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Everything posted by mdee4

  1. I just became a member of CASAA. I will look for info on their site to help me. Thanks for the heads up!
  2. That is what I am going to ask them. They have no policy against those items, but it wouldn't surprise me if they say don't use those on campus.
  3. Thanks for the info. The reason I am trying to reverse the ban is because I was told they were added because they were smoking devices and the ban will help keep it a nicotine-free campus. However, there is no mention of nicotine within their policy, not even once. That and e-cigs are not smoking devices. E-cigs are not breaking any rules within their policy so I will try to convince them that they should not be banned within their policy.
  4. My college has recently banned e-cigs on campus. Me, along with others find this new ban to be unnecessary. I am trying to persuade my school to reverse the ban. I have created a petition online to show them that people want it reversed. Could you guys check out my online petition and sign it? It would really help! I'm going to do all I can to reverse the ban. What bothers me about the ban is that e-cigs do not belong in the policy because they don't break any of the rules within the policy! My petition explains why. I would appreciate it a lot if anyone could sign it or give me further ideas to help. Here's my petition... https://www.change.o....nic-cigarettes Thank you!
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