So, interesting story for you guys. While i was walking to my class, I was dripping into my ecig, like normal. What happened next i have no idea. The bottle just exploded, top coming off and spilling liquid all over my big kazoo, hands, and jacket. My first instinct was to run for a bathroom and wash my hands off, and an hour later, im feeling a bit better. I was freaking out, and i had a test to boot. " It was a 30ml bottle of my favorite eliquid which i am sad to say had to go in the garbage. Thew real reason im coming here is with a couple of questions, which are:
Will my device be okay with e liquid permeating it? (i couldn't clean it cuz i was worried about absorbing nicotine into my skin at the time)
And is there any way to prevent something like this from happening again? (the 30ml bottle i had gets hard to squeeze when its running low but i couldn't transfer it over to a small bottle)
And should i be worried about the nicotine that got on my hands? (It was about a quarter of the bottle)
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.