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Everything posted by kvjeff73

  1. Any opinions on the Ego mega dual coil cartomizers? Some people think the dual coils help with the flavor. I love Boges for consistancy but hate the flavor muting.
  2. The Blu cigs are PG free, and they vape from Boge-like cartos. So it can be done, looks like they make it with VG and distilled water.
  3. I used all VG too, and the system that I like best are the Kanger T2s'. They give some TH and taste is great. The atties tend to flood once or twice a day but thats the trade off. One thing if you use these, you have to trim approx 2mm off of the silicon cap that comes on the coil head. Otherwise gives a weird taste. I've used Boge stype carto with AVE juice and seems to work fine, just doesn't give much taste compared to the T2. The only one I've tried is the 1.7 Ohm from iVape. AVE juice is one of the thinner VG juices I've tried. Vaporrenu, Sweet-Vapes, and Vaporroom's VG is super thick; I haven't tried them in anything but the T2 cause I highly doubt they would work.
  4. LOL, isn't "flooding" what you are doing when you are dripping? Thanks, I get your point. Might have too much juice in. 3-4 hits! I thought I'd get 5-10, oh well.
  5. Ok, so I got my Cherry Vape extension, 901 bridgeless atty (with 901/510 adapter) 1.7 Ohm (using with 3.7 V Ego), and a drip shield (already have a few drip tips). Put in 6 drops of liquid and let it sit, right side up, for ten minutes. First couple vapes didn't give me much vapor or flavor. After four puffs tasted burnt. I put in 5 drops, waited a minute and puffed. Tried puffing gently, sharply, and everywhere inbetween. After a few puffs I started getting some decent vapor without too much gurgling but it wasn't consistant. Some puffs had good flavor but I wouldn't say better than my T2. The last time I loaded it up with 8 drops, and all it did was gurgle the first few puffs, then gave a few decent tasting ones, then started tasting burnt. Washed everything up and put in drawer with the rest of my "ehh" stuff. Any suggestions on my technique?
  6. I got some LR Boges in the mail yesterday from iVape. I can see why people like them, they are definately consistent. Work fine with my all VG. They don't mute the flavor as much as DCTs' but still not as tasty as the T2.
  7. Yesterday I saw a vid on how to removed your bridge on an atty so you can drip on to it. I did this on two atties I had, one had been used and one not. Can't say I was impressed with either. Will the atties that are made for dripping work better?
  8. Thanks everyone! Love to hear different opinions. I keep hearing how VG is not going to wick properly, but my experience isn't a problem with it wicking slowly, I have flooding problems not wicking problems!! The gods of vaping must have heard my call, because since the original post the Kanger T2s' have been kicking butt! I might get a flood once a day at most. Taste is awesome too. (FYI) Back to juices; Vaperrenus' 100% VG is super thick (but again I had no wicking problems), compared to AVE which is very thin. I'd go back to analogs before using a juice with any PV in it. It gives me super dry throat, nose bleeds, and headaches.
  9. Thanks, I think I'll try dripping. So, how often do you need to clean the bridgeless atties? What about when you switch flavors, do you need to rinse it out or soak in vodka overnight??
  10. Thanks for the input everyone, I really appreciate it. The T2 has been doing a little better for me, only floods a few times a day. Not too much wasted juice. One thing that confuses me, if I'm using thick 100% VG, I understand that it will take longer to wick-but shouldn't it flood LESS than the thinner mixtures? Any feedback on the CE3 bottom feeders?
  11. I'm hopelessly addicted to caffeine, I think coffee is harder to quit than analogs, at least for me. I hope you all are right about nicotine alone not being any worse than caffeine. I started vaping as a step to quitting, but I love this stuff!! I started at 18mg when I first got off of analogs, and am now onto 11/12mg. I just placed my latest juice order for 60ml of 6mg stuff. Maybe I'll find I'll be happy with 0 nic, we'll see!
  12. I've tried the T3 bottom feeder, but like so many others I've read about, had issues with leakage onto the battery. What bottom feeder do you like?
  13. True, but oddly enough I've never gotten dry hits from the T2 or T3. The burnt taste from the visions I'm attributing to slow wicking, but they are the only one I've had that issue with. The DCT I tried was with a mostly PG juice. I've steered away from the Vivi tanks because it seems so many have leaking issues. Not the case with you?
  14. Thanks for your input. I'm still open to that possibility but I seem to have the same problems with 100% VG and 60% PG/40%VG mix. PG makes me feel like crap, but I do still have one bottle around for these types of experiments.
  15. I want a cartomizer, or clearomizer, or some other *&$%^ thing that actually works, consistently. I am using 100% VG (Boba’s bounty and some other Vapor Room stuff that is thicker than Boba’s) so I don’t know if that’s the problem? I was using 60/40 PG/VG and early on and still had the issues with the moonbeams, stardusts, and DCT. I’ve tried: “Moonbeam” - works OK, just burns a little hot and resistance and life span on these seems variable. Stardust/vision clearomizer - everyone I’ve tried gives a burnt taste at least every 3rd hit. Smoketech DCT: constant flooding and/or burnt taste. Kanger T3 bottom fed: floods floods floods. Kanger T2: almost thought I had found a good system, but floods at least once a day. Replacement coils are different than the originals that came with the tank (WTF?). I don’t care how much it costs, is there ANY delivery system that will JUST WORK? Consistantly? Am I asking for too much here?
  16. Has anyone on this forum tried these? If the work, might actually get my wife to try ecigs.....
  17. For those you who have a reaction to PG, what is it that it does to you? Anyone here using 100% VG? If so, what type of cartomizers do you find work well or don’t work with the thicker liquid? I am running a 3.7V eGo C style battery. Where do you suggest I buy some 100% VG juice? I've gotten some 100% VG from sweet-vapes, like the vapor and provides enough TH for me. Don't care for the flavor but gonna let it steep a few days and try again.
  18. OK so we've all convinced ourselves that vaping is overall, what? Safe? Safe within reason? "Not too dangerous"? Ask any one who vapes if they are a smoker and they will 99% of the time answer a solid NO(I am including myself so don't be offended!). How would you answer this rhetorical question: You are on a long car ride and your 2 year old is right behind you, asleep in their child seat. Are you confident enough in the safety of vaping that you would vape with your child in the car?
  19. How was it? I've seen a site with the ethyl alcohol base and am courious.
  20. Try a Kanger (Moonbeam), $3.45 on iVape they fit a lot nicer on the 510. A little overlap but hardly noticeable.
  21. Trying a tobacco variety from iVape. It is 60% PG, 40% VG. To me it tastes like a cross between beets and sweet potatoes, is that the VG?
  22. The top one looks like what came with my 510!
  23. Sorry about the weird posts, using the quoting function from my phone seems to have challenged me. Got my 510 starter kit, using a 3.0 Ohm Clearomizer. Works great but yes needs charging (luckily have two batteries). No problem wanted a smaller one, even if I upgrade I wanted this for travel, so I'm not out anything. If I bought an Ego battery, would it charge on the 510's charger?
  24. Actually I am using a Clearomizer on my 510. Looks silly but works fine. The Kanger actually looks pretty good on the 510.
  25. Thanks so much Dejavu!
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