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Everything posted by Acroma

  1. the vapor isn't giving as much flavor as the m401 does and it seems almost to hot. But it's fine by me, just happy these carts don't leak allover like the m401 carts tend to do.
  2. 510 kit showed up. It does seem to have a different vape then the m401. Not sure If I like it just yet. I'm going to try a juice I love with a clean Atty to see if it's different.
  3. Well, first it was the m403. Now it will be the 510. I'm sold wife is sold and we are enjoying the extra money to get new toys to vape on. I think the next step for me will be the passthrough.
  4. I've been vapin on it for a week now and it's perfect. I'm very happy with the m403.
  5. For my first E-cig I wanted one that looked like a analog cig. Here is a review I did I must say I was impressed with the e-cig I got. Next stop probably a 510
  6. This is my review of the liquids I got from DIYflavorshack.com Rating system. 1-10 Orange Cream: Flavor: 7 the cream taste caramelized. Vapor: 8 Satisfaction: 7.5 fairly good vape Grape: Flavor: 10 Yup it's a grape soda/drink Vapor: 8 Satisfaction: 9 FYI: Wife loves it. Cappuccino: Flavor: 7 Only because it taste more of a caramel popcorn Vapor: 8 Satisfaction 7.5 Not what expected still fairly good vape. Banana Cream: Flavor: 10 Just like the pie filling! Vapor: 8 Satisfaction: 10, taste overrides the vapor. All in all very good flavors from DIY, It was also very nice of Dawn to send me some useful tools to help me start my mixing madness.
  7. Sweet, grats!
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