Well, Dave keeps yammering at me to add some poll commentary. <sigh> Full flavor menthol analogs, practically from day one 39 years ago. First tobacco was a RYO in a strawberry paper that Dave rolled for me. See what I had for influences growing up? But menthol was genetically programmed into me at birth it seems. Kool full flavors for most of that time, and the past couple of years Seneca full flavor menthols from the reservation. Mostly a pack a day, but bouts of multi-pack habit scattered around in the timeline.
It's more about TH than flavor for me; if it doesn't hurt it's entirely inadequate. So for vaping purposes, plenty of menthol and lots of nic. 48mg really helps that TH. And lots of voltage works. My PT was an epiphany (thanks Bro). A lot of people take smaller hits on the PT, but I favor a good, hard, long pull - more pain! That causes problems when I'm looking for a good hit off the PV2, but I've learned to compensate a bit by taking a hard hit, holding it and immediately following up with another hard hit. Eventually I'll spring for a 5v battery, but I'm cheap and want to "get my money's worth" out of the PV2.
I'm all worded out, later.