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Everything posted by Knight

  1. If e-cigs were to be banned, I would put water is a bottle, drip it in a dead atty, and draw on it with a drained battery. In the winter time, I could stand outside and actually see vapor! No way will I go back to analogs!
  2. Im one of the lucky ones who has not had a cig since day one of vaping. Slightly over 2 yrs now. Still occasionally I will get that "i want a cig" feeling, but then just think that grape, pina colada, cola, etc, would taste much better!
  3. My fav is Dr Pepper from awesomevapor.com. I buy them 3 at a time from Arno. I'm not sure it really tastes like DP, but it's still a good all day vap. I am still searching for that perfect Root Beer vap. I just want that rich Root Beer taste with tons of vapor. Not too much to ask!
  4. I finally broke down and bought some 510 LR atty's that I've read so much about on here. They are Bauways. I am using them on an Ego battery, and have tried 2 of them now. I am getting that icky, metalic, burning taste in them. I have also tried them on a regular 510 battery with the same results. Is there a trick to breaking these things in? I use carts, but have also tried adding a couple drops directly to the atty to moisten it.
  5. I'm one of the lucky ones also.........one puff e-cig, no more analogs. And that ended 35+ yrs of smoking. I will still have those "pings" of wanting an analog, but I just pick up the Ego and all is well. Good luck!
  6. Glad to hear you like it! Mine may be here tomorrow
  7. Way to go VT! It's a nice milestone to hit.
  8. Wow. It took reading this thread and an hour on youtube looking at reviews for me to order this! I love my Ego, and if this lives up to it's billing as better, well....Merry Christmas to me
  9. Plus my 100th post! How cool is that....
  10. 1 year Analog free for me. I was one of those able to load up an ecig and not have another analog! It can be done.
  11. Lots of great ones mentioned already, but I have to give one vote for Wordup's Tennessee Whiskey! I never go to a golf course without it!
  12. The Atomic Cinnacide is good stuff. Tastes like the old Red Hots we used to eat as kids. I also got their Cherry Cola, which is also good, and Spiced rum, which I haven't tried yet, but smells like it belongs in a shot glass, not a carto!
  13. I think you owe it a weekend out...You know...Some romantic place with just the two of you...
  14. As much as we all are glad we quit with the help of e-cigs, I laughed out loud on the cartoon showing the guy trying to inject a cigarette into his veins. How long before some idiot tries to do that!
  15. Awesome tribute to our brave veterans and active military. A hearty thanks for your service and dedication!
  16. Exactly right! And why is it that every time I read the word "regulate" in these articles, I actually read the word "tax"? Things that make you go HMMMMM!
  17. May I nominate this as "Post of the Year"?
  18. Great story! Only 2 smoking workers left at my work, but 1 keeps saying he will buy e-cigs. I'm about to give him an old set of mine to get him started. Keep selling!
  19. I'm afraid Simon Cowel would tear good ole Moobey up. Not even lounge singer talent!
  20. You nailed it NeRo9k. When I first tried one, I would have spent $170.00 plus on a starter kit. When I told the mall guy I wanted to think on it a while, he handed me a flyer for 20% off if I came back and bought one. HUGE RED FLAG! Went home, researched on the internet, and bought for less than 1/2 that price. So I tell anyone who will listen, go to the mall, try one, then buy one from any of our preferred internet suppliers on this site. (Side note...have you ever experienced customer service anywhere else like what several e-cig suppliers offer? These guys are A1!)
  21. Great thread! I guess my story isn't all that different.... My wife in a non-smoker, but has brothers that do. I have been smoking as long as I've known her, except for the times I successfully quit for a short period, then the period of time I tried to hide it from her when I started again. And as everyone stated, besides the health issues, the smell really is what she hated. She was actually with me when I first tried an e-cig at a mall kiosk. When I decided to buy after researching (Thank you Vapor Talk) she was for it. But because the $ cost each time I buy supplies looks so much larger than the daily $ of buying analogs, she still isn't totally convinced. But when I show her my spreadsheet that has expenses versus savings, and also how many analogs I have not smoked to date, it helps. And I'm don't think she is really convinced about the health benefits. She still calls it "smoking".
  22. Sounds like a great idea! I'm in.
  23. This is a real slippery slope. I totally agree with you that if someone is really serious about acquiring a nic addiction, we should point them to VP's. But if it really catches on with the teen crowd, vaping days may be numbered.
  24. Sounds like a pretty good atty. But Jason got the Joye 510's in today. Got a 5-pack Thanks for all the input.
  25. I found a site that is selling 5 packs of atty's they say are "genuine EXPERT 510" atty's. They also say that they "DO NOT have washer on inside". Can anyone vouch for these? I'm thinking that the lack of washer does not make them good for dripping. Am I correct? Thanks in advance for the help!
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