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Everything posted by jjinlasvegas

  1. When you refill a cartridge...are you actually refilling it or the atomizer?? I have only been using my ecig for about a month and I've been putting the drops on the cotton inside the filter looking part of the cig. I have not been putting the drops into the atomizer itself. I was reading these forums and it sounds like people are putting the drops into the atomizer and NOT onto the cotton part inside the filter. I just tried putting drops on the atomizer and I gotta say it made a huge difference. But, have I been doing it totally wrong all this time?? (I hope this makes sense to someone, lol)
  2. ok, Thanks for the info! I guess what matters the most is that they both work and maybe the first one to wear out was the old one lolol. Thanks for the welcome. I just recently joined the forums here and I have a billion questions already! I've watched a few of the videos here and I think I'm doing a whole lot of stuff wrong! lol
  3. Ok, so today I received a new battery and a new attomizer for my Njoy. I ordered the new attomizer before my old one was worn out. I was messing with exchanging parts and somehow I mixed them up. NOW I don't know which attomizer is the old one and which one is the new one? Is there a way to tell?? I can't visually see any difference and as far as I know they both work (yeah, dumb, I know).
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