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bill45005 last won the day on January 10 2013

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  1. Ok everybody is jumping in here so I guess I will also The 100% vg will not wick fast enough if you puff it one after another or long hard deep puffs . 80/20 or 70/30 with the high # being the pg is much better . also the flavor is a problem at times things like cinnamon etc The viva nova is great no leaks doesnt burn either , but dont let the fluid get to low if you puff a lot the wicking is the problem so try to find a pg juice you like IMO the the "bottom coils caromizer dont work good the visions have worked good for me with a 2.4 coil at 4.2 volts on my Twist I use a vision but on the evic , the lava tube and the vamoo I use vivanova
  2. Welcome and congrats
  3. Welcome Spookshowbaby like a couple others said we all enjoy helping as best we can any questions just ask as others have told you this WORKS after many years of smoking 2 1/2 packs a day and many failed attemps a quiting , bought one of these 3 years ago and have never touched an analog since . There is no withdrawal NONE that and the money you save is fantastic . you will be anazed at how bad analogs stink is a very short time . foods taste great etc . But you will feel so much better also If you get real serious into the hobby side of this it is great because it is a hi tech hobby that will cost you nothing because of the money you saved not buying the abalogs
  4. Welcome to this great activity (hobby, life saver ,etc) you will save enough money that the drain on your billfold will be offset by the $ you save not buying analogs . I used to smoke 21/2 packs a day that was $100 + a week , that was 3 years ago Yes there are plenty of different choices out there , but if you kinda work into it slowly you will understand a lot of the differances . The term "mod" is a difficult thing for newbees to get a handle on and nobody agree,s on the definition any way lolmy personal definition , for what its worth, is anything that is not just a "push the button and puff" device. for around 30 bucks you can get a varable voltage twist from joy tech it is not to big if you get the 650mah one and there are many colors available if that is important to you . cartomizer (atomizer) one of the best IMO out there is the vision rebuildable with a 2.4 coil or the viva nova (also made by vision ) both are good Now if you want a lil more hi tech the vamoo , or the evic or the lavatube are all good with the evic being pretty hi tech and leading edge Ok I have ramled on enough wellcome Seebs
  5. welcome to the non smoking world You will be very happy I am sure of that . The best thing you said was to find a shop , they will give you good advice , with that said make sure it is a good one that has a vaiaty of products . Keep in mind that some of the brand names you hear are just renamed from other real manufactures . Joyetech, riva , kanger and vision are real manufactors , Talk to the shop owner and let him answer your ? the price at most brick and morter stores is about the same as the internet and you know him you can talk to him one on one . After you have been doing this fir a while then you may want to venter into the online shops But please dont go to a shop pick the owners brain for an hour then buy you stuff on line that is at best rude and it borders on lieing
  6. welll guess I am # 3 post lol have been using my EVIC since last friday . I think it is great . I use it with a viva nove and 1.8 coil with no problems . have also put a 2.4 ohm vision on it and a couple different caro tanks all worked well . set on 4.8 volts and 14.1 watts with the viva nova it is my sweet spot . it is a lot lighter than my vamoo and a bit shorter . it is about the same weight as a lava tube . all the trick menu,s are fun lol but not a lot of usfull info .... I dont care how many times I have puffed etc but it is kinda neet Performance wise it is great , with the above mentioned setting and a 2600 mah battery that comes with it it will last almost 2 days on a charge , but I have been charging it every night . I puff a lot so those are good figures for comparison a twist set on 4.2 v and with a vision 2.4 my between charge time is about 8 to 10 hours Great product IMO well made and with the computer hookup about as hi tech as there is out there
  7. Got mine last friday 1/4/2013 it is great it works as stated well made and lighter than the Vamoo no problems at all and no complaints . using it with a viva nova and 1.8 coil set on 14.1 watts and 4.8 volts with those setting I have not got any problems of burnt taste or hot vapor
  8. Glad someone cleared this verbage up lol
  9. I use a v3 on my ego twist and am hapy with it but it will on occation leak because the tube get tilted to the side ( i am pretty rough with it ) the VIVA NOVA is my choice on my vamo it is rugged and holds up well . I use the metal tank with plastic linner and view windows holds up good cores last long time I set it on 14.5 watts and never have problem
  10. my evic,s should be here today I am looking forward to it will post some impresions as sone as I can.right now I am using a VAMO and am very happy with it
  11. Hi Steve and welcome to being a non smoker!! you will never regret that is for sure .Anything I can help with let me know Bill
  12. the price you quoted is good price , if you have a good brick and mortor store in your area go there and buy there if he has what you want but get advice about store from his customers if he is a good store he will have plenty of people saying good things . you can buy it and be puffing on your way home and will have a good knowledge base to work from . most will let you "custom build" your kit but like any other bussiness there are good and bad stores pick a good one and you will be far hapier than an online retailer that sells to hundreds of people a day , and normally the price is very close if not better
  13. LOL there will be a bunch of opinions here ! read what posters say and why , then make up your own mind . listen a lot lot talk very little except to ask ? 's is what my dad used to say IMO the best is the Vamo . , I like the adjustable watts a lot . the pro vari is good but pricey the ego twist by joytech is very good if you only want adj volts Lava tube is good but alas only adjustable volts the one I want to get my hands on is the Joytech E-vic , should have it in a couple days with the comp interface and more adjustments than I ever thought posible wow . Time will tell but one of the neet things is its ability to download revisions to its firm ware read the reviews and not sure if its a computer or an e-cig
  14. Hmmmm first I have heard of this problem but if you bought from a good retailer he should make it right . I have a joyech ego twist , a vamo a lava tube and a pro vari IMO the vamo is #1 the twist is #2 the pro vari is good but not worth the hi price the lavatube is good but no adjustable watts , but all are so much better that non adjustable that there is no comparison
  15. Rixter's advice is good , there is a cap on the market that has what looks like a 2" long neddle in the end with a soft cap that fits over it it fits most 10ml and 30 ml bottles works great and is cheap $1.49 lasts for money uses and is blunt so you dont have to worry about stabing yourself
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