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Everything posted by SimianVape

  1. have been hearing good things about the Kanger T3 clearomizer, though.
  2. Not that I'm using it but may be a useful question for the OP - does acidic (like lemon, lime, cinnamon) e-liquids still cause issues with cracking clearomizers?
  3. Great post. You've definitely been smoking longer than I've been alive. I smoked for about 18 years and was up to 2 packs a day. Tried everything to quit, Chantix, patches, lozenges, cold turkey more times than I can count. I don't even remember how I came across an electronic cigarette 2 1/2 years ago and I had my doubts but honestly not one day went by since I started vaping where I really really missed an analog.
  4. Not sure of its proximity to you but there is 9 SouthVapes in Tuckerton, NJ that's a brick and mortar.
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