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Everything posted by Luvinthevape

  1. Somebody here has common sense. You are in the minority at this site.
  2. 2 of the 3 I mentioned asked for samples, and neither are Youtube reviewers. After wasting 160 ml on them I did decide to send the 3rd order to a Youtube reviewer. I don't care if I launch a store or not, I have other sources of income. Be careful who I pick on? I was reacting to a begger. And your message seems like a warning or threat. You are the one that needs to be careful, especially as you administrate a site you would like to remain online.
  3. I guess its a general consensus here that asking companies for freebies is cool, and then complaining about not getting freebies is also ok. Is that right? I think I have landed on the wrong site then. Carry on with the utter absurdity, I am outta here.
  4. Never saw anybody complain about not getting freebies before this in my life. Kids today.
  5. Big deal, wasting $20 is nothing. Many of us spend $1000 the first 3 months finding out what we like and what we don't. Its easy to see who works for their money and who wants or expects handouts. Maybe mommy will buy it for you....again HAVE SOME PRIDE< PAY YOUR OWN WAY!
  6. Fsors and thereal cmac from Vapeatron got free samples and Forpetessakes of ECA (Ecig Advanced) also. I don't exaggerate or pull punches.
  7. Begging for freebies is just lame. Condoning or promoting this behavior is the same. Did people give you packs of cigarettes free of charge because you merely ask? Chantix, nicotine gum, doctors visits all cost money. I've given out 230 ml of ejuice samples in the past 45 days. And I paid shipping. I chose who I wanted to give it to. Had somebody begged for freebies I'd have not given them a thing. Expect nothing free, and don't ask for it. If you are a reviewer or give back to the vaping community one hand washes the other.
  8. Expecting freebies is lame, point blank. What makes you special that you should get stuff free when the rest of us pay? How many ml of ejuice have you given away to people? How many reviews have you written? How many vapers have you helped answering questions?
  9. I use Vivi Nova's without a problem. If you want more wicking with them just cut a "V' in the plastic/silicone top piece just above the wicks. Or you can take a pair of needlenose pliers and insert them into the atomizer head. Not above the wicks but on the opposite 2 sides, now firmly pull the needle nose handles apart so the area above the wicks WIDENS just a bit. Put the plastic/silicone top piece back on in the correct position. Vivi's don't leak if top and bottom pieces are threaded on firmly. CE4 "Stardusts" have leaked badly for me, waste of money, imo. Kanger T2's I'm no fan of either. Hard to clean, the bottom piece doesn't come apart making cleaning/rinsing thoroughly a problem. T2's also have the centerpost extended too high, it is partially up into the cheap plastic mouthpiece making chainvaping these a PITA. Vivi Nova, FTW!
  10. My favorite online vendor for my vaping needs. I buy batteries and mods at many places. DIY supplies and liquid nic at WL. Great guy, hes available to speak with after 6 pm almost any night regarding your order. He can help the DIY ejuice chef get started with what you will need to get started. Hes an asset to the vaping community. Best packaging of products of all the vendors I've ever dealt with. Best liquid nicotine + price on it in the USA.
  11. I bought some knockoff Vivi Nova V3's off Kevin and also chatted with him on the phone. He's young and eager, I wish him success. He's tying the knot soon, good kid.
  12. If you are using the same flavor ejuice in the same clearo/tank/fluxo you can get by a few fills without a dry burn. If your ejuice is very sweet its best to dry burn after every rinsing, sweetners will gunk up a coil fast. Short 3-4 second bursts on the power button after a good distilled water rinse. Blow on coil after you heat it. Repeat until entire coil glows orange/red.
  13. I'll buy one next month, another Xmas present. Good excuse to the wife, eh? They are reputed to be well built lil units. Also getting an ecigworkshop wood mod next month, "The Shorty" in jobillo wood. Have a vv gripper on the way, a Young June LT 2.0, Twists, Spinners, Volt X2.
  14. I'm 30 miles northwest of you. I have a few mods and lots of ejuice you can try. Give me a shout via pm some time, Darth.
  15. kk, Lone Wolf is all "sold out" on Ego Twist kits (his prices on these beat anybody). But he does have this: http://www.vapors-ch...products_id=273 Great deal....His "Arctic Chill" ejuice is a nice menthol too. You get a free 15 ml bottle of your choice eliquid with his kits! Two 2 ml "tanks" come with the kit, the tanks aren't great but ok.
  16. Within a month of using a cigarette "lookalike" device you will want something you don't have to recharge every 2-3 hours. All those V2, Smokeless Image, Greensmoke kits need to be recharged constantly. I can only suggest this type of unit to a very light former smoker. Like a person that smoked 5 to 10 cigs per day. You are best served with an Ego Twist (900 or 1000 Mah battery) kit. You would get TWO batteries, one to vape while the other recharges. These will give you DOUBLE to TRIPLE the battery life. They are an inch longer or so. You would then need some Boge or SmokTek 510 cartomizers (blank) and a bottle of menthol ejuice. Its much cheaper filling the blank cartomizers yourself then buying prefilled. After you master the basics you can pm me and I will teach you how to make better ejuice then you can buy (currently busy during the day with real estate stuff till 6 pm EST, but I can help a lot after 6 pm)
  17. Make your own ejuice, all it takes is basic mathematic aptitude and the EJUICE ME UP calculator (free download). DIY supplies from Wizard Labs, DIY One Stop, or My Freedom Smokes. You can control how much nicotine is in anyone of your ejuices. Better then smoking a cigarette by far. WL has the best liquid nicotine in the USA (and its the cheapest to boot). He competes on PG + VG (Essential Depot wins with pg and vg). He competes on flavor concentrates and wins on lab supplies (beakers, graduated flasks, glass bottles, etc).
  18. HOT VAPES dt's here: Both 505 VAPOR and Hot Vapes claim these tips I've purchased require no o ring but TBH the Hot Vapes tips don't always fit perfectly in 510 devices (Vivi Nova's, Boge cartos, SmokTech cartos). The 505 dt's fit easily. If you are a newcomer to owning pyrex DT's slightly moisten the insertion end of the DT with a tiny bit of ejuice. It'll make twisting it out later much easier.
  19. A relative newcomer to making driptips will custom make you a pyrex donut for $19.99. This is 50% cheaper then most anybody else charges. If you buy more then one he might cut you a deal.
  20. Clouds of Vapor = first class Customer was a bit confusing, imo.
  21. Simian Sundae 10% TPA banana nut bread 4% TPA lemon 3% LA cotton fair candy 83% unflavored nic base (nic/pg/vg)
  22. Wizard lab for syringes, blunt tip needles, glass bottles, Liquid nic, PG, VG, a few flavors. Also DIY One Stop, Vaping Zone, Freedom Smoke USA for flavor concentrates + plastic bottles. http://www.vapeatron.com/luvinthevape-47435/
  23. Mix up a large bottle of unflavored nic base (Nic/pg/vg) and keep it. LABEL IT. Add 2 ml to that tiny bit you made. For future reference, use KOOLADA instead of menthol. It won't overpower at 6% concentration or less. Menthol is strong and 10% way overkill. 2-3% tops on menthol. Koolada gives you the cold throat and helps a bit on TH (throat hit). If you haven't already download---> EJUICE ME UP calculator and store this icon on your desktop. Keep total of all flavorings 15-18%. ( after a few weeks steep time ejuice gets stronger flavored)
  24. Vapors Choice has great prices on Joyetech Ego twists. I don't think many VV devices (with the potentiometer near end cap) can take a fall onto cement or blacktop.
  25. I have a few over at Vapeatron forums in the DIY sections. Blueberry Freedom Roads, Newerport.
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