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Thanks for the info! Does the eGo do 5v or 6v? By the way, I've been analog-free for just over 1 year now and loving it thanks in great part to this site. I'm now vaping with only 6ml juice and am experimenting with nicotine-free juice to see if I can wean myself off of nicotine completely.
I'm trying to find a replacement for my BB passthrough (I've used it A LOT and want to have a backup at least) and I've noticed that a lot of manufacturers just aren't making them anymore -- PureSmoker, AltSmoke, etc all used to make passthrough versions of their mods but don't seem to anymore. Anyone know why?
Holy cow, do I love this stuff. I got a sample pack from Jeff over at Word Up. Let me say right off the bat that Jeff is a paragon of customer service. He called me to double-check on one of the e-liquids that I ordered was on back-order (it actually said that on the site, but I didn't pay enough attention). We had a very nice discussion and he shipped out the next day. OK, so on to the e-liquid itself. This stuff is fantastic. Right now, I'm mostly trying to find a small staple of flavors that I can rotate through so I don't get too bored. And this is definitely making it into the rotation. I've been trying lately to reduce my nicotine mg and this juice will help a lot with that. Even at 11mg it has a nice throat hit and gosh darnit if it doesn't taste like exhaling a nice, smooth shot of whiskey. Well done Jeff! I have 4 other flavors that I'll be reviewing soon, but for now this gets an enthusiastic thumbs up from me!
Are Electronic Cigarettes Really Safe?
Galex replied to schecterc1h's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Well, the power to regulate nicotine is a fairly new one to the FDA. They are just now getting around to rolling out some of the newer restrictions (no flavors other than menthol, new and disturbing warnings on cigarette packages, etc.). Alcohol is its own little world it seems. Lots of restrictions but also lots of leeway. Lets hope they learned something from prohibition. You can't legislate morality. People are going to do bad things to themselves no matter what kinds of laws you put in place to stop them. It's ironic to me that in the midst of all this we seem to be on the cusp of legalizing that *other* thing that people like to smoke (I will go no further with that statement so as not to break any rules). And lets not forget that alcohol and tobacco are both revenue generators right now. Can't get in the way of funding insurance for children and so forth. Some friends of mine and I did a 'smoke for the children' spoof ad when they were discussing that piece of nonsense. Anyway, what a great thread this has turned out to be. Thanks to everyone for bringing a diverse set of opinions to bear on such a complex and emotional issue -- this really is a great community of folks. -
Dagnabit! I Think I'm Getting The Flu
Galex replied to Galex's topic in The Vape Lounge - Off Topic Chat
I don't feel achey per se, but all of my nerve endings are very sensitive and I have goosebumps for no reason. Grr and double grr. I'll head to bed shortly. -
100.5 degree temperature. Killer headache. Slight nausea. Starting to get a cough. Grr. -G
Are Electronic Cigarettes Really Safe?
Galex replied to schecterc1h's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Totally agree keenan, and thank you for the kind words. I could not agree more about the whole Chantrix thing making them look like dumb-asses. Not to mention phen-phen and a dozen other infractions. No one will ever catch me defending their mistakes. -
Are Electronic Cigarettes Really Safe?
Galex replied to schecterc1h's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Thanks Brian. You'll get no argument from me about the FDA needing to clean up its act. -
Are Electronic Cigarettes Really Safe?
Galex replied to schecterc1h's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I know I'll get crucified for this, but here goes. Before I say anything else, let me say that I don't want the newborn vaping industry to have anything bad happen to it. This experience has been life-changing for me and I have no intention of stopping. I'm happy to be a human guinea pig to discover the long-term effects of vaping. That said, I actually understand where the FDA is coming from on a couple of points. First, on the effects of vaping long-term. Simply put, we don't know. To my knowledge, nobody has been inhaling propylene glycol on a daily basis in large quantities for enough time for the long-term health effects to be understood. Sure it's used in inhalers for asthma, sure it's used as a food additive. But this is different. Think about how much you vape on a daily basis. I'm willing to be that for most of us its way more than a few puffs from an asthma inhaler on a daily basis or whatever amount you would get from eating it. And yes, there was a study done in the 1940s that showed no ill effects. In mice. For 6 months. We still don't really know what happens to humans who use this heavily over long periods of time. It may leave things that build up in some of our organs, it may do a lot of things, good or bad. That's what the FDA is saying: they don't KNOW the effects. And unfortunately for us, that means they have to err on the side of caution. They are charged with trying as best they can to keep our food supply and pharmaceutical industries in check. So in some sense, they can't just shrug their shoulders and say 'meh, who knows if it's safe? we don't care.' No, it's not perfect. No, they aren't saints. But I for one am not unhappy they are around. If you think that there isn't a need for someone to keep these industries in check, I invite you to go live in China for a while. Yep, the FDA has completely screwed the pooch on some things and has failed to protect the public. But I like to think that they are a necessary evil. I don't trust big business any more than I trust politicians. That being said, I sure as hell hope they don't try to ban these completely, but rather try to get a study underway to understand the true health effects of this stuff. Second, and I know that folks won't like this either, but just because a juice seller says that there's only a few ingredients doesn't mean there aren't more. Look at the melamine scare in baby formula. Add to that the toxic nature of nicotine and you have a recipe for disaster as far as the FDA is concerned. I think that regulation, while not desirable, is going to be another necessary evil. On the 'gateway' device, I think the FDA is completely wrongheaded and stupid and is listening too much to the anti-smoking lobby, who seems hellbent on eradicating the existence of nicotine. Then there are the asshat politicians who want to look good kicking a vice industry while it's down. The argument of whether or not this will create more analog smokers is beyond ridiculous and I wish we had the financial muscle to shut the anti-smoking lobby out of the mix. But alas we don't. I recognize that this issue affects many of you in very personal, even financial ways (for those of you who are entrepreneurs). I'm not blind to the consequences that over-regulation might have. I don't wish anyone ill or want anything bad to happen. I'm just saying that as a realist, given the realities of what the FDA is and what it's charged with doing, I can see how the current situation has come about. I don't necessarily agree with it. I don't trust bureaucrats to make the best choices. But I'm also really confident in the spirit of innovation that abounds in this new industry and I have no doubt that we'll find a way to persist somehow, some way. You can hate my opinions all you like, all I ask is that you not hate *me* for having them. I completely understand those who are scared, angry and outraged and I'm not going to argue with anyone about that. I just think that if we understand where our opponents are coming from, we can find ways to work with (or sometimes around) them. -
I think this article from the Atlantic Monthly should be required reading for everyone who wants to discuss the Health Care issue: How American Health Care Killed My Father You may not agree with his conclusions, but he outlays the problems in our current system better than just about anyone else I've ever seen. I've worked on both the provider (hospital) and payer (insurance) side of things. It ain't pretty no matter which side of the aisle you're on. I had the pleasure of trying to get coverage for myself when I was briefly unemployed and let me tell you THAT is a complete nightmare. I have slightly high blood pressure which is completely under control through one of the cheapest meds around ($4 with or without insurance for 30 tablets). I've never had a coronary incident, my HDL/LDL levels are great and yet I could not get even catastrophic coverage from 2 insurers. That my friends is broken. I'm a big believer that no insurance company should be publicly traded. We should move back to the system we had about 20 years ago where insurers were not supposed to be earning huge profits to satisfy shareholders -- instead they were there to be stewards of the premiums that were being paid and trying to make sure that the pool of money they had was enough to cover the needs of those they insured. Insurance companies were often local or regional. I feel the same way about hospitals -- being accountable to shareholders is not a good way to run an institution that is supposed to be caring for the health of the community. And let me tell you that as soon as these companies go public, all they talk about is 'what's good for the shareholders' -- I've been through 2 organizations going public and it was a very disheartening experience. I fail to understand why a company being publicly traded is viewed as the only way to inject competition into a system. It isn't. Even organizations that are non-profit have a healthy sense of competition and understand the need for innovation. Next year I'll be switching to an HSA (healthcare savings account) and hopefully I'll be able to make a go of it. At least then I'll know where my money is going.
Share out yer phat xmas lootz here. I got no new gear, but I got my tastebuds and breathing back for xmas. Best. Present. Evar.
All I can tell you is that I've had them since Friday and no mess in my mouth. It seems to glide right down (although I'm only using PG liquid right now...from what I understand VG liquid has a higher viscosity and might take longer to fall down onto the atomizer). I do wait a few seconds after dripping to let it get all the way down. The hole is pretty large. I've heard that some folks use a syringe-like bottle to just insert further down in the opening to ensure that it goes down. But I've found the VT juice bottles work just fine as-is.
Super T Manufacturing Shop Scroll down the page a bit to see them. Also, looks like GrimmGreen did a review of these on YouTube: GrimmGreen's Review I don't have a good way to get pics up, but if I can figure out a good way to do it, I'll show the Spade and VP Passthru with these bad boys on. It looks perfect on both.
Nope, haven't had any problems with liquid getting in my mouth. When I drip into the mouthpiece I wait a few seconds before taking a drag to give the juice time to run down. I was having problems with my 510 attys melting the cart tips just a little when I dripped. It freaked me out a little so I wanted to get something that I wouldn't have to worry about. Good point about the round carts -- I should have mentioned that. The T-Tip fits either a 510 or 901 atty, but it's round and so if you prefer a whistle tip, that could make these less appealing. But for 510s I think these are a fantastic choice.
If you drip, you need to get yourself some of these. Got mine yesterday and I'll never ever ever go back to plastic carts. Some folks may have issues with putting metal in their mouths, but I've found these to be absolutely amazing so far. You can drip right into them and not have to mess with taking out the cart. Well worth the $15 or so that they cost.
Today I got some juice from Vapor Talk (Dulcis and Tobacco), along with the 510 adapter for the Passthrough that I stupidly ordered the wrong adapter for. Chris sent me the 510 FREE OF CHARGE, even though I was the bonehead who ordered the wrong one. Customer service doesn't get any better than that! Oh, and did I mention that I placed this order on Saturday and that it was shipped out within like a couple of hours? So I've experienced the Passthrough and...wow. I love the Spade for it's battery durability and portability. But the Passthrough is outstanding in terms of vapor production and consistency. I haven't tried it at 5v yet (through the handy-dandy wall adapter that comes with the PT). But rest assured I will very soon. Right now I'm glued to my computer. As for the new flavors, I'm digging the Dulcis. The traditional tobacco to me is more nutty than tobacco-y. Not bad, just not really what I was expecting. I think I'll probably try mixing it with the Mentha just to see what that's like. Anyway. Chris, my hat is off to you. I could not have asked for a more pleasant introduction to the world of vaping mods and satisfying juices.
Welcome Theaxiom! I think you've made a wise choice about where to begin. I too was lured in by Blucigs (they do have some nice marketing and design), but after reading and watching a LOT of videos I went with the 510 starter kit as well (then promptly bought 2 mods before it even arrived), although from a different supplier. All I will say is that once you get your kit, give it a little time. It took me a little bit to get used to the difference between vaping and smoking. But once I did, it turns out it's more enjoyable to me than smoking analogs ever was. But there's definitely a 'breaking in' period -- for the unit and for the user. And the folks on these forums are some of the friendliest and most helpful around. They will answer just about any question you can think of--and probably some you can't ;p
Lemonade And Menthol/tobacco From Tasty Vapor?
Galex replied to Galex's topic in e Cigarette Reviews
Thanks nana, that was a great review. I definitely could see how that combo could taste chemical-ly...sort of like vaping lemon Pledge? I may still give it a try just to see. Maybe without the cherry it would be OK. -
Anyone tried these and if so what were your thoughts? I'm very curious about Lemonade in particular. I'm not really into the 'sweet' flavors, but I was thinking that lemon would be an interesting vape sensation. After searching around a bit I saw the Lemonade juice and was intrigued. On the tobacco/menthol I was just curious if this was more minty than menthol-y. I've been looking for a juice that combined the tobacco and menthol flavors though, so I'm all ears. I've got some juice on order from the VT store and was going to try blending the Mentha and Exotic Tobacco flavors myself, but thought this would be interesting as well.
OK, I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch. But after three days, I have absolutely no interest in analogs. Out of pure curiosity, I tried one last night -- and yuck. Couldn't even finish it. In fact, I was sad that I had to wait to get my next vape session in (don't want to OD on nic). Who knows, maybe someday down the line they'll appeal to me again, but I really hope not. I'm honestly just blown away by how much more I enjoy the vaping experience. Yes, it's a little more fiddly than I thought it would be, but the sheer level of customization is astounding. You can tailor your vaping to your exact specifications. Fantastic. I have to say that I'm completely delighted with the Spade so far. My starter kit from TW has sat completely idle since I got the Spade on Friday. Oh well, it's good to have a backup I suppose. Also Chris, your Mentha is REALLY good stuff. OK, enough with the gushing. I have 3 quick (I hope) questions: -How many spare attys do you guys usually keep around? I have 5 on order, which will give me 7 total that I own for now. That seems like a decent amount, but what's your 'trigger' number that prompts you to reorder? -When you direct drip, what's your usual indicator that it's time to put some more in? And how many drops do you usually put in? This is for regular 3.7 volt vaping, not 6v (haven't tried that yet and I assume there's a difference). -I've been switching between direct dripping and using carts. When using a cart, what I've been doing is after a few puffs if I notice the vapor dropping off, I just add a few drops onto the little wad and I'm good to go it seems. Is this OK, or should I periodically do a 'full charge' of the cartridge? OK, one last bonus question. Where's the best place on these forums to ask about a particular vendor's juice? I'm curious about a couple of them but haven't seen a particular review. Thanks so much guys and gals. I've been struggling for months with how to kick the cigarette habit. I can't tell you how encouraged I am after just 3 days.
Wow. Thanks! That's some serious customer service, especially when the customer is the one who messed up! Will do. And many thanks again.
Ya, but it's totally my fault -- I wasn't paying enough attention when I ordered.
Got my Spade and Passthru today. Popped the battery in and started vaping and wow...very nice. I got the Mentha 16 mg juice with it and that has proven to be much better than the 11 mg stuff I was using. I also elected to just go with direct dripping...more flavor and more vapor. I stupidly ordered the wrong adapter on my passthru so that will have to wait for now until I get some 901 atomizers. I'm quickly becoming a convert.
Thanks for the warm welcome all! Well, things are off to a very promising start. I really enjoy the overall experience. Now I just need to find the right throat hit and work on technique I think. I started with one of the pre-filled Medium carts that came with the TW Titan 510 -- and I rather liked the flavor, but there was very little throat hit. I chalked this up to both inexperience in terms of how to pull as well as a new atomizer, etc. Being the adventurous sort, I decided to try direct dripping just to see what it was like using some 11mg Menthol juice that I ordered from TW. I smoke Marlboro Menthol Lights or just plain Marlboro Lights depending on my mood. I was definitely getting better flavor (although it seems that the TW juice is more minty than menthol-y), but I really wasn't getting a better throat hit. From what I've read, it seems like I may have to move up to a stronger juice, but I'm going to work on technique a little more. I think having the passthrough will help -- I may buy some 0mg juice so I can just work on the technique of pulling so I get good vapor. I like to collect the vapor in my mouth and then inhale as opposed to a direct lung inhale. All in all though, I'm very very VERY encouraged by my experience tonight. I can definitely see these replacing analogs once I find the right hardware/juice/technique. -G
Hi all, Just wanted to stop in and say 'hi'. I'm completely new to vaping and just got my 501 starter kit today. Once the battery is charged I'll have what I hope to be my first successful foray into the wide world of vaping. I started out with a 510 Titan from Totally Wicked, but after watching some of Chris' videos on YouTube I decided to splurge and get the Spade and the Passthrough models here on the Vapor Talk Store. I wanted to give myself as much chance of success at this as possible. I've been a mostly closeted smoker for a long time (I have smoker friends who I'm 'out' with but non-smoker friends who don't know I smoke). And while I love the act of smoking, I really don't like cigarettes. This seemed like the perfect compromise, so I really hope it works out. I have to say that reading the forums here and at ECF, I'm amazed and admiring of the community of vapers -- the ingenuity, the supportiveness and overall positivity is inspiring. Hopefully I'll be joining you as a successful member soon. Wish me luck!