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Everything posted by jowaddle

  1. Any time you fill it up, let it soak into the wick for a minute to assure the juice is in there good. Definitely let it dry overnight if you have to wash it out. One thing that might help, if it's "burnt" from a dry hit right where the wick goes in the coil, try gently scooting it over just a tiny little bit. I got that tip from one of the Kingpin guys and it worked.
  2. Thanks for the post! Sometimes we need to exercise common sense. Are we going to carry around brochures that explain in detail that our e-cigarettes are harmless to others and pass them out in restaurants and airplanes? We need to realize that common courtesy is something we should still be aware of at all times. I wrote a blog about the Smoker's Attitude. I had a pretty bad one myself. I think I have finally grown up. Feel free to read it if you'd like. Again, thanks for the post. http://www.myelectroniccigarettes.com/uncategorized/a-smokers-attitude-the-sacred-cigarette
  3. I have an e-liquid called Ruyan that I bought from Kingpin a few months ago. Does anyone know if that's the same as RY4? I just checked and Kingpin doesn't sell Ruyan anymore, but I see that they offer RY4 and I just wondered if it's the same as RY4. Thanks.
  4. This is some really good info. Especially using 0mg right before bedtime! I think I'll start using 24 in the morning, then a 18 in the afternoon, a 12 in the evening and a 0 at bedtime. I also keep a variety of levels and flavors, and now I totally get the point. Thanks guys.
  5. I'm glad to see you are enjoying your e-cigarette! I do have that morning craving more than any other time of the day, but I personally won't have one because I know myself and I would have one in the morning, then one more and more and more. It does save on money though, doesn't it! I also notice that I feel better overall - no more coughing, chest pains or shortness of breath coming up the steps. Recently, I tried the T-Rex from Kingpin and it has a bigger "hit" than the regular smaller e-cigarettes that I like to travel with. By using the T-Rex, I crave the morning cigarette less, and the tank is huge and refillable. You don't have to replace the cartridges. I fill it once a day and that's it. Same with the battery. The kit is a little more expensive but well worth it!!
  6. Just because we can vape anywhere doesn't mean we shouldn't exercise common sense. Maybe be considerate of someone on an airplane since most people are uninformed about what an e-cigarette actually is. If I didn't know what the vapor was, it might make me a little nervous blowing right in my face. Those seats on a plane are really, really close. Plus, this guy was a moron chanting about bin Laden. That probably didn't help his case, at all.
  7. Hi Ricketts. I was hoping you'd respond to this. That is an insane amount of money to be unaccounted for. And they keep cutting funding for these advocacy groups, such as The Truth, and we know this because those groups are screaming for more money all the time. When is the last time you saw a commercial with the people in the orange T-shirts throwing around a black lung? I can't remember. If their funding is still coming from the purchase of cigarettes - 2.2 cents a cigarette - why would they ever want anyone to really stop smoking? Yes, definitely a big fat agenda. Then there's just plain ignorance: "But the San Francisco Health Department says if it looks like a cigarette and acts like a cigarette it is a cigarette and needs the same restrictions. Dr. Tomas Aragon, the city's health officer, says e-cigarettes are just another nicotine delivery system and send a message to youth that some smoking is OK." Here's the article I came across today about San Francisco trying to get in on the e-cig ban: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/san_francisco&id=8089763 Someone's always gotta be a hero.
  8. Tailpiping - yeah, burnt lips. I've started calling my dad Darth Vaper. I love this list. Thanks for the post.
  9. I didn't realize this had already been going on for so long. I do realize, however, that the FDA must do its job and regulate anything that we put in our bodies and I can appreciate that to an extent. I'd rather they regulate something like, oh, I don't know, the hormones in the chicken nuggets we're stuffing in little kids every day that have proven to cause cancer? Psht. The nicotine in our e-cigarettes is no more dangerous than a freakin Red Bull. But for governors to start passing laws that we can't smoke the e-cigs outside is just plain ignorant. They griped until we put the analogs out. They won't be happy until we are all Stepford People.
  10. Good day Vapers. Just when things were really looking up for us now "non-smokers" and we have found a perfect substitute in doing something we love so much, the FDA has to come in and rain all over our vaping parade. After all the griping that researchers have done in the last 20 years about how bad cigarettes are, as if we don't know this, they're acting as though the e-cigarette is the devil. But we've finally admitted that to ourselves, yes smoking is bad for our health, we've taken the leap and quit smoking. We chose the e-cigarettes and we LOVE them. New York is already passing laws prohibiting the use of e-cigarettes within 100 feet of any schools. I realize they are trying to keep kids from being curious about our e-cigarettes, but good grief. This is ridiculous. They're all going crazy because they think that kids will be tempted to use the e-cigarette because of the awesome flavors such as bubble gum and chocolate. Well, go to the pony keg on the corner and get yourself some candy dang it! This is making me think I seriously need to stock up on my watermelon e-juice before Uncle Sam squashes my melon. Get ready guys, the laws and the taxes are coming. ALBANY, N.Y. (CBSNewYork/AP) – It is now illegal in New York State to smoke an electronic cigarette within 100 feet of entrances to public or private schools. Click here to read the entire article. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/09/05/gov-cuomo-signs-new-electronic-cigarette-restrictions-into-law/
  11. I wish there was a smaller clearomizer for the 510 so it didn't look so caddywhompass with the smaller battery. Maybe soon.
  12. So now I know what to get my dad for Christmas. Thanks guys
  13. You guys are definitely on to something! I just got on Amazon and typed in "toothbrush holder beautiful" and look what came up! This doesn't even LOOK like a toothbrush holder. I wouldn't mind having this sit in my living room holding my awesome e-cigs for company to see. And then, yes, adding rhinestones and stuff... oh man. And who's to say you couldn't find something like this at a Goodwill??? Yup. You guys rock. http://www.amazon.com/Toothbrush-Holder-Western-Woven-Leather/dp/B004UC689Q/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1353260074&sr=8-6&keywords=toothbrush+holder+beautiful
  14. I make a LOT of stuff on my own by ordering the nicotine base and adding flavor extract. I counted 35 bottles of juice the other day! I do that just for fun though. But, as far as using something easy that has a nice smooth flavor, Kingpin has one called KP Red. If I had to choose just one to take with me to vape all day, that would be it! It never gets that scorched taste which some of the fruity flavors seem to get, unless you have the clearomizer. But those come with the giant e-cigs, and it looks like you're trying to stick with the smaller one. Can't blame you. http://kingpinecigs.com/collections/e-liquid/products/high-caliber-e-liquid (Dejavu has got it goin' on!!) Vape on.
  15. I just got a T-Rex in the mail from Kingpin (my personal favorite for hardware) and that e-cig is the one with the clearomizer instead of the regular atomizer. The difference is amazing. The taste you get from the vapor is so pure. Whatever juice you prefer is exactly what taste you'll get. It doesn't ever burn like with the regular style atomizers. I think of it like coffee sitting in a coffee pot on a burner all day and getting that scorched taste. The only downfall is this e-cig is substantially bigger than the 510 I'm used to. I can't put my homemade pen clip on it and tuck it in my shirt pocket. This is probably something I'll just use at home, but it is really nice! And man, you get some serious vapor from this thing! I was sitting in a restaurant tonight using it after dinner and thought for sure one of the waitresses would come over and tell me to put my "cigarette" out. ha ha!! Jo Vape On...
  16. Mt Dew? Omg. Must. Have. This.
  17. I'll have to try this out. Thanks for the idea!
  18. A toothbrush holder, freakin genius.
  19. I like the tire gauge clip idea, Rixter. That's pretty slick. My e-cig looks like a pen too. I'm waiting for someone to ask to borrow it and open up a whole can of worms.
  20. Hi Friends, Along with the homemade clip I put on my e-cigarette, I also decided I wanted an ashtray. Smoking and vaping may be very different, but it is also very similar with the mental aspects. I won't go in to how long I was an analog smoker, but it was long enough that not having an ashtray to set my e-cigarette down in was starting to aggravate me somewhat after a few weeks. I found an old ashtray, cleaned it out and made it shine. Then I dug around in my craft closet and found some pretty gems. Ok, so maybe I'm pointing this post towards the women, or maybe the guys might like marbles or rocks instead? Either way, it's nice to have a clean ashtray nowadays instead of a stinking one full of gross butts, right? Besides, lighting cigarettes, blowing smoke, buying fancy ashtrays and lighters, it's all part of the ritual. And hey, after a couple of months of using my e-ashtray, I noticed some oil in there that had leaked out of the pipe. So maybe I saved my furniture and pockets from getting oily! Check out my e-ashtray and see what you think Jo
  21. Hi Vaping Friends, I thought I'd share this idea. I was constantly losing my e-cigarette the first few weeks I started vaping. Between me and my dad, we came up with this idea. It's so cheap and really handy. All I did was buy a pack of mechanical pencils from the dollar store, take the metal clip off the top then stretch it out just a little and stick it on the top of my pipe. No more losing my e-cigarette. Just be careful that you don't put too much juice in if you're using a drip tip because if it leaks out, it might get it on your shirt. I did this once, but dish washing liquid got it right out. No stains. Vaping Forever, Jo
  22. Love your post Veteran Smoker! Nick (he posted up there ^^) is my dad and we LOVE LOVE LOVE our e-pipes. Our family thinks we are crazy. We don't care. We are sitting here on Skype right now, vaping away, discussing topics on this awesome site we discovered yesterday and are thrilled that we can now connect with people who understand. The first time we vaped in public was at a Cracker Barrel during a family gathering. After we ate, half the family went out to smoke. Instinctively, we got out our pipes and started vaping. I pointed to the no smoking sign and dad flipped it the bird. That seemed to be a moment of clarity for both of us and we have been laughing at the no smoking signs ever since. Have fun! Jo
  23. Wow. That's a work of art.
  24. Good for you! No more going outside to smoke in the freezing cold. No more stinking and offending other people. And no more smoker's cough. Have fun!
  25. Jetson, DRAG, LAUGH, SAY THIS IS COOL. - This will be the quote of the day, I'm sure. Ha! Yep, I've been vaping for 3 months and I do it every single time. Me and my dad will sit on Skype (both of us with our blue lights going) and talk for 3 hours straight about how freakin awesome vaping is and why on earth didn't we know about this before. He smoked for 40 years and I for 15! I didn't quite have the same reaction you did at first. I tried it, said it was stupid and put it in a drawer. Then I took Chantix (very dangerous) and when I had nothing to "smoke" after the third day, I tore the house up looking for the kit. From that day forward, I've never put it down. It's an extension of my hand. I like to order the "base" (nicotine and oil mix) then mix flavors - any type of flavor extract you can name and see what I can come up with. Yesterday I was stuck on smoking Watermelon all day which tasted exactly like a Jolly Rancher. I will never forget the first time me and dad were sitting in public with our pipes. We had a family gathering at Cracker Barrel. After we ate, half the family left to go smoke on the porch. Instinctively, me and dad got out the e-cig (which we have cleverly created a clip using from a mechanical pencil) from our shirt pocket. I glanced over at him and pointed at the no smoking sign. With his evil little grin, he flipped off the sign and we both started cracking up hysterically. No one else found it quite so funny, but maybe you guys can! Have fun with this new adventure. I know I am. Jo
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