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  1. This is really unfortunate. Only one sports team in Chicago told me not to vape and it was the Bulls at the United Center. I've vaped at Chicago's Wrigley Field which is always packed...or has been :p. But never has an attendant asked me to stop vaping.
  2. This is a very good (and BOLD) article. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Hello Brandon! I'm also Brandon! Welcome to VT .
  4. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  5. Welcome to Vapor Talk! You already see how helpful our community is .
  6. I love seeing this everywhere I go! Thank you mse12 for sharing this. We've been trying to tell as many people as possible because when it comes down to it, we are all on the same side and in this together.
  7. Welcome to Vapor Talk .
  8. Thanks mse12 .
  9. Going off what seaspine said, typically analog cigarettes will have anywhere between 4-12mg per analog depending on the strength. My old analogs had 6mg per analog and I use 18mg at about 2mLs a day.
  10. I've gotten e-liquid on my hands, never any pure nicotine liquid. I have also swallowed plenty of e-liquid and never have I had long term (more than 20min) affects from it. I only wash my hands if I've spilled a bottle. Otherwise, I haven't a worry in the world (mainly because of my liquid is premade and I do zero DIY).
  11. Welcome to VT man! Glad to hear your local vape shop has you covered .
  12. I've been spreading this info too. We need more vapers to submit their responses to help our collective cause. We're in this together!
  13. Have to agree with mse! Pure VG liquids are just so thick, it's hard to get a cartomizer/wick saturated enough to have a clean vape.
  14. Welcome to VT! This is a great community of vapers here!
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