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Everything posted by dlynne

  1. DasBeanz.... For the eGo, you should use a fresh atomizer, and not use it with any other e-cig or mod. The reason for this is that once you use an atomizer with the eGo, something in its connecting part becomes "modded" with the eGo. If you use it with another e-cig or mod, that "modded" change will not gel back with the eGo.
  2. Link: http://www.onlineprnews.com/news/19877-1265042980-official-gov-medical-study-shows-ecig-ecigarette-the-best-quit-smoking-product-over-45-success.html
  3. I just want to add my best wishes, Brian. Sending lots of confidence and optimism your way for your cardiology appointment. Undoubtedly, switching to the e-cig is a better option for your heart!
  4. I have a drawer full of mods.My perfect vapor life is the eGo and the VP/PT. My neighbor got the same combinations, and she agrees. I have a juicebox on order, for those long car trips.
  5. Hi, Jake. I have no idea what was said in the chatroom. But, I will tell you most people start vaping as a road to STOP inhaling a recreational substance. Once I started smoking cigarettes in my teens, I spent decades trying to quit. Trust me, there are better things to do with your time and money other than inhaling a substance, whether or not it contains nicotine. Trusting you to make the right decision, Your Auntie Dlynne
  6. I agree that the eGo could come with a better manual. If I had not already been vaping when I received the eGo, I am not sure I would have been able to figure out how to put it together. That being said, I have always recommended Joye 510 starter kits to new vapers. If money is not an obstacle, I will now be recommending the eGo to start. I think the longer battery life, vapor production, and overall experience is a lot more encouraging and easier for new vapers with the eGo. Good luck, Uma. Keep posting, as I am interested in your feelings about vaping and the eGo.
  7. I've been vaping Dulci 16 for the past few hours (for the first time). I must say it is very good. A real grownup flavor, after vaping my usual chocolate.
  8. Let's face it. We're junkies.
  9. I have Carlos' Juicebox on order, although I won't have it for another month or so.
  10. I think it takes an initial investment to learn what, exactly, will work for you. This includes the different attys, mods, and juice. When you find what works, the investment financial investment will pay off at some point. I have been vaping just over 30 days, and have bought the following: 1. Several 510 batteries and lots of attys 2. Joye 510 Passthrough 3. Protege 4. Protege Passthrough 5. Black Beauty from altsmoker 6. Spade 7. VP Passthrough 8. eGo 9. Chuck 10. On order -- Juicebox from Carlos Add lots of juice, lots of batteries and battery chargers and... well, you get the picture. The real payoff for me is -- after 30+ days off of analogs -- more energy, much improved skin, and no coughing. I know my health has improved tremendously, and I look forward to seeing even more improvement. I've settled on the VP Passthorugh (with car adaptor) and the eGo as the perfect setup for me, so the money should start balancing out in the near future, since I was spending $250/month on analogs before vaping. Although, I will add that I do intend to order a Joker when it becomes available.
  11. I hear that, at 6 volt, a vaper can melt the cartridge. I've never had this problem on my VP/PT, so I am definitely in the market for a well-made portable 5 volt.
  12. Lordvapor....when I first received my eGo, I had some problems getting it going. I had to drip a couple of drops on the atty, and really puff hard for the first 10 minutes. After that.... well, I will be interested in your impressions of the eGo.
  13. I don't know what prevents the atty from flooding. I am told that a standard 510 atty will work with the eGo. However, the eGo comes packaged with a Janty-branded atty that is guaranteed (or under warranty) for 6 months. The Dura Janty atty costs $15.95 as a separate item from the JantyUSA store. I am not sure if this atty has been modified to improve it or not. The eGo also comes with a cone shaped piece that fits over the atty-battery connection. I don't know if this piece is cosmetic, or has an integral function to the eGo. Seriously, in my opinion, modders need to check out the eGo before releasing any more mods as the eGo people have done something really special. I received a Chuck the day after I received the eGo. While the Chuck is fine, and I know the battery life is awesome, there is no beating the eGo when experiencing overall performance, battery life, and flavor. The throat hit of the eGo, at 3.7 volts, is not far off from the throat hit from my VP/PT. And the battery keeps going and going. The throat hit of my Chuck at 3.7 volts is....ok.
  14. Congratulations...I am impressed!
  15. Hi, Nana! You were one of the first to welcome me to this wonderful forum. You always have such kind and encouraging words for everyone. Congratulations on the 3 months that have been free from the prison of tobacco! Like you, I tried so many things over the years. Only the e-cig has given me the key to my liberty. Many more years, tobacco-free, for all of us!
  16. I would also like to thank Chris for running a terrific forum! It is my number one go-to place when I have a question or problem. Thank you, Chris.
  17. My batteries came pre-charged. If your batteries are not, just charge until the light on the Janty charger unit turns green. I am impressed with the eGo for the following reasons: 1) awesome battery life; 2) no leaking juice; 3) no flooded atty; 4) juice remains warm and flavorful; 5) with the ptb mod, I am filling the cartridge at least 50% less than I do with other e-cigs. Overall, I think the eGo is setting a new standard, and any modders out there need to get an eGo and check it out.
  18. The nicotine patch would indicate yes, it can be absorbed by the skin.
  19. I plan on buying a voltage meter to figure out what is going on with the batteries, but so far I have not bonded with the 10440 batteries very well. For me, they don't last much longer than the 510 standard batteries. I have difficulty working with the travel charger...the slightest twitch or bump will change the light from red to green and then back to red, and then green. So, I never know if the batteries are being charged or not.
  20. I received an dGo yesterday. One thing I noticed is that the atty never floods, and there is no juice leaks....ever. I wonder if this is because the sleeve that comes with the eGo. I am not techy enough to figure it out.
  21. I received my eGo this morning, and have been vaping on it pretty constantly since 11 am. It is now close to 6 pm, and there is no noticeable drop in battery strength. The eGo pumps out the vapor, and the taste from the juice is warm and hearty. The eGo is pretty awesome. The eGo is about the same size as the Spade but, to my eye, not as sexy as the Spade. But, the ego looks fine and it feels really good in my hand. I must say that I can see the eGo as my everyday must-have e-cig. Very convenient, an e-cig that holds it power like this.
  22. I just received my eGo this morning, and I must say that I am impressed with it. Seven hours after the first charge, and the battery is as strong as when I first started using it this morning. Vapor is strong and billowy.
  23. I just love Dr. Siegel.
  24. I haven't read through the opinion yet, but I do know this opinion refers only to a preliminary injunction motion. This is a first battle that was won, but I doubt that the war is over. Hopefully, the FDA will do something else with its money rather than continue these legal procedings.
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