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Everything posted by LinksZelda21

  1. Hey all, so im very curious about Boxmods, considering that they are 5v and have a very low price tag. Ive been looking around and at all the main suppliers ive seen they are all out of stock... or Ive only seen people selling them on low end websites that dont really look too promising. I dont wanna waste my money, so i figured id ask here. If anyone knows where to find a 5v box mod, and has had a good experince with them, post it here so i can take a look? Thank you and much appriciated!
  2. Personally i dont like 302 attys... The draw is wayy too light and had severe leaking issues (even dripping 2-3 drops) But i love the comments about the Ego =)
  3. In my opinion, ive tried the KR808's and they have a 901 thread... they work amazing at 5v but at 3.7 they are kinda bad.. but then again all cartos ive tried at 3.7v dont really work well. But yes, i think the premium KR808's are the best as far as901 cartos go.. I think actor92191 got his from Litecig usa
  4. loll i hated the running up the stairs or running anywhere for that matter...
  5. I dont let the government or any kind of biased organization get in my way.. So this stuff doesn't phase me at all. Were Americans, we have our rights, natural born! Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness! Most importantly, keep on vapin
  6. I never vape in front of Little kids.. every time i see kids walking around, i usually ghost the vapor(hold it in) and conceal my pv. I have little baby cousins and wouldnt dare vape in front of them.. mainly cuz my parents would prolly kill me =)
  7. And this is where i belong =) thank you to hjag for starting this thread, now here we go... I started playing video games at 2 years old.. I still have the super nintendo system (its 16 years old) My favortie game of all time... Zelda:Ocarina of time, hands down. I am a nintendo fanboy at heart, and The legend of Zelda is an amazing Game with an amazing storyline, and I ca play the games over and over again and always have a new experience. Other favorite games are Super Mario brother, pretty much every game. Metroid, Sonic, Call of duty, Devil May cry, resident evil, starcraft and many more, way too many to list. I play FPS, Action/adventure, and RPG's. I work at Gamestop, and i do so for a reason, and one reason only... I have an extreme passion for gaming. Power to the players!
  8. Oh and Yugioh!
  9. Yay for anime talk! My favorite animes have to be Dragonball Z, Full Metal alchemist, Afro Samurai, Death Note and High School of the Dead Jap English Subbed!
  10. I miss the waking up in the morning feeling like i was gonna die the most, the ashtray smell, the secondhand smoke i was delivering to people... what i miss about smoking is that cigs never give me problems.. you just light it up and smoke. Unlike ecigs, which for someone reason i have extremely bad luck with.. Constant atty problems, and god knows whatever other problems..
  11. Yeah seaspine i kinda agree with you.. i guess this would be good for people who need to pass drug tests for a job or something... lol
  12. http://www.dfwvapor.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8&products_id=126&zenid=krbvnnta1bvt72ntjnbdqnt170 heres the link
  13. Hey all, so recently i heard about this liquid called k2... and judging by its description its supposed to have certain "effects" on he user that are quite good. I have tried it but i was drinking so i doint really know but, has anyone ever had an experience with Kloud 2 (k2) liquid before? I want to make sure its 100% safe beore i try it again. Thanks and happy vaping!
  14. Hey all. Having a terrible time with low rez 510 attys. I just wanted to know what i am doing wrong, or if these attys just plain suck. out of three LR i had, 3 of them all were terrible. first i blamed the wick, so i took it out. That didnt change anything, and the attys leak, taste horrible and get dry in 2-3 drags with only 3 drops. i take short drags so i know the atty isnt burnt out. I dont know what to do.. i cant keep blowing money on attys like i am.. i cant afford it.
  15. Ive only had good experiences with two low res attys, that i got from VT. The rest died or have this horrible nasty taste, get dry in 3 seconds, or die in a day. I had one from Totally wicked that died in half a day... i mean damn. Somethings gottta give with these things. Then again, i seem to never be lucky with atomizers, even tho i follow exactly what to do to direct drip.
  16. In my search for a new place to get liquid, i came across someone names luke in Vaportalk Chat. He let me in on his store, Vaporgalaxy.com. I saw the great affordable prices on 15ml bottles of liquid, and array of normal starter kits as well as some 3.7v mods, and thought i should give it a try. Let me start off by saying the customer service is top notch. I couldnt get paypal to work, and he was with me every step of the way. Super fast shipping, got it in two days of placing my order. I tried some of his liquid, and immeditely did juice reviews. I have to say an a+ supplier IMO, and takes care of his customers, no doubt. Will defiently be placing further orders with Luke!
  17. This has seriosuly gone on long enough. I figured NY would try to ban it eventually. Ecigs have saved my life, and i refuse to go back to analogs. Im tired of being pushed around by the government. I pay them enough tax dollars as it stands. I dont know if this is only my opinion, but this is all about money. It always has been. The FDA is a government orginization. If the sale of Cigarettes goes down, they realize alot of taxes wil be lost. Instead of trying to further themselves and big tobacco using lobbyists to fatten thier wallets, they should be worrying about the Huge national debt we have. Not trying to come after us vapers, who just want to live and get away from the nasty analog habit we once had. So i say all of us, as americans, we should rise up and finally take back whats ours. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I dont know about all of you, but vaping is my pursuit of happiness, my ticket to not being buried six feet under cuz of cancer. You best believe ill be calling them senators. We can do this guys, just stay strong, and good luck to us all. PS: HAPPY VAPING
  18. yo i completly agree with you there. If teens start using PV's pardon my language, but we are ******. Just imagine if the fda sees kids using these things.. then they have legit grounds to ban them. Although, unless someone buys it for them i dont see how PV's could get into thier hands. On any note, Obviously if your going to start an addiction Pv's would be a better choice. i guess it all depends on personal prefrence, but to answer your question, if someoe is not addicted to nicotine, i dont recomend they start a nicotine habit period, whether it be vaping or cigarettes. Why get yourself addcited to something just for no reason?
  19. Wow guys, got a tip from my friend about removing the wick out of your atomizer (510) and i gotta say, WOW. 3 week old atty is performing like it just came in the mail yesterday. The taste is better, vapor prodcutin is improved, and its like brand new. If you wanna taste your juices like never before, do this! Credit to Phee for the video! Anyoene else successfully do this? =)
  20. Hey everyone, got a bit of a problem. I had no choice but to use this liquid that i had lying around cuz i have ran out and am still waiting for a shipment to come. No matter what i do, and how many times i redrip, the taste of this liquid just wont leave my atty. Any suggestions? I am considering trashing this atty and its working fine
  21. Thanks for your comments everyone! I figure since im getting teh spade i wont worry about 801 attys for now. So i read that Joyetech 510 attys are the ones i need, and i assume that the Vapor talk store has them? that would make everything alot easier =)
  22. Hey guys, just a lil shopping question. Im having trouble finding some good 801 attys. I mean granted that they wont last forever especially since im directly Dripping, but they dont vape as well as they should be. Any positive direction would be great, thanks all! Ps- also gonna need some 510 attys since im going to get a spade =)
  23. Its strawberry bannana juice from wordup, PG based and 11mg. Its sort of metalllic but it just seems that the flavor is really dull, not to mention nasty.
  24. Right i understand that. I Didi vape it more than once but the taste just wouldnt leave my atty. I redripped like 4 times and the taste was still terrible. I could barely taste my juice.
  25. So here it goes. Got a DSE801 atty that was working well last night. Now this morning when i wake up, somethings different. The Atty seems to be producing really bad taste. The thing is that the VApor is pretty good. Just wondering what i could do to solve this. thanks!
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