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Everything posted by foreverdante

  1. Yes, I have been vaping with my daughter around since she was born (obviously not blowing it in her face). She is now 2 years old and doctors havent even asked if her parents smoke. I know a lot of children, especially today, start to develop breathing problems due to their parents smoking, and yet, nothing with my daughter. I am so confident in vaping that, I had made a 22 hour trip to Michigan from Texas with my daughter in the back seat and my wife next to me asleep... neither one awoke because of a "smell". Although, now that I am vaping more "fruity" flavors, my wife is totally diggin' the smell of the vapor.
  2. I use the Vision ViVi Nova tank, 3.5ml tank. As far as the wick style attys go, I am not impressed. This is the 4th version of wick systems that I have used and I have had nothing but problems with every one of them. The problem with the wicks is, the heating coil begins to burn the liquid at the core of the coil, and the burnt liquid runs down the wicks and mixes with the fresh liquid. Now I prefer the bottom feeding style attys. They last longer and they do not allow for old liquid to mix with the fresh. Always seems to have a nice clean, crisp, flavorful experience.
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