I have been watching these videos for the past few days now, and they are very informal. As for the war on terror being a hoax, it isn't. Simply because whichever way you put it, we are fighting in iraq and afganistan, as well as our gov't has waged a war on us the people of this country, trying to make us the terrorist. Trying to ban us from our god given rights. In one of the videos that I watched they said that any one who "recites the constitution or their constitutional rights are in an incorrecet state of mind and must be medicated". Now forgive me for I am not a vet of any military (not accepted by any branch due to medical reason) but this country has not been american and majority of people in this country have been so brainwashed and dumbed down to where they arent aware that anything is even going on and to save our country we need to take it back and make it the REAL U.S.A again!!!!.
(sorry not trying to offend any one!!)