but your post comes off kind of like "i got you covered". not at all the case.

    Awesome Vapor and Vaprlife gained a customer, Chris solidified me as one, and you lost one (at the very least).
  13. Like
    luck reacted to nana in Need A Name   
  14. Like
    luck reacted to ddavelarsen in Need A Name   
    My wife just refers to all vaping items as "that stuff." I asked her to watch out all the little travel bottles of juice I've left laying all over the place, and she told me she always just puts the cap on and sticks them back in the refrigerator! Thinking of gatorade of course. She's a little slow to catch on that vaping is meaningful.

    As to naming your PT... Maybe you should start a poll and let us vote on it! FTJoe already summarized all the suggestions. I kinda like "Firefly" myself - totally fitting and one of my favorite short-lived TV series of all time, too!
  15. Like
    luck reacted to ColoradoKrissy in Need A Name   
    LOL at this thread!! I, myself, would call it the "Green-eyed MONSTER!"
  16. Like
    luck reacted to christania in Need A Name   
    It's green eh?

    ho ho ho
    green giant!

    I couldn't help myself. I always got a kick out of those commercials at the end!



    If I had a green one, that's prolly what I'd call mine. lol
  17. Like
    luck reacted to Schizophretard in Need A Name   
    Name it Firefly!

  18. Like
    luck reacted to Ray in Need A Name   
    How bout "Big Metal"
    My wife calls my Spade the BONG. She'd call a VT/PT a Hukka or something.
  19. Like
    luck reacted to carguy50 in Need A Name   
    Big Daddy sounds good to me.......Maybe you should start calling me that.
  20. Like
    luck reacted to FTJoe in Need A Name   
    Okay folks - May I show you guys these responses starting with the last, next to last, etc? If I was Christopher, I'd tell you folks to clean up the language!!!!
    MY wife aptly refers to it as the caterpillar.
    I call mine "The Snorkel"
    Call it the Shamrock.
    it's green
    How about V-Pete? Or there's always "Big Johnson"...
    If it's blue you could call it blue thunder.
    Well depending on the color...if it's green you could call it the green hornet..or my favorite old comic character The Green Lantern.
  21. Like
    luck reacted to Horanld in Need A Name   
    MY wife aptly refers to it as the caterpillar.
  22. Like
    luck reacted to ROOR in Need A Name   
    I call mine "The Snorkel"
  23. Like
    luck reacted to Sinikal in Need A Name   
  24. Like
    luck reacted to NeRo9k in Need A Name   
    Call it the Shamrock.
  25. Like
    luck reacted to Lee in Need A Name   
    How about V-Pete? Or there's always "Big Johnson"...
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