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  1. janty stick and probably the silver bullet double barrel (novelty wore off fast)
  2. my biggest problem at first was using carts i was to stubborn to direct drip but wish i would have from day one, high voltage was also life changing for me and i found with high voltage it was easier to direct drip because if you flooded it there was no problem with the vapor (just a mess out the bottom)
  3. i have been vaping for 7 month's but i still smoke when i drink. I have no problem's not smoking the next day sober or any other time though so it doesnt really bother me every now and then.
  4. no god of war fan's? i bought a ps3 just so i could play god of war 3 and now i have an overpriced blu ray player
  5. holly crap storm you may have given me the courage to try to fix my dad's VP2
  6. not sure if this help's but i have some 3.6's i use in my buzz sometimes with no problem's, my favorite batt's for it though are 3.7 1000 Mah from deal extreme
  7. again great review burn and i couldnt agree more the buzz is just an awesome pv that does everything, since i have got mine i have kinda fell outta the forum's and researching and buyin everything because there is just no need to seqarch for the perfect vape anymore i have finally found it after thousand's of dollar's wasted on crap. holly sht am i a fanboy now?
  8. one of the best review's i have read burn great job.
  9. you should watch food inc. It show's how messed up the food industry really is
  10. i did for the 1st couple month's but don't anymore
  11. ya nana beat me to it i was going to say drip tip's if you direct drip.
  12. the joker isnt out yet but i would wait for that since it run's at 5v and will have lot's of good features. I have never owned an xhaler but i don't like the way the button look's either. my 2 cent's
  13. mine would be begging for a cooling system
  14. wow mark that's a real piece of art you got there, very nice work
  15. a little more info on the GLV. It runs on 2 3.7 1000mah batt's and has a resistor to bring it down to 5v so that's why it last's so long. I actually forgot to charge it last saturday and it lasted 2 day's without dying but there are trade off's for example it's pretty big and you have to preorder and wait for awhile to get it.
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