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Everything posted by BHam

  1. I don't know much about your industry but I can imagine you don't have much downtime during jobs. I always carry auto stick batteries with me so I can vape with "no-hands" that's how I've always gotten around it. My mods and bigger batteries are typically for home use.
  2. Vale555rie what are your talking points in your pitch to swtich? (rhyming was intentional)
  3. 9/10 times when people tell me about bans in their workplace it's because the HR or the governing body lumps ecigs with tobacco use.
  4. Great read jeffb, we need more MDs speaking on our behalf. When will people listen!?!
  5. This was a good read. They bring up interesting points but as a vaper, I have go by our adage, IT IS VAPOR, NOT SMOKE. So I will always go against having the same rules and regulations imposed on us vapers, not smokers
  6. I won't get into a debate about the FDA, but when people ask "Are ecigs dangerous" or bring up the whole PG is antifreeze things, I turn around and tell them a lot of what the article touched on. Tell people to read the wrappers of candy or anything and see that glycol or glycerines show up more than they think. Great read man!
  7. Soon enough they will be educated and we won't have to deal with these questions.
  8. I can't say my gas isn't normal from usual, however, similar to joe, I have gotten an upset stomach from vaping too much VG too. It made me feel like going more to the bathroom than giving me really bad gas. I'm sure it's vaping-related.
  9. I agree with this since it's the "easiest" transition both visually and with the entire action (no buttons etc.) I've tried some disposables and not all are bad but if you don't want to commit too much it's a great start.
  10. Thanks for this list! It's nice to have this compiled like this.
  11. Thank you Uma!
  12. Welcome! We have a very knowledgable group here that will point you in the right direction!
  13. Welcome! I'm also new to VT but everyone has been so warm in their welcoming. I'm loving it already !
  14. Welcome and congrats on the two weeks! The first couple weeks can be hard, stick with it, I'm sure all of us here will say it's really worth it
  15. Thanks for the warm welcoming guys! Via thanks especially for the welcome and kind words glad to have a familiar face.
  16. Welcome Morandir, glad to have you!
  17. Welcome man! I just joined too and the community here is really warm and receptive!
  18. I am BHam with Vapor4Life. We want to thank all the Vapor Talkers for having us! If you ever have questions about Vapor4Life, check out our subforum and I will be there to help .
  19. I probably wouldn't vape with my kid in a closed space. Not due to the danger, it would just be hard explaining to my hypothetical 2 year old that although this looks like the smoke from mommy's (I guess my hypothetical wife is a smoker?) cigarette, it's not. Like another vaper posted, I vape like how I smoked, and will always ask if it's okay for me to vape somewhere and I'm always willing to explain in detail what I'm using. However, at home, I've explained to my girlfriend that it's vapor and not smoke and she has not once complained of offensive odors or irritation from the second-hand vapor. She very much approves over this than my old smoking habit.
  20. I saw this not too long ago and that was my exact thought.
  21. Similar to what kitsune alluded too, when I don't direct inhale (straight to the lungs) the vape whether PG dominant or VG dominant is not as harsh. I will inhale in my mouth and then slowly breathe it into my lungs when I first wake up because I've go through something similar (but not nearly to that level). Try different e-liquids or even higher resistance cartomizers to significantly decrease the TH. I use 3.0ohm (+ or - .1ohms) cartos because lower resistance cartos irritate my throat.
  22. I typically clean out cartos just so I have a "clean" vape after a few refills. Sometimes whether carto polyfill or a wick, the flavor seems "off" (likely attributed to the act of heating up the liquid). Even if I am using the same flavor, I like the taste of a fresh vape every time!
  23. What I get more and more is that people tell me "Well, you haven't quit smoking.". <---- THIS drives me nuts. Granted, I still get my nicotine, but after explaining all the differences they still won't budge. Like a lot of people have said, I just ignore it knowing that a lot of it has to do with the lack of information many non-vapers have or the false information that they are given. It's only a matter of time before more people are accepting. If people vape in hospitals, that right there should be a point on how we all aren't smokers, we're vapers.
  24. I keep hearing of more hospitals and Drs. allowing or even recommending ecigs more and more everyday. It's really great for all of us. I had to take a second look at that pic for a minute .
  25. When I first started vaping I got "niccups" as a friend called them. I also started at a higher nic strength so I went down too. I find that while vaping I drink more water because my mouth will dry out so I don't get many niccups anymore.
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