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About tikiburii

  • Birthday August 7

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  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Guitars, art, movies, travel, ying

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes, every vaper out there should participate in this http://www.mhra.gov.uk/Publications/Consultations/Medicinesconsultations/MLXs/CON065617. Takes 5 minutes or less of your time. This will in the long term effect every vaper in the free world. Please, stop this ban... I don't want to ever go back to using tobacco again. Thank you Tikki
  2. HELL YEAH!!
  3. Just a quick update. According to the life cycle today my heart rate has decreased
  4. Thanks! I was kinda thinking the same thing.
  5. Happy New Year to all. Lazy me hasn't gone to the gym since I started vaping (almost 30 days, YIKES! ) Anyhows, my first exercise I do is the life cycle and I was hoping to see my heart rate drop tremendously. Unfortunately it was right back to the same rate as when I smoked analogs. Maybe it's just the fact that I haven't worked out in so long? Anybody else workout and did you see a decrease in heart rate once switching to vaping (I normally go to the gym 4- 5 times a week) Tikii
  6. I really haven't been vaping long enough to form an extensive opinion. I really like the stuff I've received from Healthcabin. USA blend and Green tea being the most steady vapes in my 510. The worst I've had is Camel from Healthcabin - sure doesn't taste or hit like a real non filter camel. I've found that many of the tobacco flavors have a much too nutty taste.
  7. Nice... Thanks for posting. I've tried this mod but have been disappointed with it. Seems like all the juice just stays at the bottom of the cart
  8. I'm an LA vaper. Count me in
  9. Exactly what I need. I've survived 5 years toying around with my ipod while driving and haven't wrecked yet. Now vaping and driving is the latest challenge. Red lights are a blessing, but long freeway drives are the knee drive-drip times . I need to get one of those juiceboxes.
  10. 510!! All the way, baby. But what do I know that's all I've ever used
  11. I know it's hard to do, but I made a commitment to myself that I no longer wanted to be a prisoner of tobacco. You can do it too
  12. Much thanks to all of you here on this forum. Vaping on and analog free for a week
  13. EXCELLENT!! I wish you the greatest success in your next endeavor. I will be coming up on a week come this wednesday.
  14. Thanks I'm vaping heartily today with my 24 mg juices. I got some Mentha flavor too - wasn't really a menthol smoker, but would enjoy few every now and then - man, this stuff tastes like toothpaste
  15. I think a lot of my dissatisfaction was in the 18 mg I was using. Received a package of new juices from VT- thanks for the turbo delivery, guys I'm now vaping 24 mg and having a good consistent vape. I also noticed at work yesterday with my last cart of pre-filled 11mg I was getting a good throat hit. Mainly, I think my problem was just inhaling 24/7 on the thing and the body just becoming accustomed to it - I only vaped sporadically at work. I got my 510 from e- smokey treats. It's a Joye and don't think its a knockoff Have another package waiting for me from @ the PO from healthcabin - WOW, less than a week in delivery time from China. Can't wait to try out their Red Bull and Green Tea. I'll tell you this, though, those 2 drags I had of an analog the other day were absolutely wretched - man, how did I ever enjoy those things :rofl: Vaping on! Tiki
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